[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#824551: cinnamon-settings-daemon: please consider to cherry-pick 0677dbf4e9fead24b6dbbf2465ee3f0609c54865

Margarita Manterola marga at debian.org
Wed May 18 19:51:53 UTC 2016

severity 824551 important
retitle 824551 cinnamon-settings-daemon: allow disabling gtk-scrollbars (and disable them by default)

clone 824551 -1 -2
reassign -1 cinnamon-session 3.0.0-1
retitle -1 cinnamon-session: Add support for disabling gtk overlay scrollbars

reassign -2 cinnamon-desktop 3.0.1-1
retitle -2 cinnamon-desktop: Update schema to include new gtk-overlay-scrollbar


 > Please consider to cherry-pick upstream commit:
> 0677dbf4e9fead24b6dbbf2465ee3f0609c54865

This commit is not enough.  This is just the dialog that allows you to set the 
value, but we also need to add the support for actually doing something with it,
which was committed at:

And the updated schema at:

I'll be doing this changes and the corresponding uploads, including setting 
the overlay scrollbars to default to false instead of true.



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