Bug#725063: pbuilder: --architecture flag not applied

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Tue Oct 1 08:42:08 UTC 2013

Drew Parsons dixit:

>Severity: normal

user error

>I'm trying to use pdebuild to build a deb package for the i386
>architecture on an amd64 system.  I understand the --architecture flag
>is intended to allow this.

No, it just selects the architecture for creating the system.

>But when I try 
>    pdebuild --architecture i386  --debbuildopts -i.git --buildresult ..
>pdebuild attempts to build an amd64 package regardless.

You’ll need to do two things to succeed:

① use a pbuilderrc that allows you to switch between multiple
  base directories/tarballs (I use cowbuilder myself, so it’s
  directories for me), such as mine³

② prepend “linux32” (from util-linux package) in front of the
  build command, so that “uname” inside the chroot will DTRT

③ https://www.mirbsd.org/cvs.cgi/contrib/hosted/tg/deb/pbuilderrc?rev=HEAD
  feel free to use it and/or build upon it, but make sure to
  change the lines starting with MIRROR to suit your network

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