[Pbuilder-maint] Bug#272354: pbuilder: please add security archives

Loïc Minier lool at dooz.org
Sun Oct 22 15:40:37 CEST 2006


On Sun, Sep 19, 2004, martin f krafft wrote:
> I think the security archives should be added to the sources.list
> file within a pbuilder chroot, if applicable (unless sid or
> unstable are installed).

 I have a workaround for a similar problem: adding the sid archive to
 my experimental pbuilder's sources.list.  It's a shell snippet which I
 put directly in my pbuilderrc, but it might be included in pbuilder
 itself if found useful; here's my ~/.pbuilder/experimental.pbuilderrc:

# set the dist name

# source common Debian options
. $HOME/.pbuilder/debian-common.pbuilderrc

# add sid to the APT configuration
if ! grep -qw sid "$APTCONFDIR/sources.list"; then
    cat >> "$APTCONFDIR/sources.list" <<EOF

# sid
deb     $MIRRORSITE sid main
deb-src $MIRRORSITE sid main

# switch back to sid because of the debootstrapping process

 I think the security.debian.org support could be implemented in the
 same way.

Loïc Minier <lool at dooz.org>

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