Bug#541551: perl-base: detecting stopped child process fails using POSIX WIFSTOPPED

torp 1250272407 at noid.net
Wed Aug 19 23:51:40 UTC 2009

This solves the problem!

I want to be able to run the same program on both old and new systems,
so rather than substituting $? for ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} directly, I
substituted like so:


For the benefit of the curious, here's a link to the email thread that
lead to the thread you referenced above:


Also, I might have been able to figure this one out on my own if I had
studied the perldelta man page and/or read the updated documentation
for perl's builtin system() function:

  man perldelta
  perldoc -f system

I am personally very grateful to you for your help as I was stumped
and thought that this was actually a bug...  Your time and expertise
is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

- Tor

The link you referenced (above), for me at least, did not offer links
to all the messages in the thread that discussed this change in perl.
Here's a link to a message archive that allowed me to view the entire



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