Perl transition announcement

Dominic Hargreaves dom at
Mon May 2 21:36:34 UTC 2011

It's been pointed out that we haven't had a d-d-a mail about the
transition like we have before[0]. Would it be possible for the release
time to send a short note about the fact that we're in a transition
period now, just to stem any further confusion about the large
number of uninstallable packages?

I could probably draft something to send from the perl team instead
if you prefer, although that won't be until tomorrow evening.

Many thanks for your efforts so far! I understand that this is
probably one of the more awkward transitions and I very much appreciate
all your efforts to help it go smoothly.


[0] <>

Dominic Hargreaves |
PGP key 5178E2A5 from (keyserver,web,email)

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