/* snmp-ups.c - NUT Meta SNMP driver (support different MIBS) * * Based on NetSNMP API (Simple Network Management Protocol V1-2) * * Copyright (C) 2002-2006 * Arnaud Quette * Dmitry Frolov * J.W. Hoogervorst * Niels Baggesen * * Sponsored by MGE UPS SYSTEMS * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* NUT SNMP common functions */ #include "snmp-ups.h" #include "main.h" #include "parseconf.h" /* include all known mib2nut lookup tables */ #include "apccmib.h" #include "ietfmib.h" #include "mgemib.h" #include "netvisionmib.h" #include "pwmib.h" #include "liebert300mib.h" mib2nut_info_t mib2nut[] = { { "apcc", APCC_MIB_VERSION, APCC_OID_POWER_STATUS, ".", apcc_mib }, { "mge", MGE_MIB_VERSION, "", MGE_OID_MODEL_NAME, mge_mib }, { "netvision", NETVISION_MIB_VERSION, "", NETVISION_OID_UPSIDENTMODEL, netvision_mib }, { "pw", PW_MIB_VERSION, "", PW_OID_MODEL_NAME, pw_mib }, { "ietf", IETF_MIB_VERSION, IETF_OID_POWER_STATUS, IETF_OID_MFR_NAME, ietf_mib }, { "liebert", LIEBERT_MIB_VERSION, "", LIEBERT_OID_UPSIDENTMODEL, liebert_mib }, { NULL } }; /* pointer to the Snmp2Nut lookup table */ snmp_info_t *snmp_info; const char *mibname; const char *mibvers; time_t lastpoll; /* --------------------------------------------- * driver functions implementations * --------------------------------------------- */ void upsdrv_initinfo(void) { snmp_info_t *su_info_p; char version[128]; upsdebugx(1, "SNMP UPS driver : entering upsdrv_initinfo()"); snprintf(version, sizeof version, "%s (mib: %s %s)", DRIVER_VERSION, mibname, mibvers); dstate_setinfo("driver.version.internal", version); /* add instant commands to the info database. */ for (su_info_p = &snmp_info[0]; su_info_p->info_type != NULL ; su_info_p++) su_info_p->flags |= SU_FLAG_OK; if (SU_TYPE(su_info_p) == SU_TYPE_CMD) dstate_addcmd(su_info_p->info_type); /* setup handlers for instcmd and setvar functions */ upsh.setvar = su_setvar; upsh.instcmd = su_instcmd; if (testvar("notransferoids")) disable_transfer_oids(); /* initialize all other INFO_ fields from list */ if (snmp_ups_walk(SU_WALKMODE_INIT)) dstate_dataok(); else dstate_datastale(); /* store timestamp */ lastpoll = time(NULL); } void upsdrv_updateinfo(void) { upsdebugx(1,"SNMP UPS driver : entering upsdrv_updateinfo()"); /* only update every pollfreq */ if (time(NULL) > (lastpoll + pollfreq)) { /* update all dynamic info fields */ if (snmp_ups_walk(SU_WALKMODE_UPDATE)) dstate_dataok(); else dstate_datastale(); /* store timestamp */ lastpoll = time(NULL); } } void upsdrv_shutdown(void) { /* TODO: su_shutdown_ups(); */ /* replace with a proper shutdown function */ fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "shutdown not supported"); } void upsdrv_help(void) { upsdebugx(1, "entering upsdrv_help"); } /* list flags and values that you want to receive via -x */ void upsdrv_makevartable(void) { upsdebugx(1, "entering upsdrv_makevartable()"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, SU_VAR_MIBS, "Set MIB compliance (default=ietf, allowed mge,apcc,netvision,pw)"); addvar(VAR_VALUE | VAR_SENSITIVE, SU_VAR_COMMUNITY, "Set community name (default=public)"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, SU_VAR_VERSION, "Set SNMP version (default=v1, allowed v2c)"); addvar(VAR_VALUE, SU_VAR_POLLFREQ, "Set polling frequency in seconds, to reduce network flow (default=30)"); addvar(VAR_FLAG, "notransferoids", "Disable transfer OIDs (use on APCC Symmetras)"); } void upsdrv_banner(void) { upslogx(1,"Network UPS Tools - Multi-MIBS SNMP UPS driver %s (%s)", DRIVER_VERSION, UPS_VERSION); experimental_driver = 1; } void upsdrv_initups(void) { snmp_info_t *su_info_p; char model[SU_INFOSIZE]; bool_t status; const char *community, *version, *mibs; upsdebugx(1, "SNMP UPS driver : entering upsdrv_initups()"); community = testvar(SU_VAR_COMMUNITY) ? getval(SU_VAR_COMMUNITY) : "public"; version = testvar(SU_VAR_VERSION) ? getval(SU_VAR_VERSION) : "v1"; mibs = testvar(SU_VAR_MIBS) ? getval(SU_VAR_MIBS) : "auto"; /* init SNMP library, etc... */ nut_snmp_init(progname, device_path, version, community); /* Load the SNMP to NUT translation data */ /* read_mibconf(SU_VAR_MIBS) ? getval(SU_VAR_MIBS) : "ietf"); */ load_mib2nut(mibs); /* init polling frequency */ if (getval(SU_VAR_POLLFREQ)) pollfreq = atoi(getval(SU_VAR_POLLFREQ)); else pollfreq = DEFAULT_POLLFREQ; /* Get UPS Model node to see if there's a MIB */ su_info_p = su_find_info("ups.model"); status = nut_snmp_get_str(su_info_p->OID, model, sizeof(model), NULL); if (status == TRUE) upslogx(0, "Detected %s on host %s (mib: %s %s)", model, device_path, mibname, mibvers); else fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s MIB wasn't found on %s", mibs, g_snmp_sess.peername); } void upsdrv_cleanup(void) { nut_snmp_cleanup(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- * SNMP functions. * ----------------------------------------------------------- */ void nut_snmp_init(const char *type, const char *hostname, const char *version, const char *community) { upsdebugx(2, "SNMP UPS driver : entering nut_snmp_init(%s, %s, %s, %s)", type, hostname, version, community); /* Initialize the SNMP library */ init_snmp(type); /* Initialize session */ snmp_sess_init(&g_snmp_sess); g_snmp_sess.peername = xstrdup(hostname); g_snmp_sess.community = xstrdup(community); g_snmp_sess.community_len = strlen(community); if (strcmp(version, "v1") == 0) g_snmp_sess.version = SNMP_VERSION_1; else if (strcmp(version, "v2c") == 0) g_snmp_sess.version = SNMP_VERSION_2c; else fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Bad SNMP version: %s", version); /* Open the session */ SOCK_STARTUP; g_snmp_sess_p = snmp_open(&g_snmp_sess); /* establish the session */ if (g_snmp_sess_p == NULL) { nut_snmp_perror(&g_snmp_sess, 0, NULL, "nut_snmp_init: snmp_open"); fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to establish communication"); } } void nut_snmp_cleanup(void) { /* close snmp session. */ if (g_snmp_sess_p) { snmp_close(g_snmp_sess_p); g_snmp_sess_p = NULL; } SOCK_CLEANUP; } struct snmp_pdu *nut_snmp_get(const char *OID) { int status; struct snmp_pdu *pdu, *response = NULL; oid name[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t name_len = MAX_OID_LEN; static unsigned int numerr = 0; /* create and send request. */ if (!snmp_parse_oid(OID, name, &name_len)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] nut_snmp_get: %s: %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, OID, snmp_api_errstring(snmp_errno)); return NULL; } pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); if (pdu == NULL) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not enough memory"); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, name, name_len); status = snmp_synch_response(g_snmp_sess_p, pdu, &response); if (!response) return NULL; if (!((status == STAT_SUCCESS) && (response->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR))) { if (mibname == NULL) { /* We are probing for proper mib - ignore errors */ snmp_free_pdu(response); return NULL; } numerr++; if ((numerr == SU_ERR_LIMIT) || ((numerr % SU_ERR_RATE) == 0)) upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] Warning: excessive poll " "failures, limiting error reporting", upsname?upsname:device_name); if ((numerr < SU_ERR_LIMIT) || ((numerr % SU_ERR_RATE) == 0)) nut_snmp_perror(g_snmp_sess_p, status, response, "nut_snmp_get: %s", OID); snmp_free_pdu(response); response = NULL; } else { numerr = 0; } return response; } bool_t nut_snmp_get_str(const char *OID, char *buf, size_t buf_len, info_lkp_t *oid2info) { size_t len = 0; struct snmp_pdu *pdu; /* zero out buffer. */ memset(buf, 0, buf_len); pdu = nut_snmp_get(OID); if (pdu == NULL) return FALSE; switch (pdu->variables->type) { case ASN_OCTET_STR: case ASN_OPAQUE: len = pdu->variables->val_len > buf_len - 1 ? buf_len - 1 : pdu->variables->val_len; memcpy(buf, pdu->variables->val.string, len); buf[len] = '\0'; break; case ASN_INTEGER: case ASN_GAUGE: if(oid2info) { const char *str; if((str=su_find_infoval(oid2info, *pdu->variables->val.integer))) { strncpy(buf, str, buf_len-1); } else { strncpy(buf, "UNKNOWN", buf_len-1); } buf[buf_len-1]='\0'; } else { len = snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%ld", *pdu->variables->val.integer); } break; case ASN_TIMETICKS: /* convert timeticks to seconds */ len = snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%ld", *pdu->variables->val.integer / 100); break; default: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] unhandled ASN 0x%x recieved from %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, pdu->variables->type, OID); return FALSE; break; } snmp_free_pdu(pdu); return TRUE; } bool_t nut_snmp_get_int(const char *OID, long *pval) { struct snmp_pdu *pdu; long value; char *buf; pdu = nut_snmp_get(OID); if (pdu == NULL) return FALSE; switch (pdu->variables->type) { case ASN_OCTET_STR: case ASN_OPAQUE: buf = xmalloc(pdu->variables->val_len + 1); memcpy(buf, pdu->variables->val.string, pdu->variables->val_len); buf[pdu->variables->val_len] = '\0'; value = strtol(buf, NULL, 0); free(buf); break; case ASN_INTEGER: case ASN_GAUGE: value = *pdu->variables->val.integer; break; case ASN_TIMETICKS: /* convert timeticks to seconds */ value = *pdu->variables->val.integer / 100; break; default: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] unhandled ASN 0x%x recieved from %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, pdu->variables->type, OID); return FALSE; break; } snmp_free_pdu(pdu); if (pval != NULL) *pval = value; return TRUE; } bool_t nut_snmp_set(const char *OID, char type, const char *value) { int status; bool_t ret = FALSE; struct snmp_pdu *pdu, *response = NULL; oid name[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t name_len = MAX_OID_LEN; if (!snmp_parse_oid(OID, name, &name_len)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] nut_snmp_set: %s: %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, OID, snmp_api_errstring(snmp_errno)); return FALSE; } pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_SET); if (pdu == NULL) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not enough memory"); if (snmp_add_var(pdu, name, name_len, type, value)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] nut_snmp_set: %s: %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, OID, snmp_api_errstring(snmp_errno)); return FALSE; } status = snmp_synch_response(g_snmp_sess_p, pdu, &response); if ((status == STAT_SUCCESS) && (response->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR)) ret = TRUE; else nut_snmp_perror(g_snmp_sess_p, status, response, "nut_snmp_set: can't set %s", OID); snmp_free_pdu(response); return ret; } bool_t nut_snmp_set_str(const char *OID, const char *value) { return nut_snmp_set(OID, 's', value); } bool_t nut_snmp_set_int(const char *OID, long value) { char buf[SU_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld", value); return nut_snmp_set(OID, 'i', buf); } bool_t nut_snmp_set_time(const char *OID, long value) { char buf[SU_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, SU_BUFSIZE, "%ld", value * 100); return nut_snmp_set(OID, 't', buf); } /* log descriptive SNMP error message. */ void nut_snmp_perror(struct snmp_session *sess, int status, struct snmp_pdu *response, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; int cliberr, snmperr; char *snmperrstr; char buf[SU_LARGEBUF]; va_start(va, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, va); va_end(va); if (response == NULL) { snmp_error(sess, &cliberr, &snmperr, &snmperrstr); upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] %s: %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, buf, snmperrstr); free(snmperrstr); } else if (status == STAT_SUCCESS) { if (response->errstat != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] %s: Error in packet: %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, buf, snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); } else if (status == STAT_TIMEOUT) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] %s: Timeout: no response from %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, buf, sess->peername); } else { snmp_sess_error(sess, &cliberr, &snmperr, &snmperrstr); upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] %s: %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, buf, snmperrstr); free(snmperrstr); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- * utility functions. * ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* deal with APCC weirdness on Symmetras */ static void disable_transfer_oids(void) { snmp_info_t *su_info_p; upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Disabling transfer OIDs"); for (su_info_p = &snmp_info[0]; su_info_p->info_type != NULL ; su_info_p++) { if (!strcasecmp(su_info_p->info_type, "input.transfer.low")) { su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; continue; } if (!strcasecmp(su_info_p->info_type, "input.transfer.high")) { su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; continue; } } } /* universal function to add or update info element. */ void su_setinfo(const char *type, const char *value, int flags, int auxdata) { snmp_info_t *su_info_p; upsdebugx(1, "SNMP UPS driver : entering su_setinfo(%s)", type); su_info_p = su_find_info(type); if (SU_TYPE(su_info_p) == SU_TYPE_CMD) return; if (strcasecmp(type, "ups.status")) { dstate_setinfo(type, value); dstate_setflags(type, flags); dstate_setaux(type, auxdata); } } void su_status_set(snmp_info_t *su_info_p, long value) { const char *info_value = NULL; upsdebugx(2, "SNMP UPS driver : entering su_status_set()"); if ((info_value = su_find_infoval(su_info_p->oid2info, value)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(info_value, "")) { status_init(); status_set(info_value); status_commit(); } } /* TODO: else */ } /* find info element definition in my info array. */ snmp_info_t *su_find_info(const char *type) { snmp_info_t *su_info_p; for (su_info_p = &snmp_info[0]; su_info_p->info_type != NULL ; su_info_p++) if (!strcasecmp(su_info_p->info_type, type)) return su_info_p; fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "nut_snmp_find_info: unknown info type: %s", type); return NULL; } /* Load the right snmp_info_t structure matching mib parameter */ void load_mib2nut(const char *mib) { mib2nut_info_t *mp = mib2nut; upsdebugx(2, "SNMP UPS driver : entering load_mib2nut(%s)", mib); /* read_mibconf(mib); */ while (mp->mib_name) { if (strcmp(mib, mp->mib_name) == 0) break; else if (strcmp(mib, "auto") == 0) { int status; char buf[1024]; upsdebugx(1, "load_mib2nut: trying %s mib", mp->mib_name); status = nut_snmp_get_str(mp->oid_auto_check, buf, sizeof buf, NULL); if (status) break; } mp++; } if (mp->mib_name) { snmp_info = mp->snmp_info; OID_pwr_status = mp->oid_pwr_status; mibname = mp->mib_name; mibvers = mp->mib_version; upsdebugx(1, "load_mib2nut: using %s mib", mibname); } else fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unknown mibs value: %s", mib); } /* find the OID value matching that INFO_* value */ long su_find_valinfo(info_lkp_t *oid2info, char* value) { info_lkp_t *info_lkp; for (info_lkp = oid2info; (info_lkp != NULL) && (strcmp(info_lkp->info_value, "NULL")); info_lkp++) { if (!(strcmp(info_lkp->info_value, value))) { upsdebugx(1, "su_find_valinfo: found %s (value: %s)", info_lkp->info_value, value); return info_lkp->oid_value; } } upsdebugx(1, "su_find_valinfo: no matching INFO_* value for this OID value (%s)", value); return -1; } /* find the INFO_* value matching that OID value */ const char *su_find_infoval(info_lkp_t *oid2info, long value) { info_lkp_t *info_lkp; for (info_lkp = oid2info; (info_lkp != NULL) && (strcmp(info_lkp->info_value, "NULL")); info_lkp++) { if (info_lkp->oid_value == value) { upsdebugx(1, "su_find_infoval: found %s (value: %ld)", info_lkp->info_value, value); return info_lkp->info_value; } } upsdebugx(1, "su_find_infoval: no matching INFO_* value for this OID value (%ld)", value); return NULL; } static void disable_competition(snmp_info_t *entry) { snmp_info_t *p; for(p=snmp_info; p->info_type!=NULL; p++) { if(p!=entry && !strcmp(p->info_type, entry->info_type)) { upsdebugx(2, "disable_competition: disabling %s %s", p->info_type, p->OID); p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; } } } /* walk ups variables and set elements of the info array. */ bool_t snmp_ups_walk(int mode) { static unsigned long iterations = 0; snmp_info_t *su_info_p; bool_t status = FALSE; for (su_info_p = &snmp_info[0]; su_info_p->info_type != NULL ; su_info_p++) { /* skip instcmd. */ if (SU_TYPE(su_info_p) == SU_TYPE_CMD) { upsdebugx(1, "SU_CMD_MASK => %s", su_info_p->OID); continue; } /* skip elements we shouldn't show. */ if (!(su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_OK)) continue; /* skip static elements in update mode. */ if (mode == SU_WALKMODE_UPDATE && su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_STATIC) continue; /* set default value if we cannot fetch it */ /* and set static flag on this element. */ if (su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_ABSENT) { if (mode == SU_WALKMODE_INIT) { if (su_info_p->dfl) { /* Set default value if we cannot fetch it from ups. */ su_setinfo(su_info_p->info_type, su_info_p->dfl, su_info_p->info_flags, su_info_p->info_len); } su_info_p->flags |= SU_FLAG_STATIC; } continue; } /* check stale elements only on each PN_STALE_RETRY iteration. */ if ((su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_STALE) && (iterations % SU_STALE_RETRY) != 0) continue; if (su_info_p->flags & SU_INPHASES) { upsdebugx(1, "Check inphases"); if (input_phases == 0) continue; upsdebugx(1, "inphases is set"); if (su_info_p->flags & SU_INPUT_1) { if (input_phases == 1) su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_INPHASES; else { upsdebugx(1, "inphases is not 1"); su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; continue; } } else if (su_info_p->flags & SU_INPUT_3) { if (input_phases == 3) su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_INPHASES; else { upsdebugx(1, "inphases is not 3"); su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; continue; } } } if (su_info_p->flags & SU_OUTPHASES) { if (output_phases == 0) continue; if (su_info_p->flags & SU_OUTPUT_1) { if (output_phases == 1) su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_OUTPHASES; else { su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; continue; } } else if (su_info_p->flags & SU_OUTPUT_3) { if (output_phases == 3) su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_OUTPHASES; else { su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; continue; } } } /* ok, update this element. */ status = su_ups_get(su_info_p); /* set stale flag if data is stale, clear if not. */ if (status == TRUE) { if (su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_STALE) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "[%s] snmp_ups_walk: data resumed for %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, su_info_p->info_type); su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_STALE; } if(su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_UNIQUE) { /* We should be the only provider of this */ disable_competition(su_info_p); su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_UNIQUE; } dstate_dataok(); } else { if (mode == SU_WALKMODE_INIT) { /* handle unsupported vars */ su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; } else { if (!(su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_STALE)) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "[%s] snmp_ups_walk: data stale for %s", upsname?upsname:device_name, su_info_p->info_type); su_info_p->flags |= SU_FLAG_STALE; } dstate_datastale(); } } } /* for (su_info_p... */ iterations++; return status; } bool_t su_ups_get(snmp_info_t *su_info_p) { static char buf[SU_INFOSIZE]; bool_t status; long value; upsdebugx(2, "su_ups_get: %s %s", su_info_p->info_type, su_info_p->OID); if (!strcasecmp(su_info_p->info_type, "ups.status")) { status = nut_snmp_get_int(su_info_p->OID, &value); if (status == TRUE) { su_status_set(su_info_p, value); upsdebugx(2, "=> value: %ld", value); } else upsdebugx(2, "=> Failed"); return status; } /* another special case */ if (!strcasecmp(su_info_p->info_type, "ambient.temperature")) { float temp=0; status = nut_snmp_get_int(su_info_p->OID, &value); if(status != TRUE) { return status; } /* only do this if using the IEM sensor */ if (!strcmp(su_info_p->OID, APCC_OID_IEM_TEMP)) { int su; long units; su = nut_snmp_get_int(APCC_OID_IEM_TEMP_UNIT, &units); /* no response, or units == F */ if ((su == FALSE) || (units == APCC_IEM_FAHRENHEIT)) temp = (value - 32) / 1.8; } else { temp=value; } sprintf(buf, "%.1f", temp); su_setinfo(su_info_p->info_type, buf, su_info_p->info_flags, su_info_p->info_len); return TRUE; } if (su_info_p->info_flags == 0) { status = nut_snmp_get_int(su_info_p->OID, &value); if (status == TRUE) { if (su_info_p->flags&SU_FLAG_NEGINVALID && value<0) { su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_OK; if(su_info_p->flags&SU_FLAG_UNIQUE) { disable_competition(su_info_p); su_info_p->flags &= ~SU_FLAG_UNIQUE; } return FALSE; } if (su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_SETINT) { upsdebugx(1, "setvar %s", su_info_p->OID); *su_info_p->setvar = value; } sprintf(buf, "%.1f", value * su_info_p->info_len); } } else { status = nut_snmp_get_str(su_info_p->OID, buf, sizeof(buf), su_info_p->oid2info); } if (status == TRUE) { su_setinfo(su_info_p->info_type, buf, su_info_p->info_flags, su_info_p->info_len); upsdebugx(2, "=> value: %s", buf); } else upsdebugx(2, "=> Failed"); return status; } /* set r/w INFO_ element to a value. */ int su_setvar(const char *varname, const char *val) { snmp_info_t *su_info_p; bool_t ret; upsdebugx(2, "entering su_setvar()"); su_info_p = su_find_info(varname); if (su_info_p == NULL || su_info_p->info_type == NULL || !(su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_OK)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "su_setvar: info element unavailable %s", varname); return STAT_SET_UNKNOWN; } if (!(su_info_p->info_flags & ST_FLAG_RW) || su_info_p->OID == NULL) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "su_setvar: not writable %s", varname); return STAT_SET_UNKNOWN; /* STAT_SET_UNHANDLED would be better */ } /* set value. */ if (SU_TYPE(su_info_p) == SU_TYPE_STRING) { ret = nut_snmp_set_str(su_info_p->OID, val); } else { ret = nut_snmp_set_int(su_info_p->OID, strtol(val, NULL, 0)); } if (ret == FALSE) upslogx(LOG_ERR, "su_setvar: cannot set value %s for %s", val, su_info_p->OID); else upsdebugx(1, "su_setvar: sucessfully set %s to \"%s\"", su_info_p->info_type, val); /* update info array. */ su_setinfo(varname, val, su_info_p->info_flags, su_info_p->info_len); /* TODO: check su_setinfo() retcode */ return STAT_SET_HANDLED; } /* process instant command and take action. */ int su_instcmd(const char *cmdname, const char *extradata) { snmp_info_t *su_info_p; int status; upsdebugx(2, "entering su_instcmd()"); su_info_p = su_find_info(cmdname); if ((su_info_p->info_type == NULL) || !(su_info_p->flags & SU_FLAG_OK) || (su_info_p->OID == NULL)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "su_instcmd: %s unavailable", cmdname); return STAT_INSTCMD_UNKNOWN; } /* set value. */ if (su_info_p->info_flags & ST_FLAG_STRING) { status = nut_snmp_set_str(su_info_p->OID, su_info_p->dfl); } else { status = nut_snmp_set_int(su_info_p->OID, su_info_p->info_len); } if (status == FALSE) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "su_instcmd: cannot set value for %s", cmdname); return STAT_INSTCMD_UNKNOWN; } else { upsdebugx(1, "su_instcmd: successfully sent command %s", cmdname); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } } /* TODO: complete rewrite */ void su_shutdown_ups(void) { int sdtype = 0; long pwr_status; if (nut_snmp_get_int(OID_pwr_status, &pwr_status) == FALSE) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "cannot determine UPS status"); if (testvar(SU_VAR_SDTYPE)) sdtype = atoi(getval(SU_VAR_SDTYPE)); /* logic from newapc.c */ switch (sdtype) { case 3: /* shutdown with grace period */ upslogx(LOG_INFO, "sending delayed power off command to UPS"); su_instcmd("shutdown.stayoff", "0"); break; case 2: /* instant shutdown */ upslogx(LOG_INFO, "sending power off command to UPS"); su_instcmd("load.off", "0"); break; case 1: /* Send a combined set of shutdown commands which can work better */ /* if the UPS gets power during shutdown process */ /* Specifically it sends both the soft shutdown 'S' */ /* and the powerdown after grace period - '@000' commands */ /* upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS - sending shutdown/powerdown"); if (pwr_status == g_pwr_battery) su_ups_instcmd(CMD_SOFTDOWN, 0, 0); su_ups_instcmd(CMD_SDRET, 0, 0); break; */ default: /* if on battery... */ /* if (pwr_status == su_find_valinfo(info_lkp_t *oid2info, "OB")) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS is on battery, sending shutdown command..."); su_ups_instcmd(CMD_SOFTDOWN, 0, 0); } else { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS is online, sending shutdown+return command..."); su_ups_instcmd(CMD_SDRET, 0, 0); } */ break; } } /* return 1 if usable, 0 if not */ static int parse_mibconf_args(int numargs, char **arg) { bool_t ret; /* everything below here uses up through arg[1] */ if (numargs < 6) return 0; /* */ /* special case for setting some OIDs value at driver startup */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "init")) { /* set value. */ if (!strcmp(arg[1], "str")) { ret = nut_snmp_set_str(arg[3], arg[4]); } else { ret = nut_snmp_set_int(arg[3], strtol(arg[4], NULL, 0)); } if (ret == FALSE) upslogx(LOG_ERR, "su_setvar: cannot set value %s for %s", arg[4], arg[3]); else upsdebugx(1, "su_setvar: sucessfully set %s to \"%s\"", arg[0], arg[4]); return 1; } /* TODO: create the lookup table */ upsdebugx(2, "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5]); return 1; } /* called for fatal errors in parseconf like malloc failures */ static void mibconf_err(const char *errmsg) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Fatal error in parseconf (*mib.conf): %s", errmsg); } /* load *mib.conf into an snmp_info_t structure */ void read_mibconf(char *mib) { char fn[SMALLBUF]; PCONF_CTX_t ctx; upsdebugx(2, "SNMP UPS driver : entering read_mibconf(%s)", mib); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/snmp/%s.conf", CONFPATH, mib); pconf_init(&ctx, mibconf_err); if (!pconf_file_begin(&ctx, fn)) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", ctx.errmsg); while (pconf_file_next(&ctx)) { if (pconf_parse_error(&ctx)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Parse error: %s:%d: %s", fn, ctx.linenum, ctx.errmsg); continue; } if (ctx.numargs < 1) continue; if (!parse_mibconf_args(ctx.numargs, ctx.arglist)) { unsigned int i; char errmsg[SMALLBUF]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "mib.conf: invalid directive"); for (i = 0; i < ctx.numargs; i++) snprintfcat(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), " %s", ctx.arglist[i]); upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "%s", errmsg); } } pconf_finish(&ctx); }