[Nut-upsdev] Driver for Cyberpower PR2200

Kjell Claesson kjell.claesson at epost.tidanet.se
Thu Apr 26 18:13:57 UTC 2007

Hi Russ

tor 2007-04-26 klockan 11:35 -0400 skrev Russ Romano:
> I will recapture with portmon set to hex this evening.  I was a bit
> concerned about capturing an overwhelming amount of data, so I tried to
> break it up into pages of a particular behavior in the spreadsheet.  Is
> this good, or would you rather I just start capturing from the time I
> run the software, and run the UPS through it's paces?

I think this is the right way. Then we don't have to search for it.
So do as the last capture but in hex.

The start-up sequence is important that you capture from the beginning
(start of the ups) and until it do normal polls of data.
In that way we can se if it needs any special setup sent to the ups.

> As I noted before, I'll try to capture the log of status info from the
> OEM software that matches the stream of data captured in portmon while
> varying the load and cutting power off and back on.

Then you may split it on separat pages like (load change) when you
change the load on the ups, (on battery) what happens when you pull the
plug, (line power back) when you insert the line plug, and (discharge)
when running on battery. Also important is when it hit low battery

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