Bug#514303: boinc-client: by default BOINC binds to all network adaptors

René Mayorga rmayorga at debian.org
Tue Feb 10 01:31:45 UTC 2009

tags 514303 + upstream
forwarded 514303 http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/573

Hi Sheridan,
And thanks for your bug report.

On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 02:48:23AM +0000, Sheridan Hutchinson wrote:
> Rather distrubingly, BOINC binds to all network adaptors rather than just localhost, despite the 
> allow_remote_gui_rpc setting not being set.

Indeed, is a kind of an ugly default behaviour.
and if you check the Checkin_notes from 2005, you see that rather than be a bug
for upstream this was a _bug fix_

> Rom    13 April 2005
>     - Bug Fix: Re-enable INADDR_ANY for the *nix platforms since they cannot
>           seem to connect through the loopback adapter.

However, I was looking over upstream bug reports, and this feature was already
requested[0] a few months ago.

> If I can be of any further assistance then please don't hesistate to let me know.


[0] http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/573

Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |  jabber: rmayorga at jabber.org
http://rmayorga.org     |  
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