[Nut-upsdev] Bug/Patch for NUT 2.6.0 ; usbhid-ups (libhid.c)

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Fri Feb 11 19:56:03 UTC 2011

Citeren Richard Gerth <r.gerth.phd op gmail.com>:

> Thank you for looking into this.   And thank you (to you and the other
> developers) for NUT -- it's fantastic to have such a great open source
> UPS application.

Would you be willing/able to test future releases of NUT? One thing  
that we're currently lacking is a group of people that can check  
upcoming releases. Most of NUT is generic and can be tested by the  
developers, but when it comes to testing drivers we need the actual  
hardware (UPS). Since you have a device that behaves differently than  
the ones the developers have access to, I think it would be a good  
idea if you could confirm the usbhid-ups driver still works if we plan  
on releasing a new stable version.

Best regards, Arjen
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