Maintainer proposal

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Tue Nov 16 20:11:02 GMT 2010

On 11/16/2010 01:41 PM, Johannes Stezenbach wrote:
> I'm not in favour of moving the list.  It seems one mail did not
> make it into my inbox, too (yours came through but not John's reply),
> but in general I hope the Debian list server is reliable.

I'm a bit confused about which specific message you're talking about... 
can you send me a URL to it so I can look into it?

> BTW, is there a reason why the pipermail archive is not linked
> from the list info page, but only gmane?  It seems gmane didn't
> get the mail, too, while it is in pipermail.

To help avoid confusion, since the Gmane archive goes back to the very 
beginning of the list, while the pipermail one doesn't.  Also the Gmane 
archive has searching and better threading.

> (Mailman also allows disabling sending back your own mail to
> you in your account settings, but by default it is enabled
> and you would remember of you turned it off, right?)


-- John

> Johannes

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