[pkg-aa-profiles-team] License of the Evince and tcpdump AppArmor profiles

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Thu Aug 21 11:30:14 UTC 2014

Hi Jamie & Kees,

one more licensing question, in the hope that we can have more
profiles go smoothly through the Debian NEW queue:

you two are listed as authors of the AppArmor profile for Evince, and
Jamie as the sole author of the tcpdump profile. I was not able to
find the corresponding licensing information, and those packages have
old-style debian/copyright that tells nothing specific about debian/*.

Given that these profiles originally lived in the apparmor-dev
profiles repo, I'll assume that they share the same copyright and
license as the rest of this repo, that thankfully was just clarified
(GPL-2+, copyright assigned to the AppArmor team/mailing-list).

Fine with you?

Thanks in advance!


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