[parted-devel] [PATCH] libparted: remove device mapper node for last partition

Phillip Susi psusi at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 8 16:14:00 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 8/8/2012 11:23 AM, Jim Meyering wrote:
> Sorry about the delay. I see that the most recent patch had a
> misleading comment for which you proposed wording to correct it,
> but no amended patch. Would you please resend a complete, corrected
> patch?

That would be the fix for optimal IO alignment.  I'll update the
comment and resubmit the patch for that as well, but the series I was
referring to was "dmraid fixes" on Jan 8, specifically "refactor
device-mapper partition sync code".

Looking back over that thread, the unresolved issue appears to be with
t2310-dos-extended-2-sector-min-offset.sh.  I discovered that the test
is fundamentally broken because it appears to be supposed to validate
that parted refuses to create an extended partition without the 2
sector gap for LILO, but in fact, parted happily creates such a
partition, but emits an error when it tries to sync the kernel
partition table to what it just wrote to disk, and it is that error
that this test is looking for.

I had generated a patch to fix parted to avoid the error syncing the
kernel, which would render t2310-dos-extended-2-sector-min-offset.sh
obsolete, but asked whether you wanted to go that route, or to
actually change parted to refuse to create such a partition.  I see no
reason why parted should refuse to create such a partition since the
kernel is happy with it.  Unless you object, I think I will rebase and
resubmit the whole series with the patch fixing the syncing and
removing t2310-dos-extended-2-sector-min-offset.sh.

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