Getting stuck

Dave Abrahams dave at
Sat Oct 22 20:57:10 BST 2011

I just woke up my mac from sleep (which is supposed to trigger a sync)
and couldn't get my INBOX to sync without a full restart of offlineimap.

The log is attached here.  Important events:

Before about 3:37, where it says "Restarting offlineimap", it's actually
a SIGUSR1 being sent to the process by the system.  This happens a few times.

Then, not seeing the expected changes in my INBOX, I sent a SIGUSR2 and
waited for 40 seconds for the process to shut down cleanly.  After 40
seconds with the process still alive, it was killed, and then was
automatically restarted by launchd, at which point you can see that it
finds new messages to move to my INBOX.

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Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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