<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>> What makes you think an alsa process eats high cpu usage?<br><br></div>You skipped a paragraph from my report: <br><br>> It's just easy to tell if an app/ALSA uses too much CPU if you just play some audio files<br>> and you don't have anything else that might need the extra CPU power,<br>> like rendering the video stream or render the graphics. I can fix the<br>> high CPU usage in VLC if I switch the audio sub-device from the Default<br>> to a specific one (in my case: Analog Front Speakers).<br><br>///<br><br></div>> Can you post the tespective line with column <br>> headers aou of htop or top please?<br><br></div>Sorry... could you elaborate what you mean? What parameters should I start htop to get he info you need?<br></div>