[Nut-upsuser] MGE Nova AVR 600 USB on FreeBSD

Rob Wise rob at wonk.org
Tue Feb 20 13:14:21 CET 2007

Just to follow up on my recent success - it seems the workaround is
not working 100%.  I stopped getting data from the UPS after a while
and had to restart usbhid-ups to get it working again.  I ran it with
-DDDD and caught the following just before it died:
---Start output---
parsing BelowRemainingCapacityLimit
hid_lookup_usage: found 850042
Path depth = 4
0: Usage(00840004)
1: Usage(00840024)
2: Usage(00840002)
3: Usage(00850042)
=>> Before exponent: 0, 0/0)
=>> After conversion: 0.000000 (0), 0/0)
Waiting for notifications...
Notification: (0 bytes) =>
Report[i]: (0 bytes) =>
parsing UPS
hid_lookup_usage: found 840004
parsing PowerSummary
hid_lookup_usage: found 840024
parsing PresentStatus
hid_lookup_usage: found 840002
parsing ACPresent
hid_lookup_usage: found 8500d0
Path depth = 4
0: Usage(00840004)
1: Usage(00840024)
2: Usage(00840002)
3: Usage(008500d0)
Entering libusb_get_report
Can't retrieve Report 2 (5): Input/output error
= device has been disconnected, try to reconnect =
Closing device
Reopening device
Checking device (0463/FFFF) (/dev/usb0//dev/ugen0)
- VendorID: 0463
- ProductID: ffff
- Manufacturer: unknown
- Product: unknown
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: /dev/usb0
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
No appropriate HID device found

=>Got to reconnect!

= device has been disconnected, try to reconnect =
Closing device
usbhid-ups in free(): error: chunk is already free
---END output---

At that point it had been running for about 8 hours.  Any ideas?



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