pf-tools commit: r881 [parmelan-guest] - in /branches/next-gen/tools: Display_IP_config Translate_old_config kvmlaunch pflaunch umlaunch xenlaunch

parmelan-guest at parmelan-guest at
Tue Sep 7 08:55:04 UTC 2010

Author: parmelan-guest
Date: Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
New Revision: 881

perltidy tools

    branches/next-gen/tools/Translate_old_config   (contents, props changed)
    branches/next-gen/tools/   (contents, props changed)
    branches/next-gen/tools/kvmlaunch   (contents, props changed)
    branches/next-gen/tools/pflaunch   (contents, props changed)
    branches/next-gen/tools/umlaunch   (contents, props changed)
    branches/next-gen/tools/xenlaunch   (contents, props changed)

Modified: branches/next-gen/tools/Display_IP_config
--- branches/next-gen/tools/Display_IP_config (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/tools/Display_IP_config Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
@@ -31,23 +31,23 @@
 use PFTools::Utils;
 use NetAddr::IP;
-use Getopt::Long qw ( :config ignore_case_always bundling ) ;
+use Getopt::Long qw ( :config ignore_case_always bundling );
 # Vars
-my $HOSTCLASS			= "";
-my $SITE				= "";
-my $OUTPUT				= "";
-my $IP_TYPE				= 'ipv4';
-my $HELP				= 0 ;
-my $PF_CONFIG_FILE		= '';
-my $PF_CONFIG			= {};
-my $GLOBAL_STRUCT		= {};
+my $HOSTCLASS         = "";
+my $SITE              = "";
+my $OUTPUT            = "";
+my $IP_TYPE           = 'ipv4';
+my $HELP              = 0;
+my $PF_CONFIG_FILE    = '';
+my $PF_CONFIG         = {};
+my $GLOBAL_STRUCT     = {};
 my $program = $0;
-$program =~ s%.*/%%; # cheap basename
+$program =~ s%.*/%%;    # cheap basename
 my $version = sprintf( "svn-r%s", q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)/ );
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 # Functions
 sub Do_help () {
-print STDERR << "# ENDHELP";
+    print STDERR << "# ENDHELP";
     $program - version $version
 Usage:	$0 [options]
@@ -72,172 +72,204 @@
 sub _ipcomp {
     my ( $ip1, $ip2 ) = @_;
-	my $ip_obj1 = new NetAddr::IP ( $ip1 );
-	my $ip_obj2 = new NetAddr::IP ( $ip2 );
-	if ( $ip_obj1 < $ip_obj2 ) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	elsif ( $ip_obj1 > $ip_obj2 ) {
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
+    my $ip_obj1 = new NetAddr::IP($ip1);
+    my $ip_obj2 = new NetAddr::IP($ip2);
+    if ( $ip_obj1 < $ip_obj2 ) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    elsif ( $ip_obj1 > $ip_obj2 ) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
 sub order_servers ($) {
-	my ( $host_part ) = @_ ;
-	foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
-		foreach my $hostname ( keys %{$host_part->{$hostclass}} ) {
-			my $srv_order = 
-				$host_part->{$hostclass}->{$hostname}->{'deployment'}->{'order'}
-				|| 999;
-			push ( @{$order->{$srv_order}}, $hostname );
-		}
-	}
-	return $order ;
+    my ($host_part) = @_;
+    foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
+        foreach my $hostname ( keys %{ $host_part->{$hostclass} } ) {
+            my $srv_order
+                = $host_part->{$hostclass}->{$hostname}->{'deployment'}
+                ->{'order'}
+                || 999;
+            push( @{ $order->{$srv_order} }, $hostname );
+        }
+    }
+    return $order;
 sub get_srv_iface ($$$$) {
-	my ( $ip_type, $srv_name, $global_config, $site ) = @_ ;
-	my $result = {} ;
-	return undef if ( ! $pf_config->{'features'}->{$ip_type} );
-	my $host_props = Get_host_config_from_CONFIG ( $srv_name, $global_config, $site );
-	if ( ! defined $host_props ) {
-		Abort ( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
-			"Unknown hostname ".$hostname." in global configuration" );
-	}
-	foreach my $iface ( keys %{$host_props->{'interfaces'}} ) {
-		$result->{$iface}->{'addr'} = $host_props->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{$ip_type};
-		$result->{$iface}->{'vlan'} = $host_props->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'vlan'};
-	}
-	return $result ;
+    my ( $ip_type, $srv_name, $global_config, $site ) = @_;
+    my $result = {};
+    return undef if ( !$pf_config->{'features'}->{$ip_type} );
+    my $host_props
+        = Get_host_config_from_CONFIG( $srv_name, $global_config, $site );
+    if ( !defined $host_props ) {
+        Abort( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
+            "Unknown hostname " . $hostname . " in global configuration" );
+    }
+    foreach my $iface ( keys %{ $host_props->{'interfaces'} } ) {
+        $result->{$iface}->{'addr'}
+            = $host_props->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{$ip_type};
+        $result->{$iface}->{'vlan'}
+            = $host_props->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'vlan'};
+    }
+    return $result;
 sub get_srv_ip ($$$$) {
-	my ( $ip_type, $hostclass, $host_part, $pf_config ) = @_ ;
-	my $result = {} ;
-	return undef if ( ! $pf_config->{'features'}->{$ip_type} );
-	foreach my $srv ( keys %{$host_part->{$hostclass}} ) {
-		my $ref_srv = $$host_part->{$hostclass}->{$srv} ;
-		foreach my $iface ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'interfaces'}} ) {
-			my $ip_if = $ref_srv->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{$ip_type};
-			$result->{$ip_if}->{'hostname'}	= $srv ;
-			$result->{$ip_if}->{'iface'}	= $$iface ;
-		}
-	}
-	return $result ;
+    my ( $ip_type, $hostclass, $host_part, $pf_config ) = @_;
+    my $result = {};
+    return undef if ( !$pf_config->{'features'}->{$ip_type} );
+    foreach my $srv ( keys %{ $host_part->{$hostclass} } ) {
+        my $ref_srv = $$host_part->{$hostclass}->{$srv};
+        foreach my $iface ( keys %{ $ref_srv->{'interfaces'} } ) {
+            my $ip_if = $ref_srv->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{$ip_type};
+            $result->{$ip_if}->{'hostname'} = $srv;
+            $result->{$ip_if}->{'iface'}    = $$iface;
+        }
+    }
+    return $result;
 sub get_all_ip ($$) {
-	my ( $ip_type, $host_part, $pf_config ) = @_ ;
-	my $result = {} ;
-	return undef if ( ! $pf_config->{'features'}->{$ip_type} );
-	foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
-		foreach my $hostname ( keys %{$host_part->{$hostclass}} ) {
-			my $ref_srv = $host_part->{$hostclass}->{$srv} ;
-			foreach my $iface ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'interfaces'}} ) {
-				my $entry = {
-					'hostname'	=> $srv,
-					'iface'		=> $iface
-				} ;
-				push ( @{$result->{$ref_srv->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{$ip_type}}}, $entry ) ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $result ;
+    my ( $ip_type, $host_part, $pf_config ) = @_;
+    my $result = {};
+    return undef if ( !$pf_config->{'features'}->{$ip_type} );
+    foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
+        foreach my $hostname ( keys %{ $host_part->{$hostclass} } ) {
+            my $ref_srv = $host_part->{$hostclass}->{$srv};
+            foreach my $iface ( keys %{ $ref_srv->{'interfaces'} } ) {
+                my $entry = {
+                    'hostname' => $srv,
+                    'iface'    => $iface
+                };
+                push(
+                    @{  $result->{
+                            $ref_srv->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{$ip_type}
+                            }
+                        },
+                    $entry
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $result;
 ### MAIN
-GetOptions (
-	'help'			=> \$HELP,
-	'h|host=s'		=> \$HOSTCLASS,
-	'site|s=s'		=> \$SITE,
-	't|type=s'		=> \$IP_TYPE,		
-	'o|output=s'	=> \$OUTPUT,
-	'config|c=s'	=> \$PF_CONFIG_FILE,
-	'store=s'		=> \$GLOBAL_STORE_FILE,
+    'help'       => \$HELP,
+    'h|host=s'   => \$HOSTCLASS,
+    'site|s=s'   => \$SITE,
+    't|type=s'   => \$IP_TYPE,
+    'o|output=s' => \$OUTPUT,
+    'config|c=s' => \$PF_CONFIG_FILE,
+    'store=s'    => \$GLOBAL_STORE_FILE,
 ) or die "Didn't grok options (see --help).\n";
-if ( $HELP ) {
-	Do_help ();
-	exit 0;
-if ( $SITE eq '' && ! defined $PF_CONFIG->{'location'}->{'site'} ) {
-	my $site_list = Get_site_from_hostname ( $HOSTNAME, $GLOBAL_STRUCT );
-	if ( ! defined $site_list ) {
-		Abort ( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
-			"Unable to retrieve site for hostname ".$HOSTNAME." : hostname not defined" );
-	}
-	elsif ( scalar @{$site_list} > 1 ) {
-		Abort ( $CODE->{'DUPLICATE_VALUE'},
-			"Unable to retrieve site for hostname ".$HOSTNAME." : hostname appeared in multiple sites : "
-			.join ( ",", @{$site_list} ).".\n"
-			."Please relaunch this command with the right site" );
-	}
-	else {
-		( $SITE ) = @{$site_list};
-	}
-my $host_part = $GLOBAL_STRUCT->{'SITE'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$SITE}->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'};
-if ( $HOSTCLASS ne "" && ! defined $$host_part->{$HOSTCLASS} ) {
-	Abort ( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
-		"Unexistant hostclass in global configuration" );
-if ( $HOSTCLASS ) {
-	if ( $read ) {
-		foreach my $hostname ( sort keys %{$host_part->{$HOSTCLASS}} ) {
-			print "\t".$srv."\n" ;
-			my $srv_net = get_srv_iface ( $IP_TYPE, $hostname, $host_part->{$HOSTCLASS}->{$srv} ) ;
-			if ( ! defined $srv_net ) {
-				Abort ( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
-					"IP feature ".$IP_TYPE." is deactivated in pf-tools configuration file" );
-			}
-			foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
-				print "\t\t".$iface."(".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'}.")\t: ".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'}."\n" ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		my $srv_ip = get_srv_ip ( $IP_TYPE, $HOSTCLASS, $host_part->{$HOSTCLASS} ) ;
-		foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp ( $a, $b ) } keys %{$srv_ip} ) {
-			print $ip."\t".$srv_ip->{$ip}->{'hostname'}."(".$srv_ip->{$ip}->{'iface'}.")\n" ;
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	if ( $read ) {
-		my $srv_type_list = order_servers ( $host_part ) ;
-		foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$srv_type_list} ) {
-			print "Server with deployment priority : ".$prio."\n" ;
-			foreach my $srv_type ( sort @{$srv_type_list->{$prio}} ) {
-				foreach my $srv ( sort keys %{$host_part->{$srv_type}} ) {
-					print "\t".$srv."\n" ;
-					my $srv_net = get_srv_iface ( $srv, $host_part->{$srv_type}->{$srv} ) ;
-					foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
-						print "\t\t".$iface."(".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'}.")\t: ".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'}."\n" ;
-					}
-				}
-				print "\n" ;
-			}
-			print "\n" ;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		my $ip_list = get_all_ip ( $host_part ) ;
-		foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp ( $a, $b ) } keys %{$ip_list} ) {
-			print "$ip\t" . join(' ', map { "$_->{'hostname'}($_->{'iface'})" } @{ $ip_list->{$ip} }) . "\n" ;
-		}
-	}
+if ($HELP) {
+    Do_help();
+    exit 0;
+if ( $SITE eq '' && !defined $PF_CONFIG->{'location'}->{'site'} ) {
+    my $site_list = Get_site_from_hostname( $HOSTNAME, $GLOBAL_STRUCT );
+    if ( !defined $site_list ) {
+        Abort( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
+                  "Unable to retrieve site for hostname "
+                . $HOSTNAME
+                . " : hostname not defined" );
+    }
+    elsif ( scalar @{$site_list} > 1 ) {
+        Abort( $CODE->{'DUPLICATE_VALUE'},
+                  "Unable to retrieve site for hostname "
+                . $HOSTNAME
+                . " : hostname appeared in multiple sites : "
+                . join( ",", @{$site_list} ) . ".\n"
+                . "Please relaunch this command with the right site" );
+    }
+    else {
+        ($SITE) = @{$site_list};
+    }
+my $host_part
+    = $GLOBAL_STRUCT->{'SITE'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$SITE}->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'};
+if ( $HOSTCLASS ne "" && !defined $$host_part->{$HOSTCLASS} ) {
+    Abort( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
+        "Unexistant hostclass in global configuration" );
+if ($HOSTCLASS) {
+    if ($read) {
+        foreach my $hostname ( sort keys %{ $host_part->{$HOSTCLASS} } ) {
+            print "\t" . $srv . "\n";
+            my $srv_net = get_srv_iface( $IP_TYPE, $hostname,
+                $host_part->{$HOSTCLASS}->{$srv} );
+            if ( !defined $srv_net ) {
+                Abort( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
+                          "IP feature " 
+                        . $IP_TYPE
+                        . " is deactivated in pf-tools configuration file" );
+            }
+            foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
+                print "\t\t" 
+                    . $iface . "("
+                    . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'} . ")\t: "
+                    . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'} . "\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        my $srv_ip
+            = get_srv_ip( $IP_TYPE, $HOSTCLASS, $host_part->{$HOSTCLASS} );
+        foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp( $a, $b ) } keys %{$srv_ip} ) {
+            print $ip. "\t"
+                . $srv_ip->{$ip}->{'hostname'} . "("
+                . $srv_ip->{$ip}->{'iface'} . ")\n";
+        }
+    }
+else {
+    if ($read) {
+        my $srv_type_list = order_servers($host_part);
+        foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$srv_type_list} ) {
+            print "Server with deployment priority : " . $prio . "\n";
+            foreach my $srv_type ( sort @{ $srv_type_list->{$prio} } ) {
+                foreach my $srv ( sort keys %{ $host_part->{$srv_type} } ) {
+                    print "\t" . $srv . "\n";
+                    my $srv_net = get_srv_iface( $srv,
+                        $host_part->{$srv_type}->{$srv} );
+                    foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
+                        print "\t\t" 
+                            . $iface . "("
+                            . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'} . ")\t: "
+                            . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'} . "\n";
+                    }
+                }
+                print "\n";
+            }
+            print "\n";
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        my $ip_list = get_all_ip($host_part);
+        foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp( $a, $b ) } keys %{$ip_list} ) {
+            print "$ip\t"
+                . join( ' ',
+                map {"$_->{'hostname'}($_->{'iface'})"} @{ $ip_list->{$ip} } )
+                . "\n";
+        }
+    }
 exit 0;

Modified: branches/next-gen/tools/Translate_old_config
--- branches/next-gen/tools/Translate_old_config (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/tools/Translate_old_config Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
@@ -31,18 +31,18 @@
 use PFTools::Logger;
 use PFTools::Compat::Parser;
 use PFTools::Compat::Translation;
-use Getopt::Long qw ( :config ignore_case_always bundling ) ;
+use Getopt::Long qw ( :config ignore_case_always bundling );
 # Global vars
-my $INPUT	= "";
-my $OUTPUT	= "";
-my $INCLUDE	= 0;
-my $TYPE	= "config";
-my $HELP	= 0;
+my $INPUT   = "";
+my $OUTPUT  = "";
+my $INCLUDE = 0;
+my $TYPE    = "config";
+my $HELP    = 0;
 my $program = $0;
-$program =~ s%.*/%%; # cheap basename
+$program =~ s%.*/%%;    # cheap basename
 my $version = sprintf( "svn-r%s", q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)/ );
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 # Functions
 sub Do_help () {
-print STDERR << "# ENDHELP";
+    print STDERR << "# ENDHELP";
     $program - version $version
 Usage:	$0 [options]
@@ -66,69 +66,81 @@
 ### MAIN
-GetOptions (
-	'help'			=> \$HELP,
-	'include'		=> \$INCLUDE,
-	't|type=s'		=> \$TYPE,
-	'i|input=s'		=> \$INPUT,
-	'o|output=s'	=> \$OUTPUT
+    'help'       => \$HELP,
+    'include'    => \$INCLUDE,
+    't|type=s'   => \$TYPE,
+    'i|input=s'  => \$INPUT,
+    'o|output=s' => \$OUTPUT
 ) or die "Didn't grok options (see --help).\n";
-if ( $HELP ) {
-	Do_help ();
-	exit 0;
+if ($HELP) {
+    Do_help();
+    exit 0;
-if ( ! -e $INPUT ) {
-	Abort ( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'}, "File ".$INPUT." doesn't exist : unable to translate old configuration" );
+if ( !-e $INPUT ) {
+    Abort( $CODE->{'UNDEF_KEY'},
+              "File " 
+            . $INPUT
+            . " doesn't exist : unable to translate old configuration" );
-my $old_parsing	= Parser_pftools ( $INPUT, {}, $INCLUDE );
-my $trans		= {};
+my $old_parsing = Parser_pftools( $INPUT, {}, $INCLUDE );
+my $trans = {};
 if ( $TYPE eq 'config' ) {
-	$trans = Translate_old2new_config ( $old_parsing );
+    $trans = Translate_old2new_config($old_parsing);
 else {
-	foreach my $section ( keys %{$old_parsing} ) {
-		if ( $old_parsing->{$section}->{'type'} eq 'network' ) {
-			$trans->{$section} = Translate_old2new_network ( $old_parsing->{$section}, $section );
-		}
-		elsif ( $old_parsing->{$section}->{'type'} =~ /-server$/ ) {
-			my $pftools = 0;
-			# Need to see if it is a "virtual pf-tools" host or a "real pf-tools" host
-			foreach my $key ( keys %{$old_parsing->{$section}} ) {
-				if ( $key =~ /^ether\.\d+$/ ) {
-					$pftools++;
-					last;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( $pftools ) {
-				# We need to translate into a hostfile configuration
-				$trans->{'__hostfile'} = {
-					$section	=> Translate_old2new_host ( $old_parsing->{$section}, $section )
-				};
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    foreach my $section ( keys %{$old_parsing} ) {
+        if ( $old_parsing->{$section}->{'type'} eq 'network' ) {
+            $trans->{$section}
+                = Translate_old2new_network( $old_parsing->{$section},
+                $section );
+        }
+        elsif ( $old_parsing->{$section}->{'type'} =~ /-server$/ ) {
+            my $pftools = 0;
+    # Need to see if it is a "virtual pf-tools" host or a "real pf-tools" host
+            foreach my $key ( keys %{ $old_parsing->{$section} } ) {
+                if ( $key =~ /^ether\.\d+$/ ) {
+                    $pftools++;
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+            if ($pftools) {
+                # We need to translate into a hostfile configuration
+                $trans->{'__hostfile'} = {
+                    $section => Translate_old2new_host(
+                        $old_parsing->{$section}, $section
+                    )
+                };
+            }
+        }
+    }
-unless ( open OUTPUT, ">".$OUTPUT ) {
-	Abort ( $CODE->{'OPEN'}, "Unable to open ".$OUTPUT." for translation" );
+unless ( open OUTPUT, ">" . $OUTPUT ) {
+    Abort( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
+        "Unable to open " . $OUTPUT . " for translation" );
 if ( $TYPE eq 'config' ) {
-	foreach my $section ( keys %{$trans} ) {
-		next if ( $section =~ /^@/ );
-		print OUTPUT "[".$section."]\n";
-		foreach my $key ( keys %{$trans->{$section}} ) {
-			next if ( $key =~ /^__/ );
-			print OUTPUT "\t".$key."\t= ".$trans->{$section}->{$key}."\n";
-		}
-		print OUTPUT "\n";
-	}
+    foreach my $section ( keys %{$trans} ) {
+        next if ( $section =~ /^@/ );
+        print OUTPUT "[" . $section . "]\n";
+        foreach my $key ( keys %{ $trans->{$section} } ) {
+            next if ( $key =~ /^__/ );
+            print OUTPUT "\t" 
+                . $key . "\t= "
+                . $trans->{$section}->{$key} . "\n";
+        }
+        print OUTPUT "\n";
+    }
 else {
-	print "Need to implement the output for other type ".$TYPE;
-	print Dumper $trans;
+    print "Need to implement the output for other type " . $TYPE;
+    print Dumper $trans;
-close ( OUTPUT );
 exit 0;

Modified: branches/next-gen/tools/
--- branches/next-gen/tools/ (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/tools/ Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
 use PFTools::Net;
 use PFTools::Update;
-use Getopt::Long qw ( :config ignore_case_always bundling ) ;
-my $help	= 0 ;
-my $type	= '' ;
-my $src		= '' ;
-my $read	= 0 ;
-my $program	= $0;
-$program	=~ s%.*/%%; # cheap basename
-my $version	= sprintf( "svn-r%s", q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)/ );
+use Getopt::Long qw ( :config ignore_case_always bundling );
+my $help    = 0;
+my $type    = '';
+my $src     = '';
+my $read    = 0;
+my $program = $0;
+$program =~ s%.*/%%;    # cheap basename
+my $version = sprintf( "svn-r%s", q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)/ );
 sub _ipcomp {
     my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
@@ -75,143 +75,168 @@
 sub order_servers ($) {
-	my ( $ref_net ) = @_ ;
-	my $result = [] ;
-	my $order = {} ;
-	foreach my $srv ( keys %{$ref_net} ) {
-		my $srv_order ;
-		if ( ! defined $ref_net->{$srv}->{'order'} ) {
-			$srv_order = 999 ;
-		}
-		else {
-			$srv_order = $ref_net->{$srv}->{'order'} ;
-		}
-		push ( @{$order->{$srv_order}}, $srv ) ;
-	}
-# 	foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$order} ) {
-# 		foreach my $srv ( @{$order->{$prio}} ) {
-# 			push ( @{$result}, $srv ) ;
-# 		}
-# 	}
-	return $order ;
+    my ($ref_net) = @_;
+    my $result    = [];
+    my $order     = {};
+    foreach my $srv ( keys %{$ref_net} ) {
+        my $srv_order;
+        if ( !defined $ref_net->{$srv}->{'order'} ) {
+            $srv_order = 999;
+        }
+        else {
+            $srv_order = $ref_net->{$srv}->{'order'};
+        }
+        push( @{ $order->{$srv_order} }, $srv );
+    }
+    # 	foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$order} ) {
+    # 		foreach my $srv ( @{$order->{$prio}} ) {
+    # 			push ( @{$result}, $srv ) ;
+    # 		}
+    # 	}
+    return $order;
 sub get_srv_iface ($$) {
-	my ( $srv_name, $ref_srv ) = @_ ;
-	my $ordered_vlan = {} ;
-	my $result = {} ;
-	foreach my $vlan ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'ifup'}} ) {
-		my $vlan_name = $vlan ;
-		$vlan_name =~ s/^$srv_name\.//;
-		$ordered_vlan->{$ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$vlan}} = $vlan_name ;
-	}
-	foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$ordered_vlan} ) {
-		$result->{$iface}->{'addr'} = $ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$srv_name.".".$ordered_vlan->{$iface}}->{'FIELD'} ;
-		$result->{$iface}->{'vlan'} = $ordered_vlan->{$iface} ;
-	}
-	return $result ;
+    my ( $srv_name, $ref_srv ) = @_;
+    my $ordered_vlan = {};
+    my $result       = {};
+    foreach my $vlan ( keys %{ $ref_srv->{'ifup'} } ) {
+        my $vlan_name = $vlan;
+        $vlan_name =~ s/^$srv_name\.//;
+        $ordered_vlan->{ $ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$vlan} } = $vlan_name;
+    }
+    foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$ordered_vlan} ) {
+        $result->{$iface}->{'addr'} = $ref_srv->{'zone'}
+            ->{ $srv_name . "." . $ordered_vlan->{$iface} }->{'FIELD'};
+        $result->{$iface}->{'vlan'} = $ordered_vlan->{$iface};
+    }
+    return $result;
 sub get_srv_ip ($$) {
-	my ( $srv_type, $ref_net ) = @_ ;
-	my $result = {} ;
-	foreach my $srv ( keys %{$ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
-		my $ref_srv = $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ;
-		foreach my $iface ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'zone'}} ) {
-			next if ( $iface !~ /^$srv\./ ) ;
-			$result->{$ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'}}->{'hostname'} = $srv ;
-			$result->{$ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'}}->{'iface'} = $ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$iface} ;
-		}
-	}
-	return $result ;
+    my ( $srv_type, $ref_net ) = @_;
+    my $result = {};
+    foreach my $srv ( keys %{ $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'} } ) {
+        my $ref_srv = $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv};
+        foreach my $iface ( keys %{ $ref_srv->{'zone'} } ) {
+            next if ( $iface !~ /^$srv\./ );
+            $result->{ $ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'} }->{'hostname'}
+                = $srv;
+            $result->{ $ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'} }->{'iface'}
+                = $ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$iface};
+        }
+    }
+    return $result;
 sub get_all_ip ($) {
-	my ( $ref_net ) = @_ ;
-	my $result = {} ;
-	foreach my $srv_type ( keys %{$ref_net} ) {
-		foreach my $srv ( keys %{$ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
-			my $ref_srv = $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ;
-			foreach my $iface ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'zone'}} ) {
-				next if ( $iface !~ /^$srv\./ ) ;
-				my $entry = {
-					'hostname'	=> $srv,
-					'iface'		=> $ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$iface}
-				} ;
-				push ( @{$result->{$ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'}}}, $entry ) ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $result ;
-GetOptions (
-	'help|h'	=> \$help,
-	'type|t=s'	=> \$type,
-	'read|r'	=> \$read,
-	'src|s=s'	=> \$src
-) || die "Didn't grok options on CLI\n" ;
-if ( $help ) {
-	Do_help () ;
-	exit 0 ;
-if ( ! $src ) {
-	die "Source file for network description is not defined\n" ;
-} elsif ( ! -e $src ) {
-	die $src." source file doesn't exist\n" ;
-my $PF_NET	= Init_lib_net ( Get_source ( $src ) );
-my $SRV_LIST	= $PF_NET->{'SERVERS'}->{'BY_NAME'} ;
-if ( $type && ! defined $SRV_LIST->{$type} ) {
-	die "Non existant server type ".$type."\n" ;
+    my ($ref_net) = @_;
+    my $result = {};
+    foreach my $srv_type ( keys %{$ref_net} ) {
+        foreach my $srv ( keys %{ $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'} } ) {
+            my $ref_srv = $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv};
+            foreach my $iface ( keys %{ $ref_srv->{'zone'} } ) {
+                next if ( $iface !~ /^$srv\./ );
+                my $entry = {
+                    'hostname' => $srv,
+                    'iface'    => $ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$iface}
+                };
+                push(
+                    @{  $result->{ $ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'} }
+                        },
+                    $entry
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $result;
+    'help|h'   => \$help,
+    'type|t=s' => \$type,
+    'read|r'   => \$read,
+    'src|s=s'  => \$src
+) || die "Didn't grok options on CLI\n";
+if ($help) {
+    Do_help();
+    exit 0;
+if ( !$src ) {
+    die "Source file for network description is not defined\n";
+elsif ( !-e $src ) {
+    die $src . " source file doesn't exist\n";
+my $PF_NET   = Init_lib_net( Get_source($src) );
+my $SRV_LIST = $PF_NET->{'SERVERS'}->{'BY_NAME'};
+if ( $type && !defined $SRV_LIST->{$type} ) {
+    die "Non existant server type " . $type . "\n";
 # print Dumper $PF_NET;
-if ( $type ) {
-	if ( $read ) {
-		foreach my $srv ( sort keys %{$SRV_LIST->{$type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
-			print "\t".$srv."\n" ;
-			my $srv_net = get_srv_iface ( $srv, $SRV_LIST->{$type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ) ;
-			foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
-				print "\t\t".$iface."(".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'}.")\t: ".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'}."\n" ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		my $srv_ip = get_srv_ip ( $type, $SRV_LIST ) ;
-		foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp ( $a, $b ) } keys %{$srv_ip} ) {
-			print $ip."\t".$srv_ip->{$ip}->{'hostname'}."(".$srv_ip->{$ip}->{'iface'}.")\n" ;
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	if ( $read ) {
-		my $srv_type_list = order_servers ( $SRV_LIST ) ;
-		foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$srv_type_list} ) {
-			print "Server with deployment priority : ".$prio."\n" ;
-			foreach my $srv_type ( sort @{$srv_type_list->{$prio}} ) {
-				foreach my $srv ( sort keys %{$SRV_LIST->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
-					print "\t".$srv."\n" ;
-					my $srv_net = get_srv_iface ( $srv, $SRV_LIST->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ) ;
-					foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
-						print "\t\t".$iface."(".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'}.")\t: ".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'}."\n" ;
-					}
-				}
-				print "\n" ;
-			}
-			print "\n" ;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		my $ip_list = get_all_ip ( $SRV_LIST ) ;
-		foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp ( $a, $b ) } keys %{$ip_list} ) {
-			print "$ip\t" . join(' ', map { "$_->{'hostname'}($_->{'iface'})" } @{ $ip_list->{$ip} }) . "\n" ;
-		}
-	}
+if ($type) {
+    if ($read) {
+        foreach my $srv ( sort keys %{ $SRV_LIST->{$type}->{'SRVLIST'} } ) {
+            print "\t" . $srv . "\n";
+            my $srv_net = get_srv_iface( $srv,
+                $SRV_LIST->{$type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} );
+            foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
+                print "\t\t" 
+                    . $iface . "("
+                    . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'} . ")\t: "
+                    . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'} . "\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        my $srv_ip = get_srv_ip( $type, $SRV_LIST );
+        foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp( $a, $b ) } keys %{$srv_ip} ) {
+            print $ip. "\t"
+                . $srv_ip->{$ip}->{'hostname'} . "("
+                . $srv_ip->{$ip}->{'iface'} . ")\n";
+        }
+    }
+else {
+    if ($read) {
+        my $srv_type_list = order_servers($SRV_LIST);
+        foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$srv_type_list} ) {
+            print "Server with deployment priority : " . $prio . "\n";
+            foreach my $srv_type ( sort @{ $srv_type_list->{$prio} } ) {
+                foreach my $srv (
+                    sort keys %{ $SRV_LIST->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'} } )
+                {
+                    print "\t" . $srv . "\n";
+                    my $srv_net = get_srv_iface( $srv,
+                        $SRV_LIST->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} );
+                    foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
+                        print "\t\t" 
+                            . $iface . "("
+                            . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'} . ")\t: "
+                            . $srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'} . "\n";
+                    }
+                }
+                print "\n";
+            }
+            print "\n";
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        my $ip_list = get_all_ip($SRV_LIST);
+        foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp( $a, $b ) } keys %{$ip_list} ) {
+            print "$ip\t"
+                . join( ' ',
+                map {"$_->{'hostname'}($_->{'iface'})"} @{ $ip_list->{$ip} } )
+                . "\n";
+        }
+    }

Modified: branches/next-gen/tools/kvmlaunch
--- branches/next-gen/tools/kvmlaunch (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/tools/kvmlaunch Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 use Carp;
 use Digest::CRC qw( crc32_hex );
-use English qw( -no_match_vars ); # Avoids regex performance penalty
+use English qw( -no_match_vars );    # Avoids regex performance penalty
 use File::Path;
 use Getopt::Long;
@@ -53,136 +53,125 @@
 my $option = {
-    'cvs-update'	=> 1,
-    debug		=> 0,
-    detached		=> 0,
-    'disk-size'		=> 1024,
-    errors		=> 1,
-    mode		=> 'boot',
-    'ram-size'		=> 256,
-    verbose		=> 0,
+    'cvs-update' => 1,
+    debug        => 0,
+    detached     => 0,
+    'disk-size'  => 1024,
+    errors       => 1,
+    mode         => 'boot',
+    'ram-size'   => 256,
+    verbose      => 0,
-GetOptions( $option,
-    'cvs-update!',
-    'debug|d+',
-    'detached!',
-    'disk-size=s',
-    'errors!',
-    'help|h',
-    'mode|m=s',
-    'oneeach|1',
-    'ram-size=s',
-    'regex|e',
-    'verbose|v+',
+    $option,       'cvs-update!', 'debug|d+', 'detached!',
+    'disk-size=s', 'errors!',     'help|h',   'mode|m=s',
+    'oneeach|1',   'ram-size=s',  'regex|e',  'verbose|v+',
 ) or die "FATAL: GetOptions error, try --help";
-if ($option->{'help'} or not @ARGV) {
+if ( $option->{'help'} or not @ARGV ) {
     exit 1;
-if ($option->{'oneeach'}) {
+if ( $option->{'oneeach'} ) {
     $option->{'detached'} = 1;
     $option->{'errors'}   = 0;
-if ($option->{'debug'}) {
-    $option->{'verbose'}  = 1;
-if ($option->{'cvs-update'}) {
+if ( $option->{'debug'} ) {
+    $option->{'verbose'} = 1;
+if ( $option->{'cvs-update'} ) {
     CVS_update( undef, $option )
-	&& die "FATAL: Unable to load configuration.\n";
+        && die "FATAL: Unable to load configuration.\n";
 my $Z = Init_lib_net( Get_source("GLOBAL:private-network") );
-my @hosts = __get_hosts($Z, $option, @ARGV);
+my @hosts = __get_hosts( $Z, $option, @ARGV );
 while ( defined( my $vm_hostname = shift @hosts ) ) {
-    eval { __handle_vm($vm_hostname, $Z, $option); };
+    eval { __handle_vm( $vm_hostname, $Z, $option ); };
     if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
-	die "FATAL: $vm_hostname: $EVAL_ERROR\n"
-	    if $option->{'errors'};
-	warn "IGNORED: $vm_hostname: $EVAL_ERROR\n";
+        die "FATAL: $vm_hostname: $EVAL_ERROR\n"
+            if $option->{'errors'};
+        warn "IGNORED: $vm_hostname: $EVAL_ERROR\n";
 exit 0;
 # End of program: only functions below.
 # Return the list of host names to launch
 sub __get_hosts {
-    my ($Z, $option, @argv) = @_;
-    my @hosts_pattern =
-	  $option->{'oneeach'} ? ('00$')
-	: $option->{'regex'}   ? @argv
-	:                        map { '^' . $_ . '$' } @argv;
+    my ( $Z, $option, @argv ) = @_;
+    my @hosts_pattern
+        = $option->{'oneeach'} ? ('00$')
+        : $option->{'regex'}   ? @argv
+        :                        map { '^' . $_ . '$' } @argv;
     my @hosts = Get_Ordered_Filtered_Hosts( $Z, @hosts_pattern );
     die "FATAL: No matching host found.\n"
-	unless @hosts;
+        unless @hosts;
     warn "DEBUG: hosts: @hosts\n"
-	if $option->{'debug'};
+        if $option->{'debug'};
     return @hosts;
 # Do the magic for one VM
 sub __handle_vm {
-    my ($vm_hostname, $Z, $option) = @_;
+    my ( $vm_hostname, $Z, $option ) = @_;
     warn "INFO: handling host $vm_hostname\n"
-	if $option->{'verbose'};
+        if $option->{'verbose'};
     my $vm_dir = "/home/kvm/vm/$vm_hostname";
-    unless (-d $vm_dir) {
-	warn "INFO: creating $vm_dir\n"
-	    if $option->{'verbose'};
-	mkpath($vm_dir); # will properly croak() if needed
+    unless ( -d $vm_dir ) {
+        warn "INFO: creating $vm_dir\n"
+            if $option->{'verbose'};
+        mkpath($vm_dir);    # will properly croak() if needed
     my $vm_disk_file = "$vm_dir/$vm_hostname.qcow";
-    unless (-f $vm_disk_file) {
-	warn "INFO: no disk file, forcing install mode\n"
-	    if $option->{'verbose'};
-	$option->{'mode'} = 'install';
-    }
-    my @interfaces = __get_list_of_interfaces($Z, $vm_hostname);
-    my @net_args =
-	map { ('-net', $_) }
-	map { (
-	    "nic,vlan=$_->{'vlan'},macaddr=$_->{'mac'},model=e1000",
-	    "tap,vlan=$_->{'vlan'},ifname=$_->{'ifname'},script=no",
-	) }
-	@interfaces;
-    my   @screen_args = ('-S', $vm_hostname);
+    unless ( -f $vm_disk_file ) {
+        warn "INFO: no disk file, forcing install mode\n"
+            if $option->{'verbose'};
+        $option->{'mode'} = 'install';
+    }
+    my @interfaces = __get_list_of_interfaces( $Z, $vm_hostname );
+    my @net_args
+        = map { ( '-net', $_ ) }
+        map {
+        (   "nic,vlan=$_->{'vlan'},macaddr=$_->{'mac'},model=e1000",
+            "tap,vlan=$_->{'vlan'},ifname=$_->{'ifname'},script=no",
+            )
+        } @interfaces;
+    my @screen_args = ( '-S', $vm_hostname );
     push @screen_args, qw( -d -m )
-	if $option->{'detached'};
-    if ($option->{'mode'} eq 'stop-net') {
-	__remove_tap_interfaces($option, @interfaces);
-	exit 0;
-    }
-    __install_tap_interfaces($option, @interfaces);
-    if ($option->{'mode'} eq 'start-net') {
-	exit 0;
+        if $option->{'detached'};
+    if ( $option->{'mode'} eq 'stop-net' ) {
+        __remove_tap_interfaces( $option, @interfaces );
+        exit 0;
+    }
+    __install_tap_interfaces( $option, @interfaces );
+    if ( $option->{'mode'} eq 'start-net' ) {
+        exit 0;
     # TODO: prepend console=ttyS0.... to the cmdline in order to use kvm's
@@ -195,53 +184,54 @@
     # (yet?) how to do that.
     my @kvm_cmd = (
-	'screen',	@screen_args,
-	'kvm',
-	'-drive',	"file=$vm_disk_file,if=scsi,boot=on",
-	'-m',		$option->{'ram-size'},
-	@net_args,
-	'-curses',	'-k', 'fr',
-#	'-nographic',	'-monitor', qx{tty},
+        'screen', @screen_args,
+        'kvm',
+        '-drive', "file=$vm_disk_file,if=scsi,boot=on",
+        '-m',     $option->{'ram-size'},
+        @net_args,
+        '-curses', '-k', 'fr',
+        #	'-nographic',	'-monitor', qx{tty},
-    if ($option->{'mode'} eq 'install') {
-	__system_or_croak("kvm-img create $vm_disk_file $option->{'disk-size'}M");
-	# TODO: To fix the two following "FIXME" markers: extract the necessary
-	# parts from mk_pxelinuxcfg and put them in a package in order to be
-	# able to use here $SUBST (for ARCH PRESEED_URL CMDLINE etc.)
-	#
-	# kernel debian-installer/%ARCH%/linux initrd
-	# debian-installer/%ARCH%/initrd.gz append DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical
-	# vga=normal auto=true initrd=debian-installer/%ARCH%/initrd.gz
-	# interface=eth0 netcfg/no_default_route=true url=%PRESEED_URL%
-	# url/checksum=%PRESEED_MD5% -- %CONSOLE% %CMDLINE%
-	# FIXME: 'amd64' hardcoded
-	my $kernel = '/distrib/tftpboot/debian-installer/amd64/linux';
-	my $initrd = '/distrib/tftpboot/debian-installer/amd64/initrd.gz';
-	# FIXME: this is a dirty hack to get the cmdline from the PXE config file.
-	my $vm_ip_in_hex = __get_host_ip_in_hex($Z, $vm_hostname);
-	my $pxe_cfg_file = "/distrib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/$vm_ip_in_hex";
-	my $cmdline      = qx{grep DEBCONF_PRIORITY $pxe_cfg_file};
-	chomp $cmdline;
-	$cmdline =~ s{\A \s* append \s* (.*) \s* \z}{$1}xms;
-	# Disable framebuffer for the installation, I prefer the good old text mode,
-	# especially when connected via the "curses" or "monitor" KVM modes!
-	$cmdline =~ s{vga=normal}{fb=false}xms;
-	push @kvm_cmd,
-	    '-no-reboot',
-	    '-kernel',	$kernel,
-	    '-initrd',	$initrd,
-	    '-append',	$cmdline;
+    if ( $option->{'mode'} eq 'install' ) {
+        __system_or_croak(
+            "kvm-img create $vm_disk_file $option->{'disk-size'}M");
+       # TODO: To fix the two following "FIXME" markers: extract the necessary
+       # parts from mk_pxelinuxcfg and put them in a package in order to be
+       # able to use here $SUBST (for ARCH PRESEED_URL CMDLINE etc.)
+       #
+       # kernel debian-installer/%ARCH%/linux initrd
+       # debian-installer/%ARCH%/initrd.gz append DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical
+       # vga=normal auto=true initrd=debian-installer/%ARCH%/initrd.gz
+       # interface=eth0 netcfg/no_default_route=true url=%PRESEED_URL%
+       # url/checksum=%PRESEED_MD5% -- %CONSOLE% %CMDLINE%
+        # FIXME: 'amd64' hardcoded
+        my $kernel = '/distrib/tftpboot/debian-installer/amd64/linux';
+        my $initrd = '/distrib/tftpboot/debian-installer/amd64/initrd.gz';
+    # FIXME: this is a dirty hack to get the cmdline from the PXE config file.
+        my $vm_ip_in_hex = __get_host_ip_in_hex( $Z, $vm_hostname );
+        my $pxe_cfg_file = "/distrib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/$vm_ip_in_hex";
+        my $cmdline      = qx{grep DEBCONF_PRIORITY $pxe_cfg_file};
+        chomp $cmdline;
+        $cmdline =~ s{\A \s* append \s* (.*) \s* \z}{$1}xms;
+  # Disable framebuffer for the installation, I prefer the good old text mode,
+  # especially when connected via the "curses" or "monitor" KVM modes!
+        $cmdline =~ s{vga=normal}{fb=false}xms;
+        push @kvm_cmd,
+            '-no-reboot',
+            '-kernel', $kernel,
+            '-initrd', $initrd,
+            '-append', $cmdline;
 sub usage {
     warn <<"EOH";
@@ -291,98 +281,98 @@
 # Get the IP address for iface $iface of host $host
 sub __get_iface_ip {
-    my ($Z, $host, $iface) = @_;
-    my $hostclass = Host_class( $host, $Z );
-    my $N = $Z->{'SERVERS'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$hostclass};
-    my $M = $N->{'SRVLIST'}->{$host};
+    my ( $Z, $host, $iface ) = @_;
+    my $hostclass     = Host_class( $host, $Z );
+    my $N             = $Z->{'SERVERS'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$hostclass};
+    my $M             = $N->{'SRVLIST'}->{$host};
     my $host_dot_vlan = '';
-    foreach my $hdv (keys %{ $M->{'ifup'} }) {
-	$host_dot_vlan = $hdv
-	    if $M->{'ifup'}->{$hdv} eq $iface;
+    foreach my $hdv ( keys %{ $M->{'ifup'} } ) {
+        $host_dot_vlan = $hdv
+            if $M->{'ifup'}->{$hdv} eq $iface;
     croak "FATAL: Unable to find iface $iface"
-	unless $host_dot_vlan;
+        unless $host_dot_vlan;
     my $ip = $M->{'zone'}->{$host_dot_vlan}->{'FIELD'};
     return $ip;
 # Same as __get_iface_ip(), but give the IP address in hexadecimal format
 sub __get_host_ip_in_hex {
-    my ($Z, $host) = @_;
-    my $ip = __get_iface_ip($Z, $host, 'eth0');
+    my ( $Z, $host ) = @_;
+    my $ip = __get_iface_ip( $Z, $host, 'eth0' );
     return sprintf '%02X%02X%02X%02X', split '\.', $ip;
 # Return a list of anonymous hashrefs describing the $host interfaces
 sub __get_list_of_interfaces {
-    my ($Z, $host) = @_;
-    my ($dhcpif, $dhcp_address) = Get_Dhcp_Infos( $Z, $host );
+    my ( $Z, $host ) = @_;
+    my ( $dhcpif, $dhcp_address ) = Get_Dhcp_Infos( $Z, $host );
     my @interfaces = ();
-#    #UMRemap_If( $Z, $host );
+    #    #UMRemap_If( $Z, $host );
     my $umif = Get_UM_If( $Z, $host );
     foreach my $ifname ( sort { cmpif( $a, $b ) } keys %{$umif} ) {
-	my $tag = $umif->{$ifname};
-	next unless defined $tag;
-	my $virtual_ifname = __get_virtual_ifname($host, $ifname);
-	my $ip_address     = __get_iface_ip($Z, $host, $ifname);
-	warn "DEBUG:   iface $ifname <-> tag $tag <-> vif $virtual_ifname <-> IP $ip_address\n"
-	    if $option->{'debug'};
-	my ($bridge_name, $mac_address);
-	if ($tag == 13) {
-#	    $bridge_name = 'brsystem2'; # FIXME gruik temporaire
-	    $mac_address = uc $dhcp_address;
-	}
-	else {
-	    if ($tag eq 'TRUNK') {
-		$tag = 0;
-	    }
-	    $bridge_name = "br$tag";
-	    my @mac_address = qw( AC DE 48 ); # private
-	    # Ajouter les 3 derniers octets de l'adresse IP de cette interface
-	    my @ip_address = split '\.', $ip_address;
-	    shift @ip_address;
-	    push @mac_address, map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } @ip_address;
-	    $mac_address = join ':', @mac_address;
-	}
-	push @interfaces, {
-	    bridge => $bridge_name,
-	    ifname => $virtual_ifname,
-	    ip     => $ip_address,
-	    mac    => $mac_address,
-	    vlan   => $tag,
-	};
+        my $tag = $umif->{$ifname};
+        next unless defined $tag;
+        my $virtual_ifname = __get_virtual_ifname( $host, $ifname );
+        my $ip_address = __get_iface_ip( $Z, $host, $ifname );
+        warn
+            "DEBUG:   iface $ifname <-> tag $tag <-> vif $virtual_ifname <-> IP $ip_address\n"
+            if $option->{'debug'};
+        my ( $bridge_name, $mac_address );
+        if ( $tag == 13 ) {
+            #	    $bridge_name = 'brsystem2'; # FIXME gruik temporaire
+            $mac_address = uc $dhcp_address;
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( $tag eq 'TRUNK' ) {
+                $tag = 0;
+            }
+            $bridge_name = "br$tag";
+            my @mac_address = qw( AC DE 48 );    # private
+              # Ajouter les 3 derniers octets de l'adresse IP de cette interface
+            my @ip_address = split '\.', $ip_address;
+            shift @ip_address;
+            push @mac_address, map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } @ip_address;
+            $mac_address = join ':', @mac_address;
+        }
+        push @interfaces,
+            {
+            bridge => $bridge_name,
+            ifname => $virtual_ifname,
+            ip     => $ip_address,
+            mac    => $mac_address,
+            vlan   => $tag,
+            };
     return @interfaces;
 # In our model, the virtual interfaces (the tun devices) are named as
 # "$hostname.$number", where $hostname is the VM name and $number is the VM
 # network interface number. For instance, the tun device for host admstream00
 # interface eth2 would be "admstream00.2".
 # However, a network interface name has a maximum size of $IFNAMESIZ - 1
 # characters. So, the tun device for host abv1-ncdn-varnish00 interfaces eth0
 # and eth1, "abv1-ncdn-varnish00.0" and "abv1-ncdn-varnish00.1", would both be
@@ -394,13 +384,17 @@
 # gives us short enough names, such as "m-8f6aac88.0" and "m-8f6aac88.1"
 # instead of "abv1-ncdn-varnish00.0" and "abv1-ncdn-varnish00.1".
-sub __get_virtual_ifname { my ($host, $ifname) = @_;
-    my $IFNAMESIZ         = 16;             # <linux/if.h>
-    my $MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE = $IFNAMESIZ - 3; # '.' + one digit + NULL
+sub __get_virtual_ifname {
+    my ( $host, $ifname ) = @_;
+    my $IFNAMESIZ         = 16;                # <linux/if.h>
+    my $MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE = $IFNAMESIZ - 3;    # '.' + one digit + NULL
     my ($iface_number) = $ifname =~ m{\A \D+ (\d+) \z}xms;
-    my $mangled_hostname = length($host) > $MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE ? "m-" . crc32_hex($host) : $host;
+    my $mangled_hostname
+        = length($host) > $MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE
+        ? "m-" . crc32_hex($host)
+        : $host;
     my $virtual_ifname = join '.', $mangled_hostname, $iface_number;
@@ -408,65 +402,66 @@
 sub __install_tap_interfaces {
-    my ($option, @interfaces) = @_;
+    my ( $option, @interfaces ) = @_;
     foreach my $iface (@interfaces) {
-	# create the TUN/TAP device
-	__create_tun_device($option, $iface->{'ifname'});
-	# add it to the bridge hosting the corresponding VLAN
-	__brctl_addif($option, $iface->{'vlan'}, $iface->{'ifname'});
+        # create the TUN/TAP device
+        __create_tun_device( $option, $iface->{'ifname'} );
+        # add it to the bridge hosting the corresponding VLAN
+        __brctl_addif( $option, $iface->{'vlan'}, $iface->{'ifname'} );
 sub __remove_tap_interfaces {
-    my ($option, @interfaces) = @_;
+    my ( $option, @interfaces ) = @_;
     foreach my $iface (@interfaces) {
-	__brctl_delif($option, $iface->{'vlan'}, $iface->{'ifname'});
-	__delete_tun_device($option, $iface->{'ifname'});
+        __brctl_delif( $option, $iface->{'vlan'}, $iface->{'ifname'} );
+        __delete_tun_device( $option, $iface->{'ifname'} );
 sub __create_tun_device {
-    my ($option, $ifname) = @_;
+    my ( $option, $ifname ) = @_;
     warn "INFO: creating tun device $ifname\n"
-	if $option->{'verbose'};
+        if $option->{'verbose'};
     __system_or_carp("tunctl -b -t $ifname");
     __system_or_carp("ifconfig $ifname up");
 sub __delete_tun_device {
-    my ($option, $ifname) = @_;
+    my ( $option, $ifname ) = @_;
     warn "INFO: deleting tun device $ifname\n"
-	if $option->{'verbose'};
+        if $option->{'verbose'};
     __system_or_carp("ifconfig $ifname down");
     __system_or_carp("tunctl -d $ifname");
 sub __brctl_addif {
-    my ($option, $vlan_tag, $ifname) = @_;
+    my ( $option, $vlan_tag, $ifname ) = @_;
     my $brname = "br$vlan_tag";
     warn "INFO: adding tun device $ifname to bridge $brname\n"
-	if $option->{'verbose'};
+        if $option->{'verbose'};
     my $cmd = "brctl addif $brname $ifname";
 sub __brctl_delif {
-    my ($option, $vlan_tag, $ifname) = @_;
+    my ( $option, $vlan_tag, $ifname ) = @_;
     my $brname = "br$vlan_tag";
     warn "INFO: removing tun device $ifname from bridge $brname\n"
-	if $option->{'verbose'};
+        if $option->{'verbose'};
     my $cmd = "brctl delif $brname $ifname";
@@ -476,13 +471,13 @@
     my @cmd = @_;
     system(@cmd) == 0
-	or croak "FATAL: system(@cmd): $OS_ERROR";
+        or croak "FATAL: system(@cmd): $OS_ERROR";
 sub __system_or_carp {
     my @cmd = @_;
     system(@cmd) == 0
-	or carp "IGNORED: system(@cmd): $OS_ERROR\nGo check manually!";
+        or carp "IGNORED: system(@cmd): $OS_ERROR\nGo check manually!";

Modified: branches/next-gen/tools/pflaunch
--- branches/next-gen/tools/pflaunch (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/tools/pflaunch Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@
     return unless $a and ref $a eq 'HASH';
     foreach my $section ( keys %$a ) {
-	foreach my $key ( keys %{ $a->{$section} } ) {
-	    $a->{$section}->{$key} =~ s/\s+#\s+.*$//;
-	}
+        foreach my $key ( keys %{ $a->{$section} } ) {
+            $a->{$section}->{$key} =~ s/\s+#\s+.*$//;
+        }
     return $a;
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@
     my ($if) = @_;
     if ( length($if) > $IFNAMSIZ - 1 ) {
-	my $oldif = $if;
-	$if = substr( $if, length($if) - $IFNAMSIZ + 1 );
-	__Debug("ifname trop long : $oldif -> $if");
+        my $oldif = $if;
+        $if = substr( $if, length($if) - $IFNAMSIZ + 1 );
+        __Debug("ifname trop long : $oldif -> $if");
     return $if;
@@ -124,27 +124,27 @@
 sub __runCmds ($;$) {
     my $cmds;
     if ( ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-	$cmds = shift;
+        $cmds = shift;
     else {
-	push @$cmds, shift;
+        push @$cmds, shift;
     return unless defined $cmds;
     my $quiet = shift;
     my $ok = 1;    # OK
     foreach my $cmd (@$cmds) {
-	my @ret = `$cmd 2>&1`;
-	if ($?) {
-	    $ok = 0;
-	}
-	elsif ($quiet) {
-	    __Debug(@ret);
-	}
-	else {
-	    __Debug(@ret);
-	}
+        my @ret = `$cmd 2>&1`;
+        if ($?) {
+            $ok = 0;
+        }
+        elsif ($quiet) {
+            __Debug(@ret);
+        }
+        else {
+            __Debug(@ret);
+        }
     return $ok;
@@ -156,18 +156,18 @@
     my $vm = shift;
     unless ( defined $vm and $vm ) {
-	__Err("__FamillyNumFromVM appelé sans parametre");
-	return;
+        __Err("__FamillyNumFromVM appelé sans parametre");
+        return;
     if ( defined $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}
-	and $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm} )
+        and $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm} )
-	return (
-	    $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{f},
-	    $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{n},
-	    $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{s}
-	);
+        return (
+            $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{f},
+            $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{n},
+            $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{s}
+        );
     my $famille;
@@ -175,41 +175,41 @@
     my $section;
     if ( $vm =~ /^(\S+)(\d\d)$/ ) {
-	$famille = $1;
-	$num     = $2;
-	$section = $famille . "%%";
-	unless ( exists $private_network->{$section} ) {
-	    if ( exists $private_network->{$vm} ) {
-		__Info(
-		    "La section $section n'existe pas, c'est $vm qui sera prise à la place"
-		);
-		$section = $vm;
-	    }
-	    else {
-		__Err(
-		    "La section $section n'existe pas, et pas de section $vm à la place. Problème a venir ..."
-		);
-	    }
-	}
+        $famille = $1;
+        $num     = $2;
+        $section = $famille . "%%";
+        unless ( exists $private_network->{$section} ) {
+            if ( exists $private_network->{$vm} ) {
+                __Info(
+                    "La section $section n'existe pas, c'est $vm qui sera prise à la place"
+                );
+                $section = $vm;
+            }
+            else {
+                __Err(
+                    "La section $section n'existe pas, et pas de section $vm à la place. Problème a venir ..."
+                );
+            }
+        }
     elsif ( $vm =~ /^(\S+)$/ ) {
-	__Info(
-	    "Attention, nom de machine sans extension numerique, c'est bien ce que vous voulez ?"
-	);
-	$famille = $1;
-	$num     = 0;
-	$section = $famille;
-	unless ( $private_network->{$section}->{'umlfilename.default'} ) {
-	    __Info(
-		"Attention, la machine `$vm' n'a pas de clef umlfilename.default, elle ne sera donc pas lancée"
-	    );
-	}
+        __Info(
+            "Attention, nom de machine sans extension numerique, c'est bien ce que vous voulez ?"
+        );
+        $famille = $1;
+        $num     = 0;
+        $section = $famille;
+        unless ( $private_network->{$section}->{'umlfilename.default'} ) {
+            __Info(
+                "Attention, la machine `$vm' n'a pas de clef umlfilename.default, elle ne sera donc pas lancée"
+            );
+        }
     else {
-	__Fault(
-	    "L'entrée `$vm' de votre fichier de configuration de correspond pas a un\n
+        __Fault(
+            "L'entrée `$vm' de votre fichier de configuration de correspond pas a un\n
           nom de machine valide."
-	);
+        );
     $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{f} = $famille;
     $cache->{'FamillyNumFromVM '}->{$vm}->{n} = $num;
@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@
     my $s = $private_network->{$section};
     __Fault("Familly '$famille' NOT found !")
-	unless ( defined($s) and ($section) );
+        unless ( defined($s) and ($section) );
     __Fault("VM $famille$num out of range.") if ( $s->{number} <= $num );
     my $listalias;
     foreach my $key ( keys %$s ) {
-	if ( $key =~ /^alias\.(\S+)/ ) {
-	    push @$listalias, $1 if ( $num == 0 );
-	    push @$listalias, $1 . $num;
-	}
+        if ( $key =~ /^alias\.(\S+)/ ) {
+            push @$listalias, $1 if ( $num == 0 );
+            push @$listalias, $1 . $num;
+        }
     return $listalias;
@@ -253,12 +253,12 @@
     # Recherche des ipstart
-	= ( defined( $s->{"ipstart.default"} ) )
-	? $s->{"ipstart.default"}
-	: -1;
+        = ( defined( $s->{"ipstart.default"} ) )
+        ? $s->{"ipstart.default"}
+        : -1;
     foreach my $key ( keys %$s ) {
-	if ( $key =~ /^ipstart\.(\S+)/ ) {
+        if ( $key =~ /^ipstart\.(\S+)/ ) {
      # ATTENTION ce calcul est faux si on ne travaille pas que sur des /24. Et
      # c'est justement le cas avec le nouvel adressage !
@@ -266,26 +266,26 @@
      #die "$famille, $num : ipstart.$1 out of range (".$s->{$key}.")\n"
      #	  if (($s->{$key} > 254) or ($s->{$key} < 1));
-	    $ipstart->{$1} = $s->{$key};
-	}
+            $ipstart->{$1} = $s->{$key};
+        }
     # Creation des adresses
     foreach my $key ( keys %$s ) {
-	if ( $key =~ /^interface\.\S+/ ) {
-	    my $vlan    = $s->{$key};
-	    my $network = $private_network->{$vlan}->{'network'};
-	    __Err("Can't get IP of vlan $vlan") unless defined $network;
-	    my $ip = Address(
-		$network,
-		( defined $ipstart->{$vlan} )
-		? $ipstart->{$vlan}
-		: $ipstart->{default},
-		$num
-	    );
-	    push @$listip, { lan => $vlan, ip => $ip };
-	}
+        if ( $key =~ /^interface\.\S+/ ) {
+            my $vlan    = $s->{$key};
+            my $network = $private_network->{$vlan}->{'network'};
+            __Err("Can't get IP of vlan $vlan") unless defined $network;
+            my $ip = Address(
+                $network,
+                ( defined $ipstart->{$vlan} )
+                ? $ipstart->{$vlan}
+                : $ipstart->{default},
+                $num
+            );
+            push @$listip, { lan => $vlan, ip => $ip };
+        }
     return $listip;
@@ -301,33 +301,33 @@
     my $l = Config_Key( $configfile, "init", '@vlan' );
     if ($l) {
-	foreach ( @{$l} ) {
-	    $h->{"vlan-$_"} = 1 if defined $_;
-	}
+        foreach ( @{$l} ) {
+            $h->{"vlan-$_"} = 1 if defined $_;
+        }
     my $section_start = Config_Key( $configfile, "init", '@start' );
     if ( !$section_start ) {
-	__Fault(
-	    "Je ne trouve pas l'entrée \@start dans $configfile, (section [init])"
-	);
+        __Fault(
+            "Je ne trouve pas l'entrée \@start dans $configfile, (section [init])"
+        );
     foreach my $vm (@$section_start) {
-	my ( $famille, $num, $section ) = __FamillyNumFromVM($vm);
-	my $s = $private_network->{$section};
-	unless ($s) {
-	    __Fault(
-		"(Je ne peux pas lire la section `$section` from $privatenetworkfile pour la vm `$vm'"
-	    );
-	}
-	foreach my $lan ( %{$s} ) {
-	    $h->{ $s->{$lan} } = 1 if ( $lan =~ /^interface\./ );
-	}
+        my ( $famille, $num, $section ) = __FamillyNumFromVM($vm);
+        my $s = $private_network->{$section};
+        unless ($s) {
+            __Fault(
+                "(Je ne peux pas lire la section `$section` from $privatenetworkfile pour la vm `$vm'"
+            );
+        }
+        foreach my $lan ( %{$s} ) {
+            $h->{ $s->{$lan} } = 1 if ( $lan =~ /^interface\./ );
+        }
     # le sort, c'est juste pour ce que soit toujours traité dans le même ordre
@@ -345,19 +345,19 @@
     my @brshow = `brctl show`;
     shift @brshow;    # ligne d'entete
     foreach my $line (@brshow) {
-	$h->{$1} = 1 if ( $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+/ );
+        $h->{$1} = 1 if ( $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+/ );
     # Dans le cas ou la configuration a changé entre temps
     if ( opendir( DIR, $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/bridge/" ) ) {
-	foreach ( readdir DIR ) {
-	    next if /^\./;
-	    $h->{$_} = 1;
-	}
-	closedir DIR;
+        foreach ( readdir DIR ) {
+            next if /^\./;
+            $h->{$_} = 1;
+        }
+        closedir DIR;
     else {
-	__Err( "Can't open dir " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/bridge/" );
+        __Err( "Can't open dir " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/bridge/" );
     @$listbr = sort keys %$h;
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
     my $section = $private_network->{$vlan};
     __Err("Can't read section [$vlan] from `$privatenetworkfile'")
-	unless ( defined($section) and ($section) );
+        unless ( defined($section) and ($section) );
     return $section;
@@ -386,16 +386,16 @@
     my $listVM = Config_Key( $configfile, "init", "\@start" );
     foreach my $vm (@$listVM) {
-	my $uml_cfg = Config_Section( $configfile, "uml-$vm" );
-	my $priorite = 10;    # Val par defaut
-	$priorite = $uml_cfg->{priorite}
-	    if ( defined( $uml_cfg->{priorite} ) );
-	__Fault("Mauvaise priorite pour la section [uml-$vm]")
-	    if ( $priorite < 0 or $priorite > 255 );
-	$umlToLaunch->[$priorite] .= " $vm";
+        my $uml_cfg = Config_Section( $configfile, "uml-$vm" );
+        my $priorite = 10;    # Val par defaut
+        $priorite = $uml_cfg->{priorite}
+            if ( defined( $uml_cfg->{priorite} ) );
+        __Fault("Mauvaise priorite pour la section [uml-$vm]")
+            if ( $priorite < 0 or $priorite > 255 );
+        $umlToLaunch->[$priorite] .= " $vm";
     return $umlToLaunch;
@@ -417,15 +417,15 @@
     my @ipstart;
     if ( $s->{ "ipstart." . $vlan } ) {
-	@ipstart = split( /\./, $s->{ "ipstart." . $vlan } );
+        @ipstart = split( /\./, $s->{ "ipstart." . $vlan } );
     else {
-	@ipstart = split( /\./, $s->{"ipstart.default"} ) unless @ipstart;
+        @ipstart = split( /\./, $s->{"ipstart.default"} ) unless @ipstart;
     unless (@ipstart) {
-	__Err("can't find ipstart for `$section'");
-	return;
+        __Err("can't find ipstart for `$section'");
+        return;
     @ipstart = reverse @ipstart;
     push @ipstart, "0" while ( @ipstart < 4 );
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@
     my $n = $private_network->{$vlan}->{'network'};
     __Fault(  "Je ne peux pas lire la s network du "
-	    . "vlan `$vlan' dans '$privatenetworkfile'" )
-	unless $n;
+            . "vlan `$vlan' dans '$privatenetworkfile'" )
+        unless $n;
     my @n_ip;
     @n_ip = split( /\./, $n );
@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@
     $ip[$_] = ( $n_ip[$_] + $ipstart[$_] ) foreach ( 0 .. 3 );
     unless ( @n_ip == 4 ) {
-	__Err("Ip invalide pour `$vm', `$vlan'");
-	return;
+        __Err("Ip invalide pour `$vm', `$vlan'");
+        return;
     $n_ip[3] += $num;
     my $ip = join ".", @ip;
@@ -470,13 +470,13 @@
     $mtu = Config_Key( $configfile, "vlan-default", "mtu" ) unless $mtu;
     unless ($mtu) {
-	__Err(
-	    "Can't read mtu from vlan-* section, using default (`$vlan_default_mtu')"
-	);
-	$mtu = $vlan_default_mtu;
+        __Err(
+            "Can't read mtu from vlan-* section, using default (`$vlan_default_mtu')"
+        );
+        $mtu = $vlan_default_mtu;
     if ( $mtu > 1496 ) {
-	__Err("$vlan : mtu de `$mtu' > à 1496");
+        __Err("$vlan : mtu de `$mtu' > à 1496");
     my $t = Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "\@ip" );
@@ -485,54 +485,54 @@
     my $arp = "";
     my $settingarp = Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "arp" );
     $settingarp = Config_Key( $configfile, "vlan-default", "arp" )
-	unless $settingarp;
+        unless $settingarp;
     if ($settingarp) {
-	if ( $settingarp eq "true" ) {
-	    $arp = "arp";
-	}
-	elsif ( $settingarp eq "false" ) {
-	    $arp = "-arp";
-	}
-	else {
-	    __Err("Mauvaise valeur pour la clef arp (true/false)");
-	}
+        if ( $settingarp eq "true" ) {
+            $arp = "arp";
+        }
+        elsif ( $settingarp eq "false" ) {
+            $arp = "-arp";
+        }
+        else {
+            __Err("Mauvaise valeur pour la clef arp (true/false)");
+        }
-	"Attention vous n'avez pas d'\@ip ni dans la section [vlan-default] ni"
-	    . "dans [vlan-$vlan] pour le vlan `$vlan'" )
-	unless $t;
+        "Attention vous n'avez pas d'\@ip ni dans la section [vlan-default] ni"
+            . "dans [vlan-$vlan] pour le vlan `$vlan'" )
+        unless $t;
     foreach my $v (@$t) {
-	next unless defined $v;
-	if ( $v =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(?:\/[\d.]+)?$/ ) {
+        next unless defined $v;
+        if ( $v =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(?:\/[\d.]+)?$/ ) {
 # une IP et éventuellement un préfixe ou un netmask : ou
 # si pas de préfixe ou netmask : le netmask du vlan
-	    my ( $ip, $cidr ) = ipv4_parse($v);    #, 24
-	    my $mask
-		= $cidr
-		? ipv4_cidr2msk($cidr)
-		: $vlan_setup->{netmask};          #
-	    __Debug("DEBUG: v=$v ip=$ip mask=$mask");
-	    push @ip, [ $ip, $mask ];
-	}
-	elsif ( $v ne 'none' ) {
+            my ( $ip, $cidr ) = ipv4_parse($v);    #, 24
+            my $mask
+                = $cidr
+                ? ipv4_cidr2msk($cidr)
+                : $vlan_setup->{netmask};          #
+            __Debug("DEBUG: v=$v ip=$ip mask=$mask");
+            push @ip, [ $ip, $mask ];
+        }
+        elsif ( $v ne 'none' ) {
    # un nom de machine (juste un hostname et on le prend dans le vlan courant)
-	    my $vn = __GetVMnet($v);
-	    unless ($vn) {
-		__Err(
-		    "Mauvaise valeur : `$_' dans le fichier de conf dans une section \@ip"
-		);
-	    }
-	    foreach (@$vn) {
-		push @ip, [ $_->{ip}, $vlan_setup->{netmask} ]
-		    if $_->{lan} eq $vlan and $_->{ip};
-	    }
-	}
+            my $vn = __GetVMnet($v);
+            unless ($vn) {
+                __Err(
+                    "Mauvaise valeur : `$_' dans le fichier de conf dans une section \@ip"
+                );
+            }
+            foreach (@$vn) {
+                push @ip, [ $_->{ip}, $vlan_setup->{netmask} ]
+                    if $_->{lan} eq $vlan and $_->{ip};
+            }
+        }
     my $i;
@@ -540,30 +540,30 @@
     # retrouver les interfaces que j'ai déja lancée
     if ( open STATUS_IFBR, "<" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ifbr" ) {
-	foreach (<STATUS_IFBR>) {
-	    $i++ if (/^($brname|$brname:\d+)$/);
-	}
-	close STATUS_IFBR;
+        foreach (<STATUS_IFBR>) {
+            $i++ if (/^($brname|$brname:\d+)$/);
+        }
+        close STATUS_IFBR;
     open STATUS_IFBR, ">>" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ifbr";
     foreach my $cidr (@ip) {
-	my ( $ip, $mask ) = @$cidr;
-	my $ifbr = $brname;
-	$ifbr .= ":" if ($i);
-	$ifbr .= $i - 1 if ($i);
-	print STATUS_IFBR $ifbr . "\n";
-	my $cmd = "ifconfig $ifbr";
-	$cmd .= " $ip";
-	$cmd .= " netmask $mask";
-	$cmd .= " $arp";
-	$cmd .= " mtu $mtu";
-	$cmd .= " promisc" unless $i;
-	$cmd .= " up";
-	push @$cmds, $cmd;
-	$i++;
+        my ( $ip, $mask ) = @$cidr;
+        my $ifbr = $brname;
+        $ifbr .= ":" if ($i);
+        $ifbr .= $i - 1 if ($i);
+        print STATUS_IFBR $ifbr . "\n";
+        my $cmd = "ifconfig $ifbr";
+        $cmd .= " $ip";
+        $cmd .= " netmask $mask";
+        $cmd .= " $arp";
+        $cmd .= " mtu $mtu";
+        $cmd .= " promisc" unless $i;
+        $cmd .= " up";
+        push @$cmds, $cmd;
+        $i++;
     close STATUS_IFBR;
@@ -587,9 +587,9 @@
     my $brname = "br" . $tag;
     __Info(   "  Mise en place de '" 
-	    . $vlan . "` ("
-	    . $vlan_setup->{comment}
-	    . ")" );
+            . $vlan . "` ("
+            . $vlan_setup->{comment}
+            . ")" );
     __Debug( "  bridge `" . $brname . " @ " . $vlan_setup->{network} . "'" );
     #  `ifconfig $brname 2>/dev/null`;
@@ -602,24 +602,24 @@
     my $svlan = Config_Section( $configfile, $vlan );
     foreach ( keys %$sdef ) {
-	$br_setting->{$1} = $sdef->{ "br-" . $1 }
-	    if (/^br-(.+)$/);
+        $br_setting->{$1} = $sdef->{ "br-" . $1 }
+            if (/^br-(.+)$/);
     foreach ( keys %$svlan ) {
-	$br_setting->{$1} = $svlan->{ "br-" . $1 }
-	    if (/^br-(.+)$/);
+        $br_setting->{$1} = $svlan->{ "br-" . $1 }
+            if (/^br-(.+)$/);
     unless ($br_setting) {
-	__Debug(
-	    "  Je ne trouve pas de réglage pour le br, j'utilise ce par defaut."
-	);
-	$br_setting = { stp => 'off', setfd => 1, sethello => 1 };
+        __Debug(
+            "  Je ne trouve pas de réglage pour le br, j'utilise ce par defaut."
+        );
+        $br_setting = { stp => 'off', setfd => 1, sethello => 1 };
     foreach $para ( keys %{$br_setting} ) {
-	__Debug("  $brname : $para = $br_setting->{$para}");
-	__runCmds( [ "brctl $para $brname " . $br_setting->{$para} ], "1" );
+        __Debug("  $brname : $para = $br_setting->{$para}");
+        __runCmds( [ "brctl $para $brname " . $br_setting->{$para} ], "1" );
@@ -628,25 +628,25 @@
     $trunk = "eth1" unless ($trunk);
     `ifconfig $trunk up 2>/dev/null`;
     unless ($?) {
-	__Info("    Upping `$trunk.$tag'");
-	__runCmds(
-	    [   "vconfig set_name_type DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD",
-		"vconfig add $trunk $tag",
-		"ifconfig $trunk.$tag mtu 1496 promisc up",
-	    ]
-	);
-	__BridgeAttacheIf( $brname, $trunk . "." . $tag );
+        __Info("    Upping `$trunk.$tag'");
+        __runCmds(
+            [   "vconfig set_name_type DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD",
+                "vconfig add $trunk $tag",
+                "ifconfig $trunk.$tag mtu 1496 promisc up",
+            ]
+        );
+        __BridgeAttacheIf( $brname, $trunk . "." . $tag );
     # J'attache les pates des vm (dans le cas d'un restart)
     my $tmp = __GetIfByVlan($vlan);
     foreach (@$tmp) {
-	__BridgeAttacheIf( $brname,
-	    __sanitize_ifname( $_ . "." . $vlan_setup->{tag} ) );
+        __BridgeAttacheIf( $brname,
+            __sanitize_ifname( $_ . "." . $vlan_setup->{tag} ) );
     unless ( -f $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/bridge/" . $brname ) {
-	`touch $PF_STATUS_DIR"/bridge/"$brname`;
+        `touch $PF_STATUS_DIR"/bridge/"$brname`;
@@ -660,34 +660,34 @@
     my $brname = shift;
     unless ($brname) {
-	__Debug("__BridgeDel: pas de valeur en parametre");
-	return;
+        __Debug("__BridgeDel: pas de valeur en parametre");
+        return;
     my $ifattached = __BridgeGetIfAttached($brname);
     if (@$ifattached) {
-	__Debug(  "Vous avez "
-		. @$ifattached
-		. " interface(s) attachée(s) à $brname" );
-	__Debug("Je les détache...");
-	__BridgeDetacheIf( $brname, $_ ) foreach (@$ifattached);
+        __Debug(  "Vous avez "
+                . @$ifattached
+                . " interface(s) attachée(s) à $brname" );
+        __Debug("Je les détache...");
+        __BridgeDetacheIf( $brname, $_ ) foreach (@$ifattached);
     __Info("  J'arrete le bridge `$brname'");
     # Je vire les alias du br
     if ( open STATUS_IFBR, "<" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ifbr" ) {
-	foreach (<STATUS_IFBR>) {
-	    next unless (/^$brname:/);
-	    chomp;
-	    `ifconfig $_ 2>/dev/null`;
-	    __runCmds( "ifconfig $_ down", 1 ) unless $?;
-	}
-	close STATUS_IFBR;
+        foreach (<STATUS_IFBR>) {
+            next unless (/^$brname:/);
+            chomp;
+            `ifconfig $_ 2>/dev/null`;
+            __runCmds( "ifconfig $_ down", 1 ) unless $?;
+        }
+        close STATUS_IFBR;
     else {
-	__Err( "Can't open " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ifbr" );
+        __Err( "Can't open " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ifbr" );
     __runCmds( [ "ifconfig $brname down", "brctl delbr $brname" ], 1 );
@@ -699,10 +699,10 @@
     #  descend les $trunk.$tag
     __runCmds( [ "ifconfig $trunk.$1 down", "vconfig rem $trunk.$1" ], "1" )
-	if ( !$? and $brname =~ /(\d+)$/ );
+        if ( !$? and $brname =~ /(\d+)$/ );
     if ( -f $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/bridge/" . $brname ) {
-	unlink $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/bridge/" . $brname;
+        unlink $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/bridge/" . $brname;
@@ -714,19 +714,19 @@
     my $list   = [];
     return $list
-	unless defined $brname;    # éviter du travail inutile et des warnings
+        unless defined $brname;    # éviter du travail inutile et des warnings
     my @brshow = `brctl show`;
     shift @brshow;                 # ligne d'entete
     my $b;
     foreach my $line (@brshow) {
-	$b = $1 if ( $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+/ );
-	if ( $b eq $brname ) {
-	    push @$list, $1
-		if ( $line =~ /^\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)$/ );
-	}
+        $b = $1 if ( $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+/ );
+        if ( $b eq $brname ) {
+            push @$list, $1
+                if ( $line =~ /^\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)$/ );
+        }
     return $list;
@@ -739,14 +739,14 @@
     my $list = [];
     return $list
-	unless defined $vlan;    # éviter du travail inutile et des warnings
+        unless defined $vlan;    # éviter du travail inutile et des warnings
     my $ListVM = Config_Key( $configfile, "init", "\@start" );
     foreach my $vm ( @{$ListVM} ) {
-	foreach ( @{ __GetVMnet($vm) } ) {
-	    push( @$list, $vm ) if ( $_->{lan} eq $vlan );
-	}
+        foreach ( @{ __GetVMnet($vm) } ) {
+            push( @$list, $vm ) if ( $_->{lan} eq $vlan );
+        }
     return $list;
@@ -757,22 +757,22 @@
     my ( $bridge, $if ) = @_;
     unless ( $bridge and $if ) {
-	__Err(
-	    "__BridgeAttacheIf called with undef or empty bridge and/or if");
-	return undef;
+        __Err(
+            "__BridgeAttacheIf called with undef or empty bridge and/or if");
+        return undef;
     `ifconfig $if 2>&1`;
     if ($?) {
-	# Pourquoi
-	__Debug(
-	    "L'interface `$if' ne semble pas dispo, l'UML n'est sans doute pas lancée"
-	);
-	return;
+        # Pourquoi
+        __Debug(
+            "L'interface `$if' ne semble pas dispo, l'UML n'est sans doute pas lancée"
+        );
+        return;
     else {
-	__runCmds( ["brctl addif $bridge $if"], "1" );
+        __runCmds( ["brctl addif $bridge $if"], "1" );
     __runCmds( ["ifconfig $if up"], "1" );
@@ -787,16 +787,16 @@
     my ( $bridge, $if ) = @_;
     unless ( $bridge and $if ) {
-	__Err(
-	    "__BridgeDetacheIf called with undef or empty bridge and/or if");
-	return;
+        __Err(
+            "__BridgeDetacheIf called with undef or empty bridge and/or if");
+        return;
     unless ( __runCmds( ["brctl delif $bridge $if"], 1 ) ) {
-	__Err(
-	    "Attention : Je n'arrive pas à détacher `$if' du bridge `$bridge'"
-	);
-	return;
+        __Err(
+            "Attention : Je n'arrive pas à détacher `$if' du bridge `$bridge'"
+        );
+        return;
     return 1;
@@ -815,65 +815,65 @@
     __Info("  Lancement des vm");
     foreach my $i ( 0 .. 255 ) {
-	next unless $umls->[$i];
-	foreach my $host ( split / /, $umls->[$i] ) {
-	    next unless $host;
-	    my ( undef, undef, $section ) = __FamillyNumFromVM($host);
-	    unless (
-		exists $private_network->{$section}->{'umlfilename.default'} )
-	    {
-		__Info(
-		    "Attention, la machine `$host' n'a pas de clef umlfilename.default,"
-			. "elle ne sera donc pas lancée" );
-		next;
-	    }
-	    if ( __Umlrunning($host) ) {
-		__Info("`$host' est déjà lancé...");
-		next;
-	    }
-	    my $branche = __GetBrancheCVS($host);
-	    my $mem = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-" . $host, "mem" );
-	    my $disksize
-		= Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-" . $host, "disksize" );
-	    $disksize = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-default", "disksize" )
-		unless $disksize;
-	    $disksize = 768 unless $disksize;
-	    unless ( ( -f $ENV{HOME} . "/.uml/$host.disk0" )
-		or ( $options->{dontcheckdf} ) )
-	    {
-		while (
-		    __GetDiskSpaceLeft( $ENV{HOME} . "/.uml/" ) < $disksize )
-		{
-		    __Err(
-			"Probleme d'espace disque... Il me faut `$disksize' Mo pour lancer `$host'"
-		    );
-		    sleep 5;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if ( $mem and $mem < 16 ) {
-		__Debug(
-		    "$host : memoire $mem trop faible (< 16Mo), je la passe à 16Mo"
-		);
-		$mem = 16;
-	    }
-	    __Info( "     " . __PrintTime() );
-	    __Debug("     priorité : `$i'");
-	    __Info("     vm : `$host'");
-	    __Info("     branche : `$branche'") if ($branche);
-	    my $cmd = "$umlaunch --wait --detached ";
-	    $cmd .= "--branche-cvs=" . $branche . " " if $branche;
-	    $cmd .= "--mem=" . $mem . " "             if $mem;
-	    $cmd .= "--disksize=" . $disksize . " "   if $disksize;
-	    $cmd .= $host;
-	    __Fault("$cmd failed") unless ( __runCmds( [$cmd] ) );
-	}
+        next unless $umls->[$i];
+        foreach my $host ( split / /, $umls->[$i] ) {
+            next unless $host;
+            my ( undef, undef, $section ) = __FamillyNumFromVM($host);
+            unless (
+                exists $private_network->{$section}->{'umlfilename.default'} )
+            {
+                __Info(
+                    "Attention, la machine `$host' n'a pas de clef umlfilename.default,"
+                        . "elle ne sera donc pas lancée" );
+                next;
+            }
+            if ( __Umlrunning($host) ) {
+                __Info("`$host' est déjà lancé...");
+                next;
+            }
+            my $branche = __GetBrancheCVS($host);
+            my $mem = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-" . $host, "mem" );
+            my $disksize
+                = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-" . $host, "disksize" );
+            $disksize = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-default", "disksize" )
+                unless $disksize;
+            $disksize = 768 unless $disksize;
+            unless ( ( -f $ENV{HOME} . "/.uml/$host.disk0" )
+                or ( $options->{dontcheckdf} ) )
+            {
+                while (
+                    __GetDiskSpaceLeft( $ENV{HOME} . "/.uml/" ) < $disksize )
+                {
+                    __Err(
+                        "Probleme d'espace disque... Il me faut `$disksize' Mo pour lancer `$host'"
+                    );
+                    sleep 5;
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $mem and $mem < 16 ) {
+                __Debug(
+                    "$host : memoire $mem trop faible (< 16Mo), je la passe à 16Mo"
+                );
+                $mem = 16;
+            }
+            __Info( "     " . __PrintTime() );
+            __Debug("     priorité : `$i'");
+            __Info("     vm : `$host'");
+            __Info("     branche : `$branche'") if ($branche);
+            my $cmd = "$umlaunch --wait --detached ";
+            $cmd .= "--branche-cvs=" . $branche . " " if $branche;
+            $cmd .= "--mem=" . $mem . " "             if $mem;
+            $cmd .= "--disksize=" . $disksize . " "   if $disksize;
+            $cmd .= $host;
+            __Fault("$cmd failed") unless ( __runCmds( [$cmd] ) );
+        }
@@ -882,10 +882,10 @@
     my $pid = shift;
     foreach (`ps ax`) {
-	if (/^\s*(\d+)/) {
-	    return 1 if ( $1 == $pid );
-	}
+        if (/^\s*(\d+)/) {
+            return 1 if ( $1 == $pid );
+        }
     return 0;
@@ -917,8 +917,8 @@
     $screen->slave->clone_winsize_from( \*STDIN );
     $screen->spawn("screen -r $hostname");
     unless ($screen) {
-	__Err("Pas réussi à récupérer le screen: `$!'");
-	return;
+        __Err("Pas réussi à récupérer le screen: `$!'");
+        return;
@@ -928,23 +928,23 @@
 #### A améliorer
     if ( $screen->expect( 2, "# " ) ) {
-	$screen->send("exit\n");
+        $screen->send("exit\n");
     if ( $screen->expect( 2, /login/ ) ) {
-	$screen->send("\n");
+        $screen->send("\n");
     else {
-	__Debug("Never got login prompt on $hostname");
-	return;
+        __Debug("Never got login prompt on $hostname");
+        return;
     sleep 1;
     unless ( $screen->expect( 15, "Password:" ) ) {
-	__Debug("Never got password prompt on $hostname");
-	return;
+        __Debug("Never got password prompt on $hostname");
+        return;
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
     $shutdowndelay = "now" unless $shutdowndelay;
-	"\nshutdown -h $shutdowndelay \"shutdown via pflaunch...\"");
+        "\nshutdown -h $shutdowndelay \"shutdown via pflaunch...\"");
@@ -975,84 +975,84 @@
     # Recupération de la liste des umls
     my $v = [];
     foreach my $i ( reverse( 0 .. 255 ) ) {
-	next unless $umls->[$i];
-	foreach ( split / /, $umls->[$i] ) {
-	    next unless $_;
-	    my $vm;
-	    $vm->{vm} = $_;
-	    $vm->{status} = __Umlrunning($_) ? $RUNNING : $HALTED;
-	    $vm->{shutdowndelay}
-		= Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-$_", "shutdowndelay" );
-	    $vm->{shutdowndelay}
-		= Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-default", "shutdowndelay" )
-		unless $vm->{shutdowndelay};
-	    push @$v, $vm;
-	}
+        next unless $umls->[$i];
+        foreach ( split / /, $umls->[$i] ) {
+            next unless $_;
+            my $vm;
+            $vm->{vm} = $_;
+            $vm->{status} = __Umlrunning($_) ? $RUNNING : $HALTED;
+            $vm->{shutdowndelay}
+                = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-$_", "shutdowndelay" );
+            $vm->{shutdowndelay}
+                = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-default", "shutdowndelay" )
+                unless $vm->{shutdowndelay};
+            push @$v, $vm;
+        }
     foreach (@$v) {
-	next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
-	$_->{t} = Thread->new( \&__SendHalt, $_->{vm}, $_->{shutdowndelay} );
+        next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
+        $_->{t} = Thread->new( \&__SendHalt, $_->{vm}, $_->{shutdowndelay} );
     my $sdd            = 0;
     my $vm_running_cpt = 0;
     foreach (@$v) {
-	next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
-	$_->{status} = $HALTING if ( $_->{t}->join );
-	$sdd = $_->{shutdowndelay}
-	    if ( $_->{shutdowndelay} and ( $sdd < $_->{shutdowndelay} ) );
-	$vm_running_cpt++;
+        next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
+        $_->{status} = $HALTING if ( $_->{t}->join );
+        $sdd = $_->{shutdowndelay}
+            if ( $_->{shutdowndelay} and ( $sdd < $_->{shutdowndelay} ) );
+        $vm_running_cpt++;
    # Inutile de lancer cette procédure couteuse en tps si aucune uml ne tourne
     if ($vm_running_cpt) {
-	eval {
-	    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };  # N.B. : \n obligatoire
-	    alarm( 60 + $sdd * 60 );
-	    while (1) {
-		foreach (@$v) {
-		    next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
-		    $_->{status} = $HALTED
-			unless ( __Umlrunning( $_->{vm} ) );
-		    sleep 1;
-		}
-	    }
-	    alarm 0;
-	};
+        eval {
+            local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };  # N.B. : \n obligatoire
+            alarm( 60 + $sdd * 60 );
+            while (1) {
+                foreach (@$v) {
+                    next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
+                    $_->{status} = $HALTED
+                        unless ( __Umlrunning( $_->{vm} ) );
+                    sleep 1;
+                }
+            }
+            alarm 0;
+        };
     foreach (@$v) {
-	next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
-	my $failed = 0;
-	if ( -r "$ENV{HOME}/.uml/" . $_->{vm} . "/pid" ) {
-	    __Info( "   -Arrete force de `" . $_->{vm} . "'" );
-	    eval {
-		local $SIG{ALRM}
-		    = sub { die "alarm\n" };    # N.B. : \n obligatoire
-		alarm 15;
-		`uml_mconsole $_->{vm} halt 2>&1`;
-		$_->{status} = $HALTED unless $?;
-		alarm 0;
-	    };
-	    $failed = 1 if ($@);
-	}
-	elsif ( __Umlrunning( $_->{vm} ) ) {
-	    $failed = 1;
-	}
-	__Err( "Je n'arrive pas a arreter : `" . $_->{vm} . "'" );
+        next if ( $_->{status} == $HALTED );
+        my $failed = 0;
+        if ( -r "$ENV{HOME}/.uml/" . $_->{vm} . "/pid" ) {
+            __Info( "   -Arrete force de `" . $_->{vm} . "'" );
+            eval {
+                local $SIG{ALRM}
+                    = sub { die "alarm\n" };    # N.B. : \n obligatoire
+                alarm 15;
+                `uml_mconsole $_->{vm} halt 2>&1`;
+                $_->{status} = $HALTED unless $?;
+                alarm 0;
+            };
+            $failed = 1 if ($@);
+        }
+        elsif ( __Umlrunning( $_->{vm} ) ) {
+            $failed = 1;
+        }
+        __Err( "Je n'arrive pas a arreter : `" . $_->{vm} . "'" );
@@ -1066,13 +1066,13 @@
     my $fichier;
     return unless ( -d "/var/run/screen/S-root" );
     opendir( SCREENDIR, "/var/run/screen/S-root" )
-	or __Fault("can't open $!");
+        or __Fault("can't open $!");
     while ( defined( $fichier = readdir(SCREENDIR) ) ) {
-	next if ( $fichier =~ /^\./ );
-	if ( $fichier =~ /^\d+\.([^\.]+)/ ) {
-	    $r = 1 if ( $vm eq $1 );
-	}
+        next if ( $fichier =~ /^\./ );
+        if ( $fichier =~ /^\d+\.([^\.]+)/ ) {
+            $r = 1 if ( $vm eq $1 );
+        }
@@ -1084,12 +1084,12 @@
     my $ret;
     return $cache->{ipt}->{target}
-	if $cache->{ipt}->{target};
+        if $cache->{ipt}->{target};
     open IPTABLESTARGETS, "</proc/net/ip_tables_targets";
     foreach (<IPTABLESTARGETS>) {
-	chomp;
-	$ret->{$_} = 1;
+        chomp;
+        $ret->{$_} = 1;
@@ -1101,32 +1101,32 @@
     my $vlan = shift;
     unless ($vlan) {
-	__Debug("__SetNetmapByVlan : pas de vlan en parametre !");
-	return;
+        __Debug("__SetNetmapByVlan : pas de vlan en parametre !");
+        return;
     my $ipt = __GetIptablesTagets();
     unless ( defined $ipt->{NETMAP} ) {
-	__Info(
-	    "Votre Kernel semble ne pas supporter la target iptables NETMAP, j'ignore la partie vlan de '$vlan'"
-	);
-	return;
+        __Info(
+            "Votre Kernel semble ne pas supporter la target iptables NETMAP, j'ignore la partie vlan de '$vlan'"
+        );
+        return;
     my $vlan_if = Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "if" );
     $vlan_if = Config_Key( $configfile, "vlan-default", "if" )
-	unless $vlan_if;
+        unless $vlan_if;
-	"Erreur pour '$vlan' : la présence d'une clef 'if' est obligatoire au moins dans la section [vlan-default]"
+        "Erreur pour '$vlan' : la présence d'une clef 'if' est obligatoire au moins dans la section [vlan-default]"
     ) unless $vlan_if;
     my $vlandata = $private_network->{$vlan};
     unless ($vlandata) {
-	__Debug(
-	    "Erreur je n'arrive pas a lire dans private-network les infos du vlan `$vlan'"
-	);
-	next;
+        __Debug(
+            "Erreur je n'arrive pas a lire dans private-network les infos du vlan `$vlan'"
+        );
+        next;
     my $addrNetExt = Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, 'netmap' );
@@ -1134,32 +1134,32 @@
 # Je vaias chercher dans private-network la conf du vlan pour savoir comment il est adressé
-	unless ( $vlandata->{network} ) {
-	    __Err(
-		"Je n'ai pas la key network de la section [$vlan] de private-networ"
-	    );
-	    next;
-	}
-	unless ( $vlandata->{netmask} ) {
-	    __Err(
-		"Je n'ai pas la clef 'netmask' de la section [$vlan] de private-network"
-	    );
-	    next;
-	}
-	my $addrNetInt = $vlandata->{network} . '/' . $vlandata->{netmask};
-	my $postrouting
-	    = "POSTROUTING -o $vlan_if -s $addrNetInt -j NETMAP --to $addrNetExt";
-	my $prerouting
-	    = "PREROUTING -i $vlan_if -d $addrNetExt -j NETMAP --to $addrNetInt";
-	__IptAddChange( "nat", $postrouting );
-	__IptAddChange( "nat", $prerouting );
+        unless ( $vlandata->{network} ) {
+            __Err(
+                "Je n'ai pas la key network de la section [$vlan] de private-networ"
+            );
+            next;
+        }
+        unless ( $vlandata->{netmask} ) {
+            __Err(
+                "Je n'ai pas la clef 'netmask' de la section [$vlan] de private-network"
+            );
+            next;
+        }
+        my $addrNetInt = $vlandata->{network} . '/' . $vlandata->{netmask};
+        my $postrouting
+            = "POSTROUTING -o $vlan_if -s $addrNetInt -j NETMAP --to $addrNetExt";
+        my $prerouting
+            = "PREROUTING -i $vlan_if -d $addrNetExt -j NETMAP --to $addrNetInt";
+        __IptAddChange( "nat", $postrouting );
+        __IptAddChange( "nat", $prerouting );
     else {
-	__Debug("Pas de NETMAP pour $vlan");
+        __Debug("Pas de NETMAP pour $vlan");
@@ -1168,71 +1168,71 @@
     my $vlan = shift;
     unless ($vlan) {
-	__Debug("__SetAliasByVlan : pas de vlan en parametre !");
-	return;
+        __Debug("__SetAliasByVlan : pas de vlan en parametre !");
+        return;
     my $vlan_if = Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "if" );
     $vlan_if = Config_Key( $configfile, "vlan-default", "if" )
-	unless $vlan_if;
+        unless $vlan_if;
     if (   Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "alias_begin" )
-	or Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "alias_end" ) )
+        or Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "alias_end" ) )
-	__Info(
-	    "`$vlan' : Les clef alias_begin et alias_end ne sont plus utilisées,"
-		. "vous avez juste a mettre alias=true" );
+        __Info(
+            "`$vlan' : Les clef alias_begin et alias_end ne sont plus utilisées,"
+                . "vous avez juste a mettre alias=true" );
-	unless ( defined( Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "alias" ) )
-	and Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "alias" ) eq 'true' );
+        unless ( defined( Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "alias" ) )
+        and Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, "alias" ) eq 'true' );
 # On va essayer de calculer les alias_begin/alias_end en fonction du netmask
 # du netmap de ce VLAN. Si pas de netmap défini, on cherche dans private-network.
     my $nm = Config_Key( $configfile, $vlan, 'netmap' );
     unless ($nm) {
-	__Info(
-	    "Pas de variable netmap pour `$vlan', je cherche dans private-network"
-	);
-	my $vlan_setup = __GetVLanSetup($vlan);
-	unless ( $vlan_setup->{network} and $vlan_setup->{netmask} ) {
-	    __Err(
-		"Pas assez d'information (network et netmask) dans private-network pour le vlan '$vlan'"
-	    );
-	    return;
-	}
-	my ( $ip, $cidr )
-	    = ipv4_parse( $vlan_setup->{network}, $vlan_setup->{netmask} );
-	$nm = "$ip/$cidr";    # Et voilà !
+        __Info(
+            "Pas de variable netmap pour `$vlan', je cherche dans private-network"
+        );
+        my $vlan_setup = __GetVLanSetup($vlan);
+        unless ( $vlan_setup->{network} and $vlan_setup->{netmask} ) {
+            __Err(
+                "Pas assez d'information (network et netmask) dans private-network pour le vlan '$vlan'"
+            );
+            return;
+        }
+        my ( $ip, $cidr )
+            = ipv4_parse( $vlan_setup->{network}, $vlan_setup->{netmask} );
+        $nm = "$ip/$cidr";    # Et voilà !
     my $netmap = new Net::IP($nm) || die "$?";
     unless ($netmap) {
-	__Err("`$nm' n'est pas une adresse réseau valide");
-	return;
+        __Err("`$nm' n'est pas une adresse réseau valide");
+        return;
     my $ipz = new Net::IP( $netmap->ip . " - " . $netmap->last_ip );
     unless ($ipz) {
-	__Err(    "Je n'arrive pas a trouver les ip entre "
-		. $netmap->ip . " et "
-		. $netmap->last_ip );
-	return;
+        __Err(    "Je n'arrive pas a trouver les ip entre "
+                . $netmap->ip . " et "
+                . $netmap->last_ip );
+        return;
     my $cmd = [];
     unless ( defined $ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if} ) {
-	$ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if} = 0;
+        $ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if} = 0;
     open STATUS_ALIAS, ">>" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/aliases";
     do {
-	print STATUS_ALIAS "$vlan_if:$ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if}\n";
-	push @$cmd,
-	    "ifconfig $vlan_if:" . $ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if} . " " . $ipz->ip();
-	$ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if}++;
-	$ipz = $ipz->ip_add_num(1);
+        print STATUS_ALIAS "$vlan_if:$ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if}\n";
+        push @$cmd,
+            "ifconfig $vlan_if:" . $ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if} . " " . $ipz->ip();
+        $ifAliasCpt{$vlan_if}++;
+        $ipz = $ipz->ip_add_num(1);
     } while ($ipz);
     __runCmds( $cmd, "1" ) if @$cmd;
@@ -1244,46 +1244,46 @@
     my $dnats = shift;
     unless ($dnats) {
-	__Debug("__SetDNATs () appelé sans parametre");
-	return;
+        __Debug("__SetDNATs () appelé sans parametre");
+        return;
     my $ipt = __GetIptablesTagets();
     unless ( defined $ipt->{DNAT} ) {
-	__Info(
-	    "Votre Kernel semble ne pas supporter la tarjet iptables DNAT");
-	__Info("J'ignore la clef \@dnat de la section [init]");
-	return;
+        __Info(
+            "Votre Kernel semble ne pas supporter la tarjet iptables DNAT");
+        __Info("J'ignore la clef \@dnat de la section [init]");
+        return;
     foreach my $dnat ( @{$dnats} ) {
-	my $dnat_config = Config_Section( $configfile, "dnat-$dnat" );
-	unless ($dnat_config) {
-	    __Err(
-		"`$dnat' est dans la section [init] mais n'a pas de [dnat-$dnat],"
-		    . "le dnat $dnat n'est pas initialisé..." );
-	    return;
-	}
-	unless ( $dnat_config->{'original-dest'}
-	    && $dnat_config->{'rewrite-dest-to'} )
-	{
-	    __Err(
-		"La section [dnat-`$dnat'] n'est pas valide, la section doit contenir les clefs original-dest et rewrite-dest-to"
-	    );
-	    return;
-	}
-	__Info(   "  dnat `$dnat' (`"
-		. $dnat_config->{'original-dest'}
-		. "' -> `"
-		. $dnat_config->{'rewrite-dest-to'}
-		. "')" );
-	__IptAddChange( "nat",
-	          "PREROUTING -d "
-		. $dnat_config->{'original-dest'}
-		. " -j DNAT --to-destination "
-		. $dnat_config->{'rewrite-dest-to'} );
+        my $dnat_config = Config_Section( $configfile, "dnat-$dnat" );
+        unless ($dnat_config) {
+            __Err(
+                "`$dnat' est dans la section [init] mais n'a pas de [dnat-$dnat],"
+                    . "le dnat $dnat n'est pas initialisé..." );
+            return;
+        }
+        unless ( $dnat_config->{'original-dest'}
+            && $dnat_config->{'rewrite-dest-to'} )
+        {
+            __Err(
+                "La section [dnat-`$dnat'] n'est pas valide, la section doit contenir les clefs original-dest et rewrite-dest-to"
+            );
+            return;
+        }
+        __Info(   "  dnat `$dnat' (`"
+                . $dnat_config->{'original-dest'}
+                . "' -> `"
+                . $dnat_config->{'rewrite-dest-to'}
+                . "')" );
+        __IptAddChange( "nat",
+                  "PREROUTING -d "
+                . $dnat_config->{'original-dest'}
+                . " -j DNAT --to-destination "
+                . $dnat_config->{'rewrite-dest-to'} );
@@ -1291,45 +1291,45 @@
     my $masquerades = shift;
     unless ($masquerades) {
-	__Debug("__SetMasqueradeByVlan () appelé sans parametre");
-	return;
+        __Debug("__SetMasqueradeByVlan () appelé sans parametre");
+        return;
     my $ipt = __GetIptablesTagets();
     unless ( defined $ipt->{MASQUERADE} ) {
-	__Info(
-	    "Votre Kernel semble ne pas supporter la tarjet iptables MASQUERADE"
-	);
-	__Info("J'ignore la clef \@masquerade de la section [init]");
-	return;
+        __Info(
+            "Votre Kernel semble ne pas supporter la tarjet iptables MASQUERADE"
+        );
+        __Info("J'ignore la clef \@masquerade de la section [init]");
+        return;
     foreach my $masquerade ( @{$masquerades} ) {
-	my $masquerade_config
-	    = Config_Section( $configfile, "masquerade-$masquerade" );
-	unless ($masquerade_config) {
-	    __Err(
-		"`$masquerade' est dans la section [init] mais n'a pas de [masquerade-$masquerade],"
-		    . "le masquerade $masquerade n'est pas initialisé..." );
-	    return;
-	}
-	unless ( $masquerade_config->{from} ) {
-	    __Err(
-		"La section [masquerade-`$masquerade'] n'est pas valide, la section doit contenir une clef from et if_out"
-	    );
-	    return;
-	}
-	__Info(   "  masquerade `$masquerade' (`"
-		. $masquerade_config->{if_out} . "' / `"
-		. $masquerade_config->{from}
-		. "')" );
-	__IptAddChange( "nat",
-	          "POSTROUTING -o "
-		. $masquerade_config->{if_out} . " -s "
-		. $masquerade_config->{from}
-		. " -j MASQUERADE" );
+        my $masquerade_config
+            = Config_Section( $configfile, "masquerade-$masquerade" );
+        unless ($masquerade_config) {
+            __Err(
+                "`$masquerade' est dans la section [init] mais n'a pas de [masquerade-$masquerade],"
+                    . "le masquerade $masquerade n'est pas initialisé..." );
+            return;
+        }
+        unless ( $masquerade_config->{from} ) {
+            __Err(
+                "La section [masquerade-`$masquerade'] n'est pas valide, la section doit contenir une clef from et if_out"
+            );
+            return;
+        }
+        __Info(   "  masquerade `$masquerade' (`"
+                . $masquerade_config->{if_out} . "' / `"
+                . $masquerade_config->{from}
+                . "')" );
+        __IptAddChange( "nat",
+                  "POSTROUTING -o "
+                . $masquerade_config->{if_out} . " -s "
+                . $masquerade_config->{from}
+                . " -j MASQUERADE" );
@@ -1347,17 +1347,17 @@
     my $hex = sprintf( "%x", $ip->intip() );
     if ( open RT, "<" . $procf ) {
-	my @r = <RT>;
-	close RT or __Err("Can't close `$procf'");
-	shift @r;
-	foreach (@r) {
-	    if (/^\S+\s+0+(\S+)/) {
-		return 1 if ( lc($1) eq lc($hex) );
-	    }
-	}
+        my @r = <RT>;
+        close RT or __Err("Can't close `$procf'");
+        shift @r;
+        foreach (@r) {
+            if (/^\S+\s+0+(\S+)/) {
+                return 1 if ( lc($1) eq lc($hex) );
+            }
+        }
     else {
-	__Err("Can't open `$procf'");
+        __Err("Can't open `$procf'");
@@ -1369,51 +1369,51 @@
     my $routes;
     foreach my $vlan ( @{ __GetVLanList() } ) {
-	my $gws = Config_Key( $configfile, "$vlan", "gateway" );
-	$gws = Config_Key( $configfile, "vlan-default", "gateway" )
-	    unless $gws;
-	my $vs = __GetVLanSetup($vlan);
-	unless ( $vs->{network} and $vs->{netmask} ) {
-	    __Fault(
-		"Je ne trouve pas assez d'information pour le vlan `$vlan'"
-		    . "network = `"
-		    . $vs->{network} . "'"
-		    . "netmask = `"
-		    . $vs->{netmask}
-		    . "'" );
-	    next;
-	}
-	next if ( __RouteExiste( $vs->{network} ) );
-	my $dest = "";
-	if ( defined $gws and $gws ) {
-	    if ( $gws =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/ ) {
-		$dest = "gateway " . $gws;    # une IP a ete rentré
-	    }
-	    else {
-		$dest = "gateway " . __GetVMip( $gws, $vlan );
-	    }
-	}
-	elsif ( defined( $vs->{tag} ) and ( $vs->{tag} ) ) {
-	    $dest = "dev br" . $vs->{tag};
-	}
-	else {
-	    __Debug("Je n'ai pas de sortie pour `$vlan'");
-	    next;
-	}
-	$routes->{"-net $vs->{network} netmask $vs->{netmask} $dest"} = 1;
+        my $gws = Config_Key( $configfile, "$vlan", "gateway" );
+        $gws = Config_Key( $configfile, "vlan-default", "gateway" )
+            unless $gws;
+        my $vs = __GetVLanSetup($vlan);
+        unless ( $vs->{network} and $vs->{netmask} ) {
+            __Fault(
+                "Je ne trouve pas assez d'information pour le vlan `$vlan'"
+                    . "network = `"
+                    . $vs->{network} . "'"
+                    . "netmask = `"
+                    . $vs->{netmask}
+                    . "'" );
+            next;
+        }
+        next if ( __RouteExiste( $vs->{network} ) );
+        my $dest = "";
+        if ( defined $gws and $gws ) {
+            if ( $gws =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/ ) {
+                $dest = "gateway " . $gws;    # une IP a ete rentré
+            }
+            else {
+                $dest = "gateway " . __GetVMip( $gws, $vlan );
+            }
+        }
+        elsif ( defined( $vs->{tag} ) and ( $vs->{tag} ) ) {
+            $dest = "dev br" . $vs->{tag};
+        }
+        else {
+            __Debug("Je n'ai pas de sortie pour `$vlan'");
+            next;
+        }
+        $routes->{"-net $vs->{network} netmask $vs->{netmask} $dest"} = 1;
     __Debug($_) foreach (`route`);
     if ( open( STATUS_ROUTE, ">>" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/route" ) ) {
-	foreach my $r ( keys %$routes ) {
-	    if ( __runCmds( "route add " . $r ) ) {
-		print STATUS_ROUTE $r . "\n";
-	    }
-	}
+        foreach my $r ( keys %$routes ) {
+            if ( __runCmds( "route add " . $r ) ) {
+                print STATUS_ROUTE $r . "\n";
+            }
+        }
     else {
-	__Fault( "Can't open " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/route" );
+        __Fault( "Can't open " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/route" );
     close STATUS_ROUTE or __Err("Je n'arrive pas a fermer STATUS_ROUTE");
@@ -1426,8 +1426,8 @@
     my $cmds;
     foreach (<STATUS_ROUTE>) {
-	chomp;
-	push @$cmds, "route del $_";
+        chomp;
+        push @$cmds, "route del $_";
     __runCmds( $cmds, "stfu" );
@@ -1444,8 +1444,8 @@
     my $cmds;
     foreach my $if (<STATUS_ALIAS>) {
-	chomp $if;
-	push @$cmds, "ifconfig $if down" if $if;
+        chomp $if;
+        push @$cmds, "ifconfig $if down" if $if;
     __runCmds( $cmds, "stfu" );
@@ -1460,25 +1460,25 @@
     # 1/ Le fichier de config
     if ($vm) {
-	my $branche = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-$vm", "branche" );
-	return $branche if $branche;
+        my $branche = Config_Key( $configfile, "uml-$vm", "branche" );
+        return $branche if $branche;
     # 2/ le paramètre de la ligne de commande
     return $options->{branchecvs}
-	if $options->{branchecvs};
+        if $options->{branchecvs};
     # 3/ Le contenu de $PF_STATUS_DIR/branche
     if ( -r $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/branche" ) {
-	if ( open STATUSBRANCHE, "<$PF_STATUS_DIR" . "/branche" ) {
-	    close STATUSBRANCHE;
-	    return shift @STATUSBRANCHE;
-	}
-	else {
-	    __Err(
-		"je n'arrive pas a ouvrir " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/branche" );
-	}
+        if ( open STATUSBRANCHE, "<$PF_STATUS_DIR" . "/branche" ) {
+            close STATUSBRANCHE;
+            return shift @STATUSBRANCHE;
+        }
+        else {
+            __Err(
+                "je n'arrive pas a ouvrir " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/branche" );
+        }
@@ -1488,34 +1488,34 @@
 sub __UpdateConfig {
     if ( $cvsupdated or $options->{nocvsupdate} ) {
-	__Debug("Pas d'update du CVS");
+        __Debug("Pas d'update du CVS");
     else {
-	my $branchecvs = __GetBrancheCVS();
-	__Info("Getting config from CVS");
-	__Info( "  branche CVS `" . $branchecvs . "'" ) if ($branchecvs);
-	CVS_update( $branchecvs, $options );
-	$cvsupdated = 1;
-	# J'enregistre la branche utilisée pour la prochaine utilisation
-	SaveRunningBrancheName($branchecvs) if $branchecvs;
-	unless ( -r $configfile ) {
-	    __Fault(
-		"Je n'arrive pas a lire $configfile, vérifiez votre installation"
-	    );
-	}
-	unless ( -r $privatenetworkfile ) {
-	    __Fault(
-		"Je n'arrive pas a lire $privatenetworkfile, vérifiez votre installation"
-	    );
-	}
-	$private_network = Load_Config($privatenetworkfile);
-	__suppress_comments_in_keys($private_network);
+        my $branchecvs = __GetBrancheCVS();
+        __Info("Getting config from CVS");
+        __Info( "  branche CVS `" . $branchecvs . "'" ) if ($branchecvs);
+        CVS_update( $branchecvs, $options );
+        $cvsupdated = 1;
+        # J'enregistre la branche utilisée pour la prochaine utilisation
+        SaveRunningBrancheName($branchecvs) if $branchecvs;
+        unless ( -r $configfile ) {
+            __Fault(
+                "Je n'arrive pas a lire $configfile, vérifiez votre installation"
+            );
+        }
+        unless ( -r $privatenetworkfile ) {
+            __Fault(
+                "Je n'arrive pas a lire $privatenetworkfile, vérifiez votre installation"
+            );
+        }
+        $private_network = Load_Config($privatenetworkfile);
+        __suppress_comments_in_keys($private_network);
@@ -1526,22 +1526,22 @@
     return unless ( -f $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock" );
     open( LOCK, "<" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock" )
-	or __Fault("Can't open lock file $!");
+        or __Fault("Can't open lock file $!");
     my $pid = <LOCK>;
     close LOCK;
     return unless $pid;
     if ( __PidRunning($pid) ) {
-	__Fault(  "Vous avez provablement un plfaunch "
-		. " déjà lancé, si ne n'est pas la cas effacé "
-		. "le fichier de lock "
-		. "/lock" );
+        __Fault(  "Vous avez provablement un plfaunch "
+                . " déjà lancé, si ne n'est pas la cas effacé "
+                . "le fichier de lock "
+                . $PF_STATUS_DIR
+                . "/lock" );
     else {
-	unlink $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock";
+        unlink $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock";
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@
 sub __SetLock {
     open( LOCK, ">" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock" )
-	or __Fault("Can't open lock file $!");
+        or __Fault("Can't open lock file $!");
     print LOCK $$;
     close LOCK;
@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@
 sub __RemoveLock {
     unlink( $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock" )
-	or __Err( "Can't remove lock file : " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock" );
+        or __Err( "Can't remove lock file : " . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/lock" );
@@ -1570,15 +1570,15 @@
     my @dfr = `/bin/df -P $path`;
     if ($?) {
-	__Err("df failed");
-	return;
+        __Err("df failed");
+        return;
     my @dfs = split /\ +/, $dfr[1];
     unless ( $dfs[3] ) {
-	__Err(
-	    "__GetDiskSpaceLeft:je n'arrive pas trouver l'espace disque...");
-	return 0;
+        __Err(
+            "__GetDiskSpaceLeft:je n'arrive pas trouver l'espace disque...");
+        return 0;
     return int $dfs[3] / 1024;
@@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@
 sub __Fault {
     foreach (@_) {
-	__Print( "FAULT>" . $_, 1 );
+        __Print( "FAULT>" . $_, 1 );
     exit 1;
@@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@
 sub __Err {
     return unless @_;
     foreach (@_) {
-	__Print( "ERROR>" . $_, 1 );
+        __Print( "ERROR>" . $_, 1 );
@@ -1611,14 +1611,14 @@
     return unless ( $options->{debug} );
     return unless @_;
     foreach (@_) {
-	__Print( "DEBUG>" . $_, $options->{debug} );
+        __Print( "DEBUG>" . $_, $options->{debug} );
 sub __Info {
     return unless @_;
     foreach (@_) {
-	__Print( " INFO>" . $_, $options->{verbose} );
+        __Print( " INFO>" . $_, $options->{verbose} );
@@ -1633,13 +1633,13 @@
     print $str if ($p);
     if ($logfile) {
-	if ( open( LOG, ">>$logfile" ) ) {
-	    print LOG $str;
-	    close LOG;
-	}
-	else {
-	    print STDERR "Can't open log file : `$logfile'\n";
-	}
+        if ( open( LOG, ">>$logfile" ) ) {
+            print LOG $str;
+            close LOG;
+        }
+        else {
+            print STDERR "Can't open log file : `$logfile'\n";
+        }
@@ -1653,46 +1653,46 @@
     unless ( $table =~ /^nat$/ )    # filter, mangle
-	__Err("Table invalide");
-	return;
+        __Err("Table invalide");
+        return;
     return unless __runCmds( "iptables -t $table -A " . $change );
     if ( !( open STATUS_IPT, ">>" . $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ipt_" . $table ) ) {
-	__Err("Can't record iptables rules changes");
-	return;
+        __Err("Can't record iptables rules changes");
+        return;
     else {
-	__Debug("Enregistrement d'une regle iptables (nat)");
-	print STATUS_IPT $change . "\n";
-	if ( !close STATUS_IPT ) {
-	    __Err("Can't close STATUS_IPT");
-	    return;
-	}
+        __Debug("Enregistrement d'une regle iptables (nat)");
+        print STATUS_IPT $change . "\n";
+        if ( !close STATUS_IPT ) {
+            __Err("Can't close STATUS_IPT");
+            return;
+        }
     return 1;
 sub __IptCleanChange () {
     foreach my $table ( "nat", "mangle" ) {
-	my $file = $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ipt_" . $table;
-	next unless ( -f $file );
-	if ( !( open STATUS_IPT, "<" . $file ) ) {
-	    __Err( "Can't open " . $file );
-	    next;
-	}
-	else {
-	    __Debug(
-		"Suppression des regles iptables ajoutes par pflaunch : ($table)"
-	    );
-	    __runCmds( "iptables -t $table -D " . $_ ) foreach (<STATUS_IPT>);
-	    close STATUS_IPT;
-	    if ( !unlink($file) ) {
-		__Err("Je ne peux pas effacer $file");
-		return;
-	    }
-	}
+        my $file = $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ipt_" . $table;
+        next unless ( -f $file );
+        if ( !( open STATUS_IPT, "<" . $file ) ) {
+            __Err( "Can't open " . $file );
+            next;
+        }
+        else {
+            __Debug(
+                "Suppression des regles iptables ajoutes par pflaunch : ($table)"
+            );
+            __runCmds( "iptables -t $table -D " . $_ ) foreach (<STATUS_IPT>);
+            close STATUS_IPT;
+            if ( !unlink($file) ) {
+                __Err("Je ne peux pas effacer $file");
+                return;
+            }
+        }
     return 1;
@@ -1715,28 +1715,28 @@
     `modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE 2>&1`;
     ### Reglage de /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
     my $forward
-	= ( defined( Config_Key( $configfile, "global", "router" ) )
-	    and Config_Key( $configfile, "global", "router" ) =~ "true" )
-	? 1
-	: 0;
+        = ( defined( Config_Key( $configfile, "global", "router" ) )
+            and Config_Key( $configfile, "global", "router" ) =~ "true" )
+        ? 1
+        : 0;
     __Debug("  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward = $forward");
     open IP_FORWARD, ">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
-	or __Err("Can't open /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward (w mode)");
+        or __Err("Can't open /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward (w mode)");
     print IP_FORWARD $forward;
     close IP_FORWARD;
     # peut-être aussi bridge-nf-call-arptables et bridge-nf-call-ip6tables ?
     foreach my $procfile ( map {"/proc/sys/net/bridge/$_"}
-	qw'bridge-nf-call-iptables bridge-nf-filter-vlan-tagged' )
+        qw'bridge-nf-call-iptables bridge-nf-filter-vlan-tagged' )
-	if ( -f $procfile ) {
-	    __Debug("  $procfile = 0");
-	    open( EBTABLE, "> $procfile" )
-		or __Err("Can't open $procfile for writing: $!");
-	    print EBTABLE 0;
-	    close(EBTABLE)
-		or __Fault("Can't close $procfile after writing: $!");
-	}
+        if ( -f $procfile ) {
+            __Debug("  $procfile = 0");
+            open( EBTABLE, "> $procfile" )
+                or __Err("Can't open $procfile for writing: $!");
+            print EBTABLE 0;
+            close(EBTABLE)
+                or __Fault("Can't close $procfile after writing: $!");
+        }
 #    else {
 # Ces machins n'existent pas en 2.4
@@ -1746,15 +1746,15 @@
     #  my $listbrup = __GetListBridgeUp();
     foreach my $lan ( @{ __GetVLanList() } ) {
-	__BridgeAdd($lan);
-	__BridgeSetAddr($lan);
+        __BridgeAdd($lan);
+        __BridgeSetAddr($lan);
     __Info("  setting netmap rules and alias...");
     foreach my $vlan ( @{ __GetVLanList() } ) {
-	__Info("    $vlan");
-	__SetNetmapByVlan($vlan);
-	__SetAliasByVlan($vlan);
+        __Info("    $vlan");
+        __SetNetmapByVlan($vlan);
+        __SetAliasByVlan($vlan);
 # On fait les routes après les alias pour faciliter les bidouilles double-adressage
@@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@
     __Info("  Halting Bridges...");
     foreach my $brname (@$listbrup) {
-	__BridgeDel($brname);
+        __BridgeDel($brname);
     __Info("  Flushing iptables rules...");
@@ -1815,9 +1815,9 @@
     __Info("  Arrêt des interfaces");
     foreach ( @{ __GetVLanList() } ) {
-	my $vs = __GetVLanSetup($_);
-	__runCmds( [ "ifconfig $_." . $vs->{tag} . " down" ], 1 )
-	    foreach ( @{ __GetIfByVlan($_) } );
+        my $vs = __GetVLanSetup($_);
+        __runCmds( [ "ifconfig $_." . $vs->{tag} . " down" ], 1 )
+            foreach ( @{ __GetIfByVlan($_) } );
     unlink $PF_STATUS_DIR . "/ifbr";
@@ -1859,14 +1859,14 @@
   #  print "  * -l --log : log dans /var/log/pflaunch (verbose par défaut)\n";
-	"  * --nocvsupdate : pas d'update CVS lors du lancement d'une commande\n";
+        "  * --nocvsupdate : pas d'update CVS lors du lancement d'une commande\n";
-	"  * --branche-cvs=BRANCHE : Possiblité de forcer une branche CVS\n";
+        "  * --branche-cvs=BRANCHE : Possiblité de forcer une branche CVS\n";
-	"  * --dontcheckdf : Ne controle pas l'espace dispo avant de créer un disque\n";
+        "  * --dontcheckdf : Ne controle pas l'espace dispo avant de créer un disque\n";
     print "\n";
-	" En cas de probleme ou de souhait, n'hésitez pas a utiliser Bugzilla\n";
+        " En cas de probleme ou de souhait, n'hésitez pas a utiliser Bugzilla\n";
@@ -1901,8 +1901,8 @@
 if ( $options->{nocvsupdate} and $options->{branchecvs} ) {
-	"Hum Hum, vous demandez une branche CVS précise avec en même temps le "
-	    . "flag '--nocvsupdate' !" );
+        "Hum Hum, vous demandez une branche CVS précise avec en même temps le "
+            . "flag '--nocvsupdate' !" );
 mkdir($PF_STATUS_DIR) unless ( -d $PF_STATUS_DIR );

Modified: branches/next-gen/tools/umlaunch
--- branches/next-gen/tools/umlaunch (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/tools/umlaunch Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 $PFTools::Conf::PFTOOLS_VARS->{'UML'} = 1;
-my $mem      = "128"; # Default RAM size (MB)
-my $disksize = "768"; # Default disz size (MB)
+my $mem      = "128";    # Default RAM size (MB)
+my $disksize = "768";    # Default disz size (MB)
 my $ETHTRUNK = 'eth1';
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     || `which screen 2>/dev/null` eq "" )
     print STDERR
-	"Sorry, I need vlan, bridge-utils, uml-utilities and screen\n";
+        "Sorry, I need vlan, bridge-utils, uml-utilities and screen\n";
     exit 1;
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
     print STDERR "\t   --wait      attendre la fin du deploiement\n";
     print STDERR "\t   --regex     specification des uml par regex\n";
     print STDERR
-	"\t   --no-errors passer a la machine suivante meme en cas d'erreur\n";
-    print STDERR
-	"\t   --branche-cvs permet l'utilisation d'une branche specifique\n";
-    print STDERR
-	"\t-m --mem=XXX   volume de RAM pour l'UML en Mo, defaut ($mem Mo)\n";
-    print STDERR
-	"\t   --disksize=XXX taille de l'image disque en Mo, defaut ($disksize Mo)\n";
+        "\t   --no-errors passer a la machine suivante meme en cas d'erreur\n";
+    print STDERR
+        "\t   --branche-cvs permet l'utilisation d'une branche specifique\n";
+    print STDERR
+        "\t-m --mem=XXX   volume de RAM pour l'UML en Mo, defaut ($mem Mo)\n";
+    print STDERR
+        "\t   --disksize=XXX taille de l'image disque en Mo, defaut ($disksize Mo)\n";
     exit 1;
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@
     my $umlfilename = Get_UM_Filename( $Z, $host );
     if ( !defined($umlfilename) ) {
-	print STDERR $host . ": no umlfilename\n";
-	if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
-	    next;
-	}
-	exit 1;
-	#$umlfilename = 'linux-uml-elf-2.4.21-gr1.9.11';
+        print STDERR $host . ": no umlfilename\n";
+        if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
+            next;
+        }
+        exit 1;
+        #$umlfilename = 'linux-uml-elf-2.4.21-gr1.9.11';
     #UMRemap_If( $Z, $host );
@@ -148,177 +148,177 @@
     my $disk0 = $ENV{HOME} . "/.uml/" . $host . ".disk0";
     my ( $dhcpif, $dhcpaddr ) = Get_Dhcp_Infos( $Z, $host );
     if ($dhcpif) {
-	$dhcpif =~ s/:.*$//
-	    ; # FIX pour vlan-truc sur ethN:M au lieu de ethN (� cause du double adressage)
+        $dhcpif =~ s/:.*$//
+            ; # FIX pour vlan-truc sur ethN:M au lieu de ethN (� cause du double adressage)
     if ( !-f $disk0 ) {
-	print STDERR "Cannot find disk $disk0, creating empty one\n";
-	system("mkdir -p -m 750 `dirname $disk0`");
-	system("dd if=/dev/zero of=$disk0 seek=$disksize count=0 bs=1M");
+        print STDERR "Cannot find disk $disk0, creating empty one\n";
+        system("mkdir -p -m 750 `dirname $disk0`");
+        system("dd if=/dev/zero of=$disk0 seek=$disksize count=0 bs=1M");
     my $cmdline;
     if ( $options->{'detached'} ) {
-	$cmdline = "screen -S $host -d -m ";
+        $cmdline = "screen -S $host -d -m ";
     else {
-	$cmdline = "screen -S $host ";
+        $cmdline = "screen -S $host ";
-	.= "/distrib/tftpboot/$umlfilename umid=$host mconsole=notify:$ENV{HOME}/.uml/$host.notify con0=fd:0,fd:1 con=null ssl=null mem="
-	. $mem
-	. "M fakehd fake_ide ubd=3 root=/dev/ram0 initrd=$initrd ramdisk_size=$ramdisk_size init=/linuxrc ubd0=$disk0";
+        .= "/distrib/tftpboot/$umlfilename umid=$host mconsole=notify:$ENV{HOME}/.uml/$host.notify con0=fd:0,fd:1 con=null ssl=null mem="
+        . $mem
+        . "M fakehd fake_ide ubd=3 root=/dev/ram0 initrd=$initrd ramdisk_size=$ramdisk_size init=/linuxrc ubd0=$disk0";
     $cmdline .= " pfbcvs=" . $options->{branchecvs}
-	if ( $options->{branchecvs} );
+        if ( $options->{branchecvs} );
     my $optcmdline = Get_Cmdline( $Z, $host );
     if ($optcmdline) {
-	$cmdline .= ' ' . $optcmdline;
+        $cmdline .= ' ' . $optcmdline;
     foreach my $nam ( sort { cmpif( $a, $b ) } keys %{$umif} ) {
-	my $tapaddr;
-	my @tapaddr;
-	if ( !defined $umif->{$nam} ) {
-	    next;
-	}
-	print STDERR $nam . " <-> " . $umif->{$nam} . "\n";
-	my $tag = $umif->{$nam};
-	if ( $tag eq 'TRUNK' ) {
-	    $tag = 0;
-	}
-	if ( `ifconfig br$tag 2>/dev/null` eq "" ) {
-	    print STDERR "Upping br" . $tag . "...\n";
-	    system( "brctl addbr br" . $tag );
-	    system(   "ifconfig br" 
-		    . $tag
-		    . " 169.254."
-		    . ( $tag >> 8 ) . "."
-		    . ( $tag & 255 )
-		    . " netmask mtu "
-		    . ( ($tag) ? 1496 : 1500 )
-		    . " promisc up" );
-	    system( "brctl stp br" . $tag . " off" );
-	    system( "brctl setfd br" . $tag . " 1" );
-	    system( "brctl sethello br" . $tag . " 1" );
-	}
-	if ( defined $ETHTRUNK and $ETHTRUNK ) {
-	    system("ifconfig $ETHTRUNK mtu 1500 promisc up");
-	    if ( $tag != 0 ) {
-		if ( `ifconfig $ETHTRUNK.$tag 2>/dev/null` eq "" ) {
-		    print STDERR "Upping $ETHTRUNK." . $tag . "...\n";
-		    system("vconfig set_name_type DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD");
-		    system("vconfig add $ETHTRUNK $tag");
-		    system(
-			"ifconfig $ETHTRUNK.$tag mtu 1496 promisc up"
-		    );
-		}
-	    }
-	    if ( $tag == 0 ) {
-		system("brctl addif br$tag $ETHTRUNK 2>/dev/null");
-	    }
-	    else {
-		system("brctl addif br$tag $ETHTRUNK.$tag 2>/dev/null");
-	    }
-	}
-	my $tap = "$host.$tag";
-	if ( length($tap) > $IFNAMSIZ - 1 ) {
-	    $tap = substr( $tap, length($tap) - $IFNAMSIZ + 1 );
-	}
-	if ( system("tunctl -b -d $tap 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null") ) {
-	    print STDERR
-		"tunctl refused to free tap device (already running?), aborting\n";
-	    if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
-		next;
-	    }
-	    exit 1;
-	}
-	chomp( $tap = `tunctl -b -u 0 -t $tap` );
-	if ( $tap eq '' ) {
-	    print STDERR
-		"tunctl returned no tap devices (already running?), aborting\n";
-	    if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
-		next;
-	    }
-	    exit 1;
-	}
-	system( "ifconfig " . $tap . " promisc up" );
-	# addresse generee aleatoirement, on s'embete pas, on la prend
-	chomp( $tapaddr = `LANG=C LC_ALL=C ifconfig $tap | grep HWaddr` );
-	$tapaddr =~ s/^.* HWaddr ([0-9A-F:]+).*/$1/;
-	@tapaddr = split( ':', $tapaddr );
-	$tapaddr[1] = 'FE';
-	$tapaddr = join( ':', @tapaddr );
-	system( "brctl addif br" . $tag . " " . $tap );
-	print STDERR $nam . " <-> " . $tap . "\n";
-	if ( defined $dhcpif && $nam eq $dhcpif ) {
-	    $cmdline .= " " . $nam . "=tuntap," . $tap . "," . $dhcpaddr;
-	}
-	else {
-	    $cmdline .= " " . $nam . "=tuntap," . $tap . "," . $tapaddr;
-	}
+        my $tapaddr;
+        my @tapaddr;
+        if ( !defined $umif->{$nam} ) {
+            next;
+        }
+        print STDERR $nam . " <-> " . $umif->{$nam} . "\n";
+        my $tag = $umif->{$nam};
+        if ( $tag eq 'TRUNK' ) {
+            $tag = 0;
+        }
+        if ( `ifconfig br$tag 2>/dev/null` eq "" ) {
+            print STDERR "Upping br" . $tag . "...\n";
+            system( "brctl addbr br" . $tag );
+            system(   "ifconfig br" 
+                    . $tag
+                    . " 169.254."
+                    . ( $tag >> 8 ) . "."
+                    . ( $tag & 255 )
+                    . " netmask mtu "
+                    . ( ($tag) ? 1496 : 1500 )
+                    . " promisc up" );
+            system( "brctl stp br" . $tag . " off" );
+            system( "brctl setfd br" . $tag . " 1" );
+            system( "brctl sethello br" . $tag . " 1" );
+        }
+        if ( defined $ETHTRUNK and $ETHTRUNK ) {
+            system("ifconfig $ETHTRUNK mtu 1500 promisc up");
+            if ( $tag != 0 ) {
+                if ( `ifconfig $ETHTRUNK.$tag 2>/dev/null` eq "" ) {
+                    print STDERR "Upping $ETHTRUNK." . $tag . "...\n";
+                    system("vconfig set_name_type DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD");
+                    system("vconfig add $ETHTRUNK $tag");
+                    system(
+                        "ifconfig $ETHTRUNK.$tag mtu 1496 promisc up"
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $tag == 0 ) {
+                system("brctl addif br$tag $ETHTRUNK 2>/dev/null");
+            }
+            else {
+                system("brctl addif br$tag $ETHTRUNK.$tag 2>/dev/null");
+            }
+        }
+        my $tap = "$host.$tag";
+        if ( length($tap) > $IFNAMSIZ - 1 ) {
+            $tap = substr( $tap, length($tap) - $IFNAMSIZ + 1 );
+        }
+        if ( system("tunctl -b -d $tap 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null") ) {
+            print STDERR
+                "tunctl refused to free tap device (already running?), aborting\n";
+            if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
+                next;
+            }
+            exit 1;
+        }
+        chomp( $tap = `tunctl -b -u 0 -t $tap` );
+        if ( $tap eq '' ) {
+            print STDERR
+                "tunctl returned no tap devices (already running?), aborting\n";
+            if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
+                next;
+            }
+            exit 1;
+        }
+        system( "ifconfig " . $tap . " promisc up" );
+        # addresse generee aleatoirement, on s'embete pas, on la prend
+        chomp( $tapaddr = `LANG=C LC_ALL=C ifconfig $tap | grep HWaddr` );
+        $tapaddr =~ s/^.* HWaddr ([0-9A-F:]+).*/$1/;
+        @tapaddr = split( ':', $tapaddr );
+        $tapaddr[1] = 'FE';
+        $tapaddr = join( ':', @tapaddr );
+        system( "brctl addif br" . $tag . " " . $tap );
+        print STDERR $nam . " <-> " . $tap . "\n";
+        if ( defined $dhcpif && $nam eq $dhcpif ) {
+            $cmdline .= " " . $nam . "=tuntap," . $tap . "," . $dhcpaddr;
+        }
+        else {
+            $cmdline .= " " . $nam . "=tuntap," . $tap . "," . $tapaddr;
+        }
     if ( -e "$ENV{HOME}/.uml/$host/mconsole"
-	&& `uml_mconsole $ENV{HOME}/.uml/$host/mconsole version 2>/dev/null`
-	ne '' )
+        && `uml_mconsole $ENV{HOME}/.uml/$host/mconsole version 2>/dev/null`
+        ne '' )
-	printf STDERR "uml already running!\n";
-	if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
-	    next;
-	}
-	exit 1;
+        printf STDERR "uml already running!\n";
+        if ( !$options->{'errors'} ) {
+            next;
+        }
+        exit 1;
     my $notify;
     socket( $notify, AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ) || die "socket: $!\n";
     bind( $notify, sockaddr_un("$ENV{HOME}/.uml/$host.notify") )
-	|| die "bind: $!\n";
+        || die "bind: $!\n";
     print $cmdline . "\n";
     if ( $options->{'wait'} ) {
-	print STDERR "Waiting for host ready notification... ";
-	while (1) {
-	    my $data;
-	    if ( !defined recv( $notify, $data, 4096, 0 ) ) {
-		last;
-	    }
-	    my ( $magic, $version, $type, $len, $message )
-		= unpack( "LiiiA*", $data );
-	    if ( $magic != 0xcafebabe || $version != 2 ) {
-		die "Sorry, I don't understand this notification version\n";
-	    }
-	    if ( $type == 3 ) {    # user notify
-		if ( $message eq "$host ready" ) {
-		    print STDERR "ready!\n";
-		    last;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
+        print STDERR "Waiting for host ready notification... ";
+        while (1) {
+            my $data;
+            if ( !defined recv( $notify, $data, 4096, 0 ) ) {
+                last;
+            }
+            my ( $magic, $version, $type, $len, $message )
+                = unpack( "LiiiA*", $data );
+            if ( $magic != 0xcafebabe || $version != 2 ) {
+                die "Sorry, I don't understand this notification version\n";
+            }
+            if ( $type == 3 ) {    # user notify
+                if ( $message eq "$host ready" ) {
+                    print STDERR "ready!\n";
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+        }

Modified: branches/next-gen/tools/xenlaunch
--- branches/next-gen/tools/xenlaunch (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/tools/xenlaunch Tue Sep  7 08:55:02 2010
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     my ( $famille, $num ) = ( "unknowedonedfamilly", 0 );
     if ( defined $vm and $vm =~ m/^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)(\d\d)$/ ) {
-	( $famille, $num ) = ( $1, $2 );
+        ( $famille, $num ) = ( $1, $2 );
     return ( $famille, $num );
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     my $section = Config_Section( $privatenetwork, $vlan );
     print STDERR "ERROR : Can't read section [$vlan%%] from $privatenetwork\n"
-	unless ( defined($section) and ($section) );
+        unless ( defined($section) and ($section) );
     return $section;
@@ -68,36 +68,36 @@
     my @ret;
     my $mac = Config_Key( $privatenetwork, $famille . "%%", "ether." . $num );
     unless ($mac) {
-	$mac = Config_Key( $privatenetwork, $famille . "%%",
-	    "vmether." . $num );
+        $mac = Config_Key( $privatenetwork, $famille . "%%",
+            "vmether." . $num );
     unless ($mac) {
-	warn "Can't find first if mac addr ($famille, $num)";
+        warn "Can't find first if mac addr ($famille, $num)";
     my $shortname
-	= Config_Key( $privatenetwork, $famille . "%%", "shortname" );
+        = Config_Key( $privatenetwork, $famille . "%%", "shortname" );
     unless ($shortname) {
-	$shortname = "vlan-7";
-	warn
-	    "Attention $famille%% n'a pas de shortname ! J'utilise vlan-7 par defaut\n";
+        $shortname = "vlan-7";
+        warn
+            "Attention $famille%% n'a pas de shortname ! J'utilise vlan-7 par defaut\n";
     my $section = Config_Section( $privatenetwork, $famille . "%%" );
     foreach my $key ( keys %$section ) {
-	if ( $key =~ /^interface\.eth(\d+)/ ) {
-	    my $ifnum = $1;
-	    $ret[$ifnum]->{vlan} = $section->{$key};
-	    my $vlan_setup = __GetVLanSetup( $section->{$key} );
-	    $ret[$ifnum]->{tag} = $vlan_setup->{tag};
-	    $ret[$ifnum]->{mac} = $mac
-		if ( $ret[$ifnum]->{vlan} eq $shortname );
-	}
+        if ( $key =~ /^interface\.eth(\d+)/ ) {
+            my $ifnum = $1;
+            $ret[$ifnum]->{vlan} = $section->{$key};
+            my $vlan_setup = __GetVLanSetup( $section->{$key} );
+            $ret[$ifnum]->{tag} = $vlan_setup->{tag};
+            $ret[$ifnum]->{mac} = $mac
+                if ( $ret[$ifnum]->{vlan} eq $shortname );
+        }
     return @ret;
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@
     $ret .= "vif = [ '";
     foreach (@ifsetup) {
-	$ret .= "','"                    if $count;
-	$ret .= "mac=" . $_->{mac} . "," if $_->{mac};
-	$ret .= "bridge=br" . $_->{tag};
-	$count++;
+        $ret .= "','"                    if $count;
+        $ret .= "mac=" . $_->{mac} . "," if $_->{mac};
+        $ret .= "bridge=br" . $_->{tag};
+        $count++;
     $ret .= "' ]";
@@ -142,15 +142,15 @@
     my @viflist = `xm vif-list $vm`;
     foreach (@viflist) {
-	if (/\(vif\ (\d+)\)/) {
-	    my $vifnum = $1;
-	    print "vif$domid.$vifnum -> $vm.$ifsetup[$vifnum]->{tag}\n";
-	    `ifconfig vif$domid.$vifnum down`;
-	    `ifrename -i vif$domid.$vifnum -n $vm.$ifsetup[$vifnum]->{tag}`;
-	    `ifconfig $vm.$ifsetup[$vifnum]->{tag} up`;
-	}
+        if (/\(vif\ (\d+)\)/) {
+            my $vifnum = $1;
+            print "vif$domid.$vifnum -> $vm.$ifsetup[$vifnum]->{tag}\n";
+            `ifconfig vif$domid.$vifnum down`;
+            `ifrename -i vif$domid.$vifnum -n $vm.$ifsetup[$vifnum]->{tag}`;
+            `ifconfig $vm.$ifsetup[$vifnum]->{tag} up`;
+        }
@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@
 #  print STDERR "\t   --regex     specification des uml par regex\n";
 #  print STDERR "\t   --no-errors passer a la machine suivante meme en cas d'erreur\n";
     print STDERR
-	"\t   --branche-cvs permet l'utilisation d'une branche specifique\n";
+        "\t   --branche-cvs permet l'utilisation d'une branche specifique\n";
     print STDERR
-	"\t-m --mem=XXX   volume de RAM pour l'UML en Mo, défaut ($mem Mo)\n";
+        "\t-m --mem=XXX   volume de RAM pour l'UML en Mo, défaut ($mem Mo)\n";
     print STDERR
-	"\t   --disksize=XXX taille de l'image disque en Mo, défaut ($disksize Mo)\n";
+        "\t   --disksize=XXX taille de l'image disque en Mo, défaut ($disksize Mo)\n";
     exit 1;
@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@
 unless ( -d $DISKDIR . "/" . $vm ) {
     `mkdir -p $DISKDIR/$vm`;
     die "Probleme lors de la cration du dossier " . $DISKDIR . "/" . $vm
-	if ($!);
+        if ($!);
 unless ( -f $DISKDIR . "/" . $vm . "/swap.img" ) {
     print "Creation du l'image swap\n";
-	"dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISKDIR/$vm/swap.img seek=200 count=0 bs=1M 2>/dev/null"
+        "dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISKDIR/$vm/swap.img seek=200 count=0 bs=1M 2>/dev/null"
     system("mksawp -f -v1 /dev/zero of=$DISKDIR/$vm/swap.img 2>/dev/null");
@@ -260,14 +260,14 @@
 unless ( -f $DISKDIR . "/" . $vm . "/hda1.img" ) {
     print "Creation du l'image disk boot\n";
-	"dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISKDIR/$vm/hda1.img seek=15 count=0 bs=1M 2>/dev/null"
+        "dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISKDIR/$vm/hda1.img seek=15 count=0 bs=1M 2>/dev/null"
     system("mkfs.ext2 -F $DISKDIR/$vm/hda1.img 2>/dev/null");
 unless ( -f $DISKDIR . "/" . $vm . "/hda2.img" ) {
     print "Creation du l'image disk systeme\n";
-	"dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISKDIR/$vm/hda2.img seek=$disksize count=0 bs=1M 2>/dev/null"
+        "dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISKDIR/$vm/hda2.img seek=$disksize count=0 bs=1M 2>/dev/null"
     system("mkfs.ext2 -F $DISKDIR/$vm/hda2.img 2>/dev/null");

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