<br><br>La Francaise des Jeux<br>Bureau central<br>Gestion et services centraux:<br>2 Rue Frochot<br>Paris, cle-de-France 75009<br>France<br><br>We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual<br>final draws of La-Francaise des Jeux Loterie program. La-Francaise des<br>Jeux draws was conducted on-line by an automated random computer ballot<br>search from the Internet. No tickets were sold.<br><br>This draw is conducted annually.<br><br>After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address attached to<br>serial number 09-11-11 drew the lucky number 11-13-25-28-49-5, which<br>consequently emerged as our only winner in the United Kingdom Booklet.<br><br>You been approved for a lump prize off of 2,000,000.00 (Two Million<br>EURO)in cash credited to File Number LFDJL/08/8007. Your funds are<br>nowdeposited in an offshore bank with a hardcover insurance.<br><br>Please note that your File Number falls within our British booklet<br>category. In view of this, our affiliate bank in the Europe would release<br>your 2,000,000.00 (Two Million Euro) to you in the United Kingdom.<br><br>To begin your claim, please contact our London help line with the<br>information below.<br><br>La Francaise des Jeux<br>Information and Payment Bureau:<br>United Kingdom Office<br>TEL + 447031874804<br>Fax: +448709744065 <br>Email:fdjuex2009@strompost.com<br> :jeuxloterie@live.com<br><br>Congratulations once again from all members and staff of the La-Francaise<br>des Jeux Loterie and thanks for been part of our program.<br><br>Cordialement,<br>Charles Lantieri<br><br><br>