Bug#342883: [Pbuilder-maint] Bug#342883: Incompatibility between pbuilder and devscripts WRT DEBEMAIL

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Sat Dec 17 05:14:19 UTC 2005


>  I never made such a suggestion, I think *both* devscripts and pbuilder
>  ought to be fixed.
>  The biggest problem is that there's no spec or man page or anything
>  defining what those variables should hold.  bts is older than pbuilder,
>  so it might be tempting to point the finger at pbuilder.
>  bts has a much finer logic to detect and use EMAIL/Debian Maintainer
>  environment variables, but it has some mistakes.

Note that DEBEMAIL isn't actually an environmental variable, but 
a configuration variable used internally in pbuilder, 
set in pbuilderrc, and overridden with --debemail.

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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