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<div><em><font face="Georgia" color="#0000ff">UNITED NATION/CENTRAL BANK<br>
This is to bring to your notice that we are delegated from the UNITED NATIONS/BRITISH GOVERNMENT<br>
to pay 150 victims of scam $;100,000 DOLLARS (One Hundred Thousand DOLLARS) each. You are listed and<br>
approved for this payment as one of the scammed victims to be paid this amount, get back to this<br>
office as soon as possible for the immediate payments of your $100,000 DOLLAR compensations funds.<br>
On this faithful recommendations, you are inform that during the last U.N. meetings held at<br>
ABUJA, NIGERIA, it was alarming on the money lost by various individuals to the scams<br>
artists operating in syndicates all over the world today. In other to compensate victims, the<br>
UNITED NATIONS Bodies and NIGERIA GOVERNMENT is now paying 150 victims $100,000 DOLLAR each in<br>
accordance with the UNITED NATIONS recommendations. Due to the corrupt and inefficient Banking<br>
Systems in NIGERIA, the payments are to be paid by Central Bank OF Nigeria as<br>
corresponding paying bank under funding assistance by The Ra<span>bo B</span>ank, based in United kingdom. for<br>
funds remittance.<br>
Benefactor of this compensation will have to be first cleared and recommended for payment by Central Bank Of Nigeria,<br>
According to the number of applicants at hand, 114 Beneficiaries has been paid, over a half of<br>
the victims are from the United States,Australia and Canada, we still have a pending of 36 compensations left to be<br>
paid. Your particulars was mentioned by one of the Syndicates who was arrested as one of their<br>
victims of the operations, you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to<br>
him for any reason what so ever as the U.S. secrete service is already on trace of the other<br>
criminals. So keep it secret till they are all apprehended. Other victims who have not been<br>
contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possible consideration<br>
To enable your compensation to be processed, you are required to make available<br>
the below requirements which enables the prompt payment of your COMPENSATION to this office<br>
1. Full Names:<br>
2. Date Of Birth:<br>
3. Telephone Number:<br>
4. Total Amount Defrauded (For record keep):<br>
5.Any Mode of identification (Drivers License or work ID)<br>
6. Payment Option (WIRE TRANSFER OR CHECK/DRAFT):<br>
NOTE: You are to take note of option 1&6 respectively.<br>
On the provision of the requirements, your will be processed on your<br>
payment option and remitted to you as soon as possible.<br>
Yours faithfully,<br>
EMAIL US ( </font><a href="mailto:unitednationfundtransfer@gmail.com"><font face="Georgia" color="#000000">unitednationfundtransfer@gmail.com</font></a></em><em><font face="Georgia" color="#0000ff">)<br>
NOTE: The UN/Nigeria Government will decline any other complains of scam<br>
should you fall victim again after this compensations is paid and transferred to you</font></em></div>