[Pbuilder-maint] Bug#434113: pbuilder: Wrong --arch option handling?

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Sat Jul 21 16:29:35 UTC 2007

Package: pbuilder
Version: 0.169
Severity: normal


I'd like to pass --arch=amd64 to debootstrap, but it looks like having
the following in /root/.pbuilderrc doesn't work properly:
| DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS="--arch=amd64"
(either with or without the second '=' sign)

| # pbuilder --create --debootstrap debootstrap
| Distribution is sid.
| Building the build environment
|  -> running debootstrap
| /usr/sbin/debootstrap
| debootstrap received: --arch=amd64 sid . http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian
(I added a print "$@" at the top of the script)
| E: No such script: http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian
| pbuilder: debootstrap failed
|  -> Aborting with an error
|  -> cleaning the build env 
|     -> removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//7398 and its subdirectories

I deleted /root/.pbuilderrc, and tried the following:
| # pbuilder --create --debootstrap debootstrap --debootstrapopts "--arch amd64"
| W: /root/.pbuilderrc does not exist
| Distribution is sid.
| Building the build environment
|  -> running debootstrap
| /usr/sbin/debootstrap
| debootstrap received: --variant=buildd --arch amd64 sid . http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian
| E: No such script: http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian
| pbuilder: debootstrap failed
|  -> Aborting with an error
|  -> cleaning the build env 
|     -> removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//7470 and its subdirectories

I first spotted that when I tried to use qemubuilder (version 0.37):
| # qemubuilder --create --debootstrapopts --arch=amd64
| [...]
| This filesystem will be automatically checked every 25 mounts or
| 180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
|  -> Invoking debootstrap
| debootstrap received: --arch
| E: option requires an argument --arch

I know I'm not reporting against the latest pbuilder, but I didn't see anything
in the changelog related to such a bugfix. There could also be a problem in
qemubuilder but I guess you'll figure this out at the same time you'll solve
the pbuilder problem. :)


Cyril Brulebois

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