[Pkg-clamav-devel] clamav 0.94.1 uploaded

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Wed Nov 12 02:04:50 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Thanks to the help of Stephen, aCaB, and Scott I was able to get 0.94.1 built
and uploaded. Pending its acceptance into the archives we'll thus have it in
unstable and etch-volatile later on this day.

I've fixed some minor issues before uploading, but a few things still get
noticed by lintian, which I felt unable to resolve myself (it may well also just
be too late):

I: clamav-base: unused-debconf-template clamav-base/ScanRAR
I: clamav-base: unused-debconf-template clamav-base/ArchiveMaxRecursion
I: clamav-base: unused-debconf-template clamav-base/ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio
I: clamav-base: unused-debconf-template clamav-base/ArchiveMaxFiles
I: clamav-base: unused-debconf-template clamav-base/ArchiveMaxFileSize
I: clamav-milter: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man8/clamav-milter.8.gz:98
W: clamav-milter: package-contains-upstream-install-documentation usr/share/doc/clamav-milter/INSTALL.gz
I: libclamav5: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/libclamav.so.5.0.3

If someone is more into the debconf stuff I'd really appreciate any help here.
I've previously worked with debconf, but that's quite some time ago.

The manpage is actually an upstream issue and probably really easy to fix, was
just to lazy to do that. In case someone's in closer contact with upstream,
reporting it to bugzilla seems not really worth the trouble.

About that INSTALL.gz: I don't know whether this is actually something to be
ignored as it is installed on purpuse by an entry in clamav-milter.docs.

The symbols-control-file: I've not yet fallen in love with those files, but it
may be less of a pain for a C library like libclamav. If someone is in favor of
that, I can readily add that stuff.


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