[Pkg-ace-devel] Importing existing repos into alioth

Thomas Girard thomas.g.girard at free.fr
Thu Dec 1 23:41:09 UTC 2005


I've imported packages versions <= into alioth svn.

I manually converted the alioth CVS and later package releases, then
used `tailor' [1] to convert the einstein CVS repo set up by Raphael
into a darcs one, so that I could remove (`unpull' in darcs parlance)
some changesets. I then replayed the lite darcs repo into alioth svn,
again using tailor.

For the record, I used the following tailorisation file for this second 

> verbose = True
> [alioth]
> root-directory = /usr/local/src
> state-file = alioth.state
> source = darcs:alioth
> target = svn:alioth
> patch-name-format = %(revision)s
> [darcs:alioth]
> repository = /usr/local/src/einstein-lite
> subdir = pkg-ace
> [svn:alioth]
> module = /trunk
> repository = svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-ace
> subdir = pkg-ace
> #use-propset = Yes

I've encountered minor issues:

1. the date and author were lost. We can still alter them (and could
    have used tailor for that: that's the commented out use-propset) but
    there's a problem when propsetting `svn:date' [2]: it prevents using
    `-r{DATE}` later. Anyway, I don't think it's a problem, so unless you
    disagree I'll do it.

2. all r24:44 have a wrong first-line because I had used a bad
    `patch-name-format` property. Propsetting `svn:log` should work.

3. all < r24 have no date nor author in the `svn:log'. Again propsetting
    will do the trick.

Before propsetting, I'll need to enable a svn hook script [3].

Now I have to convert my own darcs repo.


[1] http://progetti.arstecnica.it/tailor
[2] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.user/27351
[3] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/svn-book.html#svn-ch-5-sect-2.1

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