libnotify transition and using the notifications of BOINC for desktop

Steffen Möller steffen_moeller at
Thu Aug 4 09:48:00 UTC 2011

Dear Shirish,

On 08/04/2011 10:34 AM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I noticed that boinc is part of the libnotify transition .
> Now from what little I understand of libnotify the library is used for
> giving notifications of applications which may be running in the
> background. BOINC is such an application.
> As of right now, the only way for me to know if a work unit has
> suspended computation or has completed computation or anything is to
> click on the BOINC icon and know the status updates. If there is a way
> that I could get notification updates that would be nice.
> While I'm guessing there would be a re-build of BOINC for the same, as
> a user what would I need to install or/and do in order to get the
> benefits of the notification system (for boinc) to my desktop and
> benefitting from less mouse clicks ?
> Looking forward for info.

Have many thanks for your inquiry. I must however admit that this is
an issue for upstream. I personally about never look at the tasks that
are computed. When there is an error, I will eventually learn about it.
I just don't have the time to care about it too much. That I give
my CPU time shall be enough. What is worse, most people do not want
to be interrupted at all during their work. There is even a trend to
stop reading email during the day. And phones are switched off.

No notifications that I personally would contribute to. Maybe someone
else on the list feels more intrigued by this. I am already annoyed
enough by that version change you are referring to. You would not want
to craft a patch for the package, would you?

Kind regards,


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