CSS / hover issue in Google Chrome

Chris Butler chrisb at debian.org
Sat May 15 19:32:32 UTC 2010

When viewing PET webpages with Chrome, there is an issue with the CSS for
the smaller-font popup elements (e.g. the "repo-unrel" element. In Chrome,
the vertical alignment for these elements defaults to the baseline of the
"repo-rel" element next to it, which can be 1 or 2 pixels higher than the
larger element. This results in there being a small gap between the <a>
element and the popup balloon, which makes it impossible to move the mouse
into the balloon to click on the link that fetches more info.

Setting the vertical alignment to "bottom" for the problematic elements will
keep them aligned with the larger element and make it possible to mouse into
the popup again.

The attached patch to the CSS should fix it.. It doesn't seem to have any
effect on Iceweasel, which still looks the same.

Chris Butler <chrisb at debian.org>
  GnuPG Key ID: 4096R/49E3ACD3
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