[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/Projects" by SteffenMoeller

Debian Wiki debian-www at lists.debian.org
Tue Jun 25 11:03:54 UTC 2013

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The "BOINC/Projects" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

Added instruction how to add the project.

   * preform "update" of the project with the boinc-manager, do ''not'' perform a "reset".
  You may decide not to perform the update before all tasks of that project have completed.
- There are no bulletproof benchmarks, yet, but it seems like the Debian packages gain a bit of efficiency with their graphics disabled at compile time. They have not been uploaded to the servers, yet, but we already have a version shipping with graphics that, independent from the graphics been shown or not, is just a bit slower than its more minimalistic counterpart! Feel free to share your experiences with us.
+ === SETI ===
+ If not running the boinc manager on the machine, to perform an update of the already running official SETI client, perform {{{
+   $ boinccmd --project setiathome.berkeley.edu update
+ }}}
+ If it is instead the first time that SETI is installed, run {{{
+   $ boinccmd --lookup_account setiathome.berkeley.edu myemailaddress mypassword
+   status: Success
+   poll status: operation in progress
+   poll status: operation in progress
+   poll status: operation in progress
+   account key: 73c06fcd129381dc1a93620d128943a019b072
+   $ boinccmd --project_attach setiathome.berkeley.edu 73c06fcd129381dc1a93620d128943a019b072
+ }}}
+ There are no bulletproof benchmarks, yet, but it seems like the Debian packages gain a bit of efficiency with their graphics disabled at compile time, which may save considerable I/O. The Debian-performed workunits are all validated correctly and when comparing with the compute time of other tasks of the same workunit, then they are very competitive. 
  == Binaries provided by the projects themselves ==

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