[Pkg-bazaar-maint] Bug#610397: bzr-svn: svn plugin seems to mess with read-only basic https connection

Roland Mas lolando at debian.org
Tue Jan 18 13:51:11 UTC 2011

Olivier Berger, 2011-01-18 11:27:07 +0100 :


> However there doesn't seem to be any way to declare that it's not to
> be accessed with SVN, but instead with plain Bzr in the URI :-/

A workaround was provided by maxb on IRC: accessing the same branch with
nosmart+https:// seems to work, and bzr remembers that URL so there's no
need to use --no-plugins by hand on each access.

  (Same maxb also tells me that the bug doesn't seem to occur with the
latest versions of bzr and bzr-svn.)

Roland Mas

Sauvez les castors, plantez des arbres.

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