[Pkg-bluetooth-maintainers] Unnecessary renaming of development package

Luk Claes luk at debian.org
Wed Jul 5 18:19:58 UTC 2006

Hi bluez-libs maintainers

The recent renaming of the development package from libbluetooth1-dev to
libbluetooth2-dev was not needed. It's also unfortunate that you made
package immediate RC buggy without a warning to the affected maintainers
(via the BTS at least).

The renaming of the development package was not necessary as rebuilding
the packages against libbluetooth2 is enough (there was only an ABI
change, not a change in the API which in turn could need source changes
in the reverse dependencies).

Due to renaming the development package the reverse dependencies are not
only instantly made RC buggy, but they are not fixable with binNMUs.
They all need source uploads... which obviously takes longer and makes
transitioning to testing in most cases more complex.

Please in the future remind to communicate package renaming with all the
maintainers of reverse (build) dependencies and also inform the Release
Team if it involves more than a handful of packages.

Please also remind to not rename packages when not necessary, especially
when maintaining library packages.


Luk (for the Release Team)

Luk Claes - http://people.debian.org/~luk - GPG key 1024D/9B7C328D
Fingerprint:   D5AF 25FB 316B 53BB 08E7   F999 E544 DE07 9B7C 328D

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