[pkg-boost-commits] r14681 - boost/trunk/debian

Steven Michael Robbins smr at alioth.debian.org
Sun Dec 18 00:30:12 UTC 2011

Author: smr
Date: 2011-12-18 00:30:12 +0000 (Sun, 18 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 14681

New script to create control file for boost-defaults.

Added: boost/trunk/debian/create-boost-defaults-control.py
--- boost/trunk/debian/create-boost-defaults-control.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/create-boost-defaults-control.py	2011-12-18 00:30:12 UTC (rev 14681)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Script to create debian/control for package boost-defaults
+from deb822 import Deb822
+import re
+gBoostVersion = None
+class BoostVersion:
+    def __init__(self, version):
+        (self.Major,self.Minor,self.Revision) = version.split('.')
+        self.PackageVersion = self.Major + '.' + self.Minor
+        self.SharedObjectVersion = version
+    def versionedSubPackage(self, subpkg):
+        '''Given a subpackage name (subpkg) such as "dev",
+        returns the versioned package name, libboost at Major.Minor@- at subpkg@.'''
+        return 'libboost' + self.PackageVersion + '-' + subpkg
+    def containsPackageVersion(self, string):
+        '''Return true if 'string' contains the Package version string.'''
+        return re.search(self.PackageVersion, string) is not None
+    def containsSharedObjectVersion(self, string):
+        '''Return true if 'string' contains the Shared Object version string.'''
+        return re.search(self.SharedObjectVersion, string) is not None
+    def stripVersion(self, string):
+        '''Remove PackageVersion or SharedObjectVersion if contained in 'string'.'''
+        return self.replaceVersion(string,'')
+    def replaceVersion(self, string, replacement):
+        '''Replace either PackageVersion or SharedObjectVersion if contained in 'string',
+        with 'replacement'.'''
+        string = re.sub(self.SharedObjectVersion, replacement, string)
+        string = re.sub(self.PackageVersion, replacement, string)
+        return string
+def appendFirstLine(string, suffix):
+    '''Given a multiline string, return a new string
+    with suffix appended to the first line.'''
+    lines = string.split('\n')
+    lines[0] += suffix
+    return '\n'.join(lines)
+def deleteKey(paragraph, key):
+    if paragraph.has_key(key):
+        del paragraph[key]
+def processSourceParagraph(p):
+    p['Source'] = 'boost-defaults'
+    p['Build-Depends'] = 'debhelper (>= 8), ' + \
+        gBoostVersion.versionedSubPackage('dev') + ' (>= ' + gBoostVersion.SharedObjectVersion + ')'
+    deleteKey(p, 'Build-Conflicts')
+    p['Vcs-Browser'] = 'http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk/'
+    p['Vcs-Svn'] = 'svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk'
+def genericPackageName(pkgName):
+    '''Given an input package name of the form x1-x2-...-yVERSION-z,
+    return an unversioned variant of form x1-x2-...-y-z.'''
+    nameComponents = pkgName.split('-')
+    lastComp = nameComponents[-1]
+    if not lastComp in ['dbg','dev','doc']:
+        return None
+    return '-'.join(map(gBoostVersion.stripVersion, nameComponents))
+def dependsLibDev(p, versionedName):
+    '''Set package Depends for a library -dev package.'''
+    return '${misc:Depends}, ' + versionedName
+def dependsDbg(p, versionedName):
+    '''Set package Depends for libboost-dbg.'''
+    return 'libboost-dev (= ${binary:Version}), ' + dependsLibDev(p, versionedName)
+def dependsAllDev(p, versionedName):
+    '''Set package Depends for libboost-all-dev.'''
+    return gBoostVersion.stripVersion(p['Depends'])
+def processPackageParagraph(p):
+    versionedName = p['Package']
+    genericName = genericPackageName(versionedName)
+    if genericName is None:
+        return False
+    p['Package'] = genericName
+    if genericName == 'libboost-dbg':
+        depends = dependsDbg(p, versionedName)
+    elif genericName == 'libboost-all-dev':
+        depends = dependsAllDev(p, versionedName)
+    else:
+        depends = dependsLibDev(p, versionedName)
+    p['Depends'] = depends
+    if genericName == 'libboost-dev':
+        p['Suggests'] = 'libboost-doc'
+    else:
+        deleteKey(p, 'Suggests')
+    deleteKey(p, 'Recommends')
+    deleteKey(p, 'Conflicts')
+    deleteKey(p, 'Replaces')
+    p['Description'] = appendFirstLine(p['Description'], ' (default version)') \
+                       + '''
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian\'s default
+ Boost version (currently ''' + gBoostVersion.PackageVersion + ').'
+    return True
+def printParagraph(p):
+    for key in p.keys():
+        print "%s: %s" % (key, p[key])
+def processControl():
+    firstParagraph = True
+    for paragraph in Deb822.iter_paragraphs(open('control')):
+        if firstParagraph:
+            processSourceParagraph(paragraph)
+            printParagraph(paragraph)
+            firstParagraph = False
+        else:
+            if processPackageParagraph(paragraph):
+                print
+                printParagraph(paragraph)
+gBoostVersion = BoostVersion('1.48.0')

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