[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#858880: cinnamon: Sometimes 100% CPU after starting

Margarita Manterola marga at debian.org
Sat Apr 22 10:54:48 UTC 2017


On 2017-03-28 09:20, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

> I have seen many times that Cinnamon used 100% CPU after the 
> displaymananger
> did the autologin. I've tested with Lightdm and with GDM3. Sometimes 
> Cinnamon
> started after some time, sometimes it did not (or my patience was not 
> big
> enough).

I've seen this problem as well, particularly on intel graphics hardware 
but I don't have enough data to be sure if that's the cause.

Anyway, what seems to have helped is disabling the accessibility 
settings applet.  It would be helpful if you could try this out and 
report whether this helps for you:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.a11y-settings active 

This will disable the plugin.  After that, you would need to logout and 
back in enough times to verify that it actually helped.  Could you do 



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