[Nut-upsuser] APC Smart UPS 900i

Rene Bartsch ML at Bartschnet.de
Mon May 25 19:59:52 UTC 2009


I'm running an old APC Smart UPS 900i. As there isn't any software from APC which supports this
UPS anymore, I've installed NUT (Gentoo Ebuilds), but version 2.0.5 and version 2.2.2 loose
connection to the UPS while version 2.4.1 and SVN version don't show any settings and there are no
instant commands.

The only information I can get are:

driver.name: apcsmart
driver.parameter.cable: 940-0024C
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyUSB0
driver.version: 2.4.1
driver.version.internal: 2.03
input.voltage: 226.9
ups.mfr: APC
ups.model: Smart-UPS
ups.serial: 00016325
ups.status: OL

How can I use the UPS (battery test, configuration)?

Best regards,


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