[Nut-upsuser] APC Smart UPS 900i

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Sat May 30 19:29:12 UTC 2009

Citeren Rene Bartsch <ML op Bartschnet.de>:

> I just reinstalled a current SVN and model is "Smart-UPS", now. :)


> But I also realized that upsrw can only set "battery.date" and  
> "ups.id" but nothing else. I'd
> really appreciate to have the capability to set "ups.test.interval"  
> at least. ;)

Maybe older devices don't support this, or the author of this driver  
didn't know about them. I really don't know. Please post the output of  
this driver when running it in debug mode like

     /path/to/apcsmart -a su900i -DDDDD

to see if it reveals anything and someone steps up to check this. I  
neither own nor have any interest in adding these features, so this is  
where I step back. Given the age of your hardware, I really doubt it  
is worth the time and effort to dig into this, unless you have plenty  
of free time on your hands.

> P.S.: What means "Please keep list traffic on the list" in your signature?

To do just what you do - keep the list traffic on the list and don't  
take it off-list. I usually don't respond to replies sent in private,  
unless a consulting fee is involved.

Best regards, Arjen
Please keep list traffic on the list

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