Bug#527993: Module::Build::Compat's generated Makefile doesn't remove the Makefile in the distclean target

Ryan Niebur ryanryan52 at gmail.com
Wed May 27 23:51:18 UTC 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:51:37PM +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:
> Earlier you wrote:
> > libmodule-build-perl will be uploaded with this patch once perl-modules
> > is patched.
> and
> > I didn't send it upstream first because I didn't want people to update
> > to that new version and then not notice bugs in their packages that
> > people using the version from perl-modules would. I will send it
> > upstream now.
> Could you please elaborate a bit? Do you expect this change to break
> current Debian packages?

afaict, there shouldn't be a risk of breaking stuff. everything that's
working around this by removing the Makefile("rm -f Makefile" or
"dh_clean Makefile" in d/rules or listing Makefile in d/clean) should
not error out if it doesn't exist. If we're talking about the risk of
breaking something outside of Debian packaging, well, then that will
have to be fixed anyway since the user may have libmodule-build-perl
installed, which will be updated. the bug is worked around in the
debian/rules or debian/clean files of most packages that use this. so
if we were to upload the fix for it in libmodule-build-perl, then any
developer who has libmodule-build-perl installed wouldn't notice that
they need to add the workaround to debian/clean, for people who don't
have libmodule-build-perl installed (and are using the version from
perl-modules). If both versions of M::B::C (perl-modules and
libmodule-build-perl) have this fixed, then we don't need to worry
about working around it any more. but if only libmodule-build-perl has
it fixed, then we either need to depend on libmodule-build-perl
(instead of "perl-modules | libmodule-build-perl") in all of the
affected packages, which people with libmodule-build-perl installed
probably won't think about, or work around it, which, again, people
with libmodule-build-perl installed probably won't think about. so by
fixing it in only libmodule-build-perl we would be making a bigger
mess than the original "burden" of adding it to debian/clean (which
was really small).

Ryan Niebur
ryanryan52 at gmail.com
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