[Pkg-bluetooth-maintainers] Bug#565318: Bug#565318: obexd-server thought as the new implementation of the old obex-data-server

Andrea Veri and at debian.org
Fri Jan 15 14:41:38 UTC 2010

On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Filippo Giunchedi wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 08:26:15PM +0100, Andrea Veri wrote:
> > The old obexd maintainer did a transition between obexd-server and
> > obex-data-server thinking that they bot ship the same D-Bus API but this is
> > not right. They are different packages and as far as I know no package is
> > currently using obexd-server to work at the moment. (e.g no GNOME package
> > does yet)
> As stated in the changelog, the conflict is because obexd and obex-data-server
> both register as services on org.openobex dbus name, and this still stands

yes, and that's why the conflict will stay where it is.

> > The great problem is that obexd-server conflicts with obex-data-server which
> > means that quite all the devices that should use obex-data-server (like many
> > functionalities of gnome-bluetooth and more) are now completely unusable.
> which interface gnome-bluetooth uses? obexd or ods? it should properly depend
> on one of those of course. Also note that obexd has been splitted into client
> and server exactly to not make g-b directly conflict with ods. (IOW, g-b
> depends on obexd-client but recommends obexd-server which in turn conflicts
> with ods)

g-bluetooth uses obex-data-server to work and as far as I know no 
GNOME package is currently (and will use) obexd-server to work. 
obexd-server looks broken upstream-side since they started using 
org.openobex without providing a new namespace, and that will take any 
device requesting org.openbox not finding it and therefore failing. 
(like the issues g-bluetooth was having while browsing mobile phones 
with obexd-server)

> > This bug needs to be fixed ASAP, I'm CCing Joss so that we can help out
> > fixing this issue. If you don't have enough time for this we will try to
> > think about a working solution and then upload a fixed package.
> I have no interest (nor time) right now, feel free to adopt/NMU.

obexd got adopted already, let's hope the new maintainer will have 
this fixed. :)



 : :' :   Andrea Veri <and at debian.org>,
 `. `'                <av at ubuntu.com>,
   `-                 <av at gnome.org>
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