[Nut-upsuser] [NUT-upsuser] tcp-wrapper not found

Andrew Min Chang laplacezhang at 126.com
Fri Mar 16 03:27:20 UTC 2012

Sorry, I forgot the attachment.

-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: "Andrew Min Chang" <laplacezhang at 126.com>
Date: 2012-03-16 11:15:32
To: nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Subject: [NUT-upsuser] tcp-wrapper not found

 Hi, all!

Actually I have two questions for a same reason: I want to share my NUT to my LAN, or read UPS from remote device.

/**************** firstly *****************/
I downloaded tcp-wrapper, but NUT could not detected it.

Previously I successfully configured and make NUT into my embedded system. It worked and UPS is recognized.
I downloaded tcp-wrapper (Ver 7.6, most files in the package are modified in 1997 or even earlier) and made it. It does not contained ./configure, and no "install" rule in Makefile, so I do not quite clear of whether I configured it right.

I make tcp-wrappers as:
# make \
REAL_DAEMON_DIR=/mnt/tmp \
CC=arm-mv5sft-linux-gnueabi-gcc \
linux >libwrap_make.log
# cp libwrap.a /lib
# cp tcpd.h /usr/include -f

And configure NUT as:
./configure \
--includedir=/usr/include \
--prefix=/usr/local/ups \
--exec-prefix=/usr/local/ups \
--bindir=/bin \
--sbindir=/sbin \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var \
--libdir=/lib \
--build=i386 \
--host=arm-mv5sft-linux-gnueabi \
--libexecdir=/usr/local/usb \
--includedir=/usr/local/usb/include \
--with-usb-libs='-L/lib -lusb' \
--with-usb-includes=-I/usr/local/usb/prefix/include \
--with-user=root --with-group=root \
--with-usb=yes \
--with-wrap=yes \
--with-serial=no >>NUT_configure.log

Then error occured.

Three log file including configure.log attached.
And is my configuration of tcp-wrapper right? I would confure something like libusb (--with-usb-libs, --with-usb-includes, etc) but there is only one configuration of libwrap (--with-wrap) and no more could be set.
How should I correctly configure libwrap?
Or I still need nore library? Currectly I only have libusb.

/**************** secondly *****************/
NUT User Manual tells much about standalone mode of UPS support, but the one with server, it tells little. What I learned from several documents are:
1. upsd is a server, this "server" serves "client" but the common meaning of "net server". Which means upsd could not be seen by other device within the same LAN.
2. The real "net server" of UPS are drivers, such as usbhid-ups. The permission of access from network are done by tcp-wrapper.
3. If a slave device B wants to connect to a master device A with UPS plugged into, it just needs to run upsd with a "LISTEN <IP of A>" in upsd.conf

Are they right?

Thank you!
Andrew Chang

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