[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/ServerGuide/AppDeployment" by dhananjay

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Wed Jul 27 06:08:10 UTC 2011

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The "BOINC/ServerGuide/AppDeployment" page has been changed by dhananjay:

Added multifile application deployment

  |  1 |  1310213354 |    11 | test |          0 |
+ = Multifile Applications =
+ == Multiple Binaries ==
+ The applications which consists of more than one files, should be arranged in the following hirearchy for them to be parsed by ''bin/update_versions''
+ {{{
+ apps/
+ `-- appname
+     |-- appname_version_platformname1
+     |   `-- FILES
+     |-- appname_version_platformname2
+         `-- FILES
+ }}}
+ Then do
+ {{{
+ $ bin/update_versions
+ }}}
+ to commit to the database.
+ Please see [[BOINC/WrapperApp]] deployment page, which is a multifile BOINC application.
+ == Multiple Input/Output Files ==
+ The input/output files are specified in the workunit and result templates respectively. The '''<file_info>''', '''<file_ref>''' tag pairs each describes a file. For example, if we need to create a workunit for ''test'' application which takes ''in1'', ''in2'' as input files, the workunit template would be
+ {{{
+ $ cat templates/test_wu
+ <file_info>
+   <number>0</number>
+ </file_info>
+ <file_info>
+   <number>1</number>
+ </file_info>
+ <workunit>
+   <file_ref>
+     <file_number>0</file_number>
+     <open_name>in1</open_name>
+   </file_ref>
+   <file_ref>
+     <file_number>1</file_number>
+     <open_name>in2</open_name>
+   </file_ref>
+ </workunit>
+ }}}
+ Please see each file has a '''<file_info>''' and '''<file_ref>''' tag. The same tags are used in case of result template,i.e if our application generates two output files, ''out1'', ''out2'' which should be transported back,
+ The result template would be
+ {{{
+ $ cat template/test_result
+ <file_info>
+   <name><OUTFILE_0/></name>
+   <generated_locally/>
+   <upload_when_present/>
+   <max_nbytes>10000</max_nbytes>
+   <url><UPLOAD_URL/></url>
+ </file_info>
+ <file_info>
+   <name><OUTFILE_1/></name>
+   <generated_locally/>
+   <upload_when_present/>
+   <max_nbytes>10000</max_nbytes>
+   <url><UPLOAD_URL/></url>
+ </file_info>
+ <result>
+   <file_ref>
+     <file_name><OUTFILE_0/></file_name>
+     <open_name>out1</open_name>
+   </file_ref>
+   <file_ref>
+     <file_name><OUTFILE_1/></file_name>
+     <open_name>out2</open_name>
+   </file_ref>
+ </result>
+ }}}
  Back to [[BOINC/ServerGuide]].

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