[Nut-upsuser] Mustek Powermust 600VA

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Wed Nov 21 14:59:50 UTC 2007

> I was able to use megatec_usb with a Powermust 1000VA USB with the hal
> driver activated (hald-addon-megatec_usb). If you are lucky, megatec_usb
> will be able to recognize your ups if you force the "agiler" subdriver
> in your ups.conf.
> Here is my config:
>  sys-power/nut-2.2.0 with both hal and usb supports,
> ups.conf  (productid/vendorid will probably differ 06da,0003?),

The serial-to-USB converter is different from the ones we already support
in the 'megatec_usb' driver, which can be seen from the different VID:PID
combination. This is a whole different beast, the 'megatec_usb' driver
won't work with it as it is.


> Also, hald fills up dmesg with a lot of "uninitialized something"
> messages related to the hald-addon-xxx driver. It was quite annoying.
> That's why i don't use it anymore (gnome-power-manager will recognize
> your nut device through hald).

We do warn for this in 'docs/nut-hal.txt':

Packaging information

The HAL support in NUT must currently be packaged separatly (ie in a
specific nut-hal package) and must conflict with the classic nut packages.
This is in order to:
- allow shipping of the HAL support only in the base system, without
including all the NUT drivers and software,
- prevent the NUT HAL addons to get an exclusive and automatic access on a
device, when a user only want to use the USB support with a classic NUT

So complain to the person that packaged NUT for you... :-)

Best regards, Arjen

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