Bug#834990: pbuilder-satisfydepends segfaults on armhf emulation

James Clarke jrtc27 at jrtc27.com
Sun Aug 21 12:30:29 UTC 2016

(First off, apologies for any bad formatting; in replying from my phone)
> On 21 Aug 2016, at 13:09, Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at debian.org> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 04:46:15PM +0530, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
>> I tried creating an armhf-sid chroot through pbuilder successfully. Then
>> I tried building an armhf package using the pbuilder image and ran into
>> the following segfault.
> :(
>> To me, it looks like aptitude may be the culprit. But I'm not sure.
> For sure it's not coming from pbuilder itself which is pure bash.

Yep, it looked like aptitude when I last ran into this. Although it could also be qemu-user messing something up.

> Last time I tried using a armhf chroot with pbuilder was more than a
> year ago, I shall try see if I can reproduce it, but it's going to take
> some time as I'm currently busy doing other stuff.  Please feel free to
> try to dig what it's causing it.

I was able to reproduce this a few months ago.

> For now, you can always change the resolver used to something != than
> aptitude.

I've been using the experimental resolver and have never had any issues. Perhaps there's a better non-aptitude one though.

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