[pkg-cinnamon] cinnamon-settings not start, dipendencies missed in cinnamon package

Maximiliano Curia maxy at debian.org
Mon Jun 2 10:29:49 UTC 2014

¡Hola Fabio!

El 2014-06-01 a las 18:16 +0200, Fabio Fantoni escribió:
> Now works, thanks.

The change in the muffin package adds Closes statements to an already uploaded
block in the changelog file. Afaik, the only parts that get processed of the
changelog files is the one corresponding to the current upload (that ends up
in the .changes files), so you'll need to tag the bug as done via the debbugs
mail interface anyway. Also, in general, it's a good idea to only modify the
current changelog block.

So, could you close this bugs using the bugs mail interface?

Sending a mail to bugnr-done at bugs.debian.org with a

Version: version-in-which-it's-fixed

as a first line in the body of the message followed by an explanation of the
fix would be good enough.

Then I would prefer to revert the change in the git repository, to avoid
"changing history" in the changelog entries.

Have fun,
"If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
-- France's Rule of Folly
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/
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