pbuilder build broken.

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Sun Dec 13 10:06:25 UTC 2009

It's apparently broken somewhere in testsuite:

I: Running /usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc '${DEBBUILDOPTS}'
dpkg-buildpackage: unknown option or argument ${DEBBUILDOPTS}

Usage: dpkg-buildpackage [<options> ...]

                 command to gain root privileges (default is fakeroot).
  -R<rules>      rules file to execute (default is debian/rules).
  -d             do not check build dependencies and conflicts.
  -D             check build dependencies and conflicts.
  -T<target>     call debian/rules <target> with the proper environment
  --as-root      ensure -T calls the target with root rights
  -j[<number>]   specify jobs to run simultaneously } passed to debian/rules
  -k<keyid>      the key to use for signing.
  -sgpg          the sign-command is called like GPG.
  -spgp          the sign-command is called like PGP.
  -us            unsigned source.

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