Bug#588017: perl: current directory in @INC potentially harmful

Eugene V. Lyubimkin jackyf at debian.org
Sun Jul 4 17:34:35 UTC 2010

package perl
severity 588017 normal

Hi Ansgar,

Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> perl includes the current directory as the last element in @INC when not
> running in taint mode (-T).  As many modules try to load other modules
> that may or may not be installed, this can result in code execution.
For first, I don't believe this is a bug at all. I even used it for debugging
some code as a feature. It's not about using arbitrary code - it's about using
a code from a directory, that user (or administrator) has a write access to
and therefore directly or indirectly moved the code to that place.

I set the severity of the bug to 'normal' for now I leave the final word for
Niko Tyni and/or security team.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer

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