[Pkg-chromium-maint] Bug#748867: Bug#748867: Bug#748867: Missing API keys, some features of chromium are disabled

Giuseppe Iuculano giuseppe at iuculano.it
Sun Jul 20 09:56:54 UTC 2014

Il 20/07/2014 11:32, Vincent Bernat ha scritto:
> Mike disabled the message in this version but didn't add the API
> keys. The version that Giuseppe is talking about did not hit the mirrors
> yet.

I've not uploaded a new version (I'm still waiting Michael pushes his
changes on git...) but I enabled The Google+ Api for the Chromium
project and that message should disappear also in the version in sid.

P.S. Michael, please, again, I wrote you the first email on May and I'm
really upset by this... Please, PUSH YOUR CHANGES ON GIT! You are
blocking me and other people to work on chromium.


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