[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [fsharp] 12/71: undo unintentionial changes in code drop

Christopher Halse Rogers raof-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jan 17 05:18:09 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

raof-guest pushed a commit to tag 3.1.0
in repository fsharp.

commit 4f19594b6f7175ae21c17bc0e053ce7f5fb924ae
Author: Don Syme <donsyme at fastmail.fm>
Date:   Thu Oct 3 20:54:09 2013 +0100

    undo unintentionial changes in code drop
 src/absil/ilsupp.fs                |   4 -
 src/absil/ilsupp.fsi               |   1 -
 src/absil/ilwrite.fs               |   4 -
 src/fsharp/ErrorLogger.fs          |   6 +-
 src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fs     |   5 -
 src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fsi    |   1 -
 src/fsharp/ReferenceResolution.fs  |  41 ++-
 src/fsharp/build.fs                | 167 +++--------
 src/fsharp/build.fsi               |  28 --
 src/fsharp/fsc.fs                  | 569 ++++---------------------------------
 src/fsharp/fsc.fsi                 |  24 --
 src/fsharp/fscmain.fs              | 279 +++++++++++++++++-
 src/utils/CompilerLocationUtils.fs |   2 +
 13 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 731 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/absil/ilsupp.fs b/src/absil/ilsupp.fs
index d014e06..d3870f3 100755
--- a/src/absil/ilsupp.fs
+++ b/src/absil/ilsupp.fs
@@ -1059,10 +1059,6 @@ let pdbInitialize (binaryName:string) (pdbName:string) =
 [<assembly:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods", Scope="member", Target="Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.Support.#pdbClose(Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.Support+PdbWriter)", MessageId="System.GC.Collect")>]
-let pdbCloseDocument(documentWriter : PdbDocumentWriter) = 
-    Marshal.ReleaseComObject (documentWriter.symDocWriter)
-    |> ignore
 [<System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods", MessageId="System.GC.Collect")>]
 let pdbClose (writer:PdbWriter) =
diff --git a/src/absil/ilsupp.fsi b/src/absil/ilsupp.fsi
index 44cd9a5..d6e4f0e 100755
--- a/src/absil/ilsupp.fsi
+++ b/src/absil/ilsupp.fsi
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ val pdbInitialize:
     string  (* .pdb to write *) ->
 val pdbClose: PdbWriter -> unit
-val pdbCloseDocument : PdbDocumentWriter -> unit
 val pdbSetUserEntryPoint: PdbWriter -> int32 -> unit
 val pdbDefineDocument: PdbWriter -> string -> PdbDocumentWriter
 val pdbOpenMethod: PdbWriter -> int32 -> unit
diff --git a/src/absil/ilwrite.fs b/src/absil/ilwrite.fs
index 67174d8..1046cf5 100755
--- a/src/absil/ilwrite.fs
+++ b/src/absil/ilwrite.fs
@@ -346,10 +346,6 @@ let WritePdbInfo fixupOverlappingSequencePoints showTimes f fpdb info =
     reportTime showTimes "PDB: Wrote methods";
     let res = pdbGetDebugInfo !pdbw
-    for pdbDoc in docs do
-        pdbCloseDocument pdbDoc
     pdbClose !pdbw;
     reportTime showTimes "PDB: Closed";
diff --git a/src/fsharp/ErrorLogger.fs b/src/fsharp/ErrorLogger.fs
index 7bf7fb1..2efa860 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/ErrorLogger.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/ErrorLogger.fs
@@ -240,10 +240,8 @@ type ErrorLogger(nameForDebugging:string) =
         this.ErrorSinkImpl err
     member this.DebugDisplay() = sprintf "ErrorLogger(%s)" nameForDebugging
     // record the reported error/warning numbers for SQM purpose
-    abstract ErrorNumbers : int list
-    abstract WarningNumbers : int list
-    default this.ErrorNumbers = []
-    default this.WarningNumbers = []
+    abstract ErrorOrWarningNumbers : int list
+    default this.ErrorOrWarningNumbers = []
 let DiscardErrorsLogger = 
     { new ErrorLogger("DiscardErrorsLogger") with 
diff --git a/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fs b/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fs
index 78fb412..857b8eb 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fs
@@ -550,11 +550,6 @@ type [<Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:Iden
     member internal fsc.InternalExecuteTool(pathToTool, responseFileCommands, commandLineCommands) =
         fsc.ExecuteTool(pathToTool, responseFileCommands, commandLineCommands)
-    member internal fsc.GetCapturedArguments() = 
-        [|
-            yield! capturedArguments
-            yield! capturedFilenames
-        |]
 module Attributes =
     //[<assembly: System.Security.SecurityTransparent>]
diff --git a/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fsi b/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fsi
index 8633f70..61a8ec4 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fsi
+++ b/src/fsharp/FSharp.Build/Fsc.fsi
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ type Fsc = class
              member internal InternalGenerateFullPathToTool : unit -> System.String
              member internal InternalGenerateCommandLineCommands : unit -> System.String
              member internal InternalExecuteTool : string * string * string -> int
-             member internal GetCapturedArguments : unit -> string[]
              member BaseAddress : string with get,set
              member CodePage : string with get,set
              member DebugSymbols : bool with get,set
diff --git a/src/fsharp/ReferenceResolution.fs b/src/fsharp/ReferenceResolution.fs
index 3f2cc66..639749a 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/ReferenceResolution.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/ReferenceResolution.fs
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ module internal MSBuildResolver =
     // 1. List of frameworks
     // 2. DeriveTargetFrameworkDirectoriesFor45Plus
     // 3. HighestInstalledNetFrameworkVersionMajorMinor
-    // 4. GetPathToDotNetFramework
+    // 4. GetPathToDotNetFrameworkForLastResortCompileTimeAssemblySearch
     let private Net10 = "v1.0"
@@ -98,8 +98,13 @@ module internal MSBuildResolver =
     let SupportedNetFrameworkVersions = set [ Net20; Net30; Net35; Net40; Net45; Net451; (*SL only*) "v5.0" ]
-    let GetPathToDotNetFramework(v) =
-#if FX_ATLEAST_45
+    // Mono doesn't have GetPathToDotNetFramework. In this case we simply don't search this extra directory.
+    // When the x-plat compiler is run on Mono this is ok since implementation assembly folder is the same as the target framework folder.
+    // When the x-plat compiler is run on Windows/.NET this will curently cause slightly divergent behaviour.
+    let GetPathToDotNetFrameworkForLastResortCompileTimeAssemblySearch _v = []
+    let GetPathToDotNetFrameworkForLastResortCompileTimeAssemblySearch v =
         let v =
             match v with
             | Net11 ->  Some TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version11
@@ -116,21 +121,28 @@ module internal MSBuildResolver =
             | null -> []
             | x -> [x]
         | _ -> []
-        // FX_ATLEAST_45 is not defined is required for step when we build compiler with proto compiler and this branch should not be hit
-        assert false
-        []
+    // GetPathToDotNetFrameworkReferenceAssemblies is not available on Mono.
+    // We currently use the old values that the F# 2.0 compiler assumed. 
+    // When the x-plat compiler is run on Mono this is ok since the asemblies are all in the framework folder
+    // When the x-plat compiler is run on Windows/.NET this will curently cause slightly divergent behaviour this directory 
+    // may not be the same as the Microsoft compiler in all cases.
+    let DeriveTargetFrameworkDirectoriesFor40Plus(version) = 
+        match version with 
+        | Net40 -> ReplaceFrameworkVariables([@"{ReferenceAssemblies}\v4.0"])  
+        | Net45 -> ReplaceFrameworkVariables([@"{ReferenceAssemblies}\v4.5"])         
+        | Net451 -> ReplaceFrameworkVariables([@"{ReferenceAssemblies}\v4.5"])         
+        | _ -> []
     let DeriveTargetFrameworkDirectoriesFor40Plus(version) = 
         // starting with .Net 4.0, the runtime dirs (WindowsFramework) are never used by MSBuild RAR
         let v =
             match version with
             | Net40 -> Some TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version40
-#if FX_ATLEAST_45
             | Net45 -> Some TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version45
             | Net451 -> Some TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version451
             | _ -> assert false; None // unknown version - some parts in the code are not synced
         match v with
         | Some v -> 
@@ -138,17 +150,18 @@ module internal MSBuildResolver =
             | null -> []
             | x -> [x]
         | None -> []        
     /// Determine the default "frameworkVersion" (which is passed into MSBuild resolve).
     /// This code uses MSBuild to determine version of the highest installed framework.
     let HighestInstalledNetFrameworkVersionMajorMinor() =
-#if FX_ATLEAST_45    
+       // Mono doesn't have GetPathToDotNetFramework
+        4, Net40
         if box (ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework(TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version451)) <> null then 4, Net451
         elif box (ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework(TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version45)) <> null then 4, Net45
         else 4, Net40 // version is 4.0 assumed since this code is running.
-        // FX_ATLEAST_45 is not defined is required for step when we build compiler with proto compiler and this branch should not be hit
-        4, Net40
     /// Derive the target framework directories.        
@@ -329,7 +342,7 @@ module internal MSBuildResolver =
                 ["{AssemblyFolders}"] @
                 [outputDirectory] @
                 ["{GAC}"] @
-                GetPathToDotNetFramework targetFrameworkVersion // use path to implementation assemblies as the last resort
+                GetPathToDotNetFrameworkForLastResortCompileTimeAssemblySearch targetFrameworkVersion // use path to implementation assemblies as the last resort
         rar.SearchPaths <- searchPaths |> Array.ofList
diff --git a/src/fsharp/build.fs b/src/fsharp/build.fs
index 51a8d22..539ce37 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/build.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/build.fs
@@ -1381,130 +1381,64 @@ let SanitizeFileName fileName implicitIncludeDir =
     with _ ->
-type ErrorLocation =
-    {
-        Range : range
-        File : string
-        TextRepresentation : string
-        IsEmpty : bool
-    }
-type CanonicalInformation = 
-    {
-        ErrorNumber : int
-        Subcategory : string
-        TextRepresentation : string
-    }
-type DetailedIssueInfo = 
-    {
-        Location : ErrorLocation option
-        Canonical : CanonicalInformation
-        Message : string
-    }
-type ErrorOrWarning = 
-    | Short of bool * string
-    | Long of bool * DetailedIssueInfo
-/// returns sequence that contains ErrorOrWarning for the given error + ErrorOrWarning for all related errors
-let CollectErrorOrWarning (implicitIncludeDir,showFullPaths,flattenErrors,errorStyle,warn, err:PhasedError) = 
-    let outputWhere (showFullPaths,errorStyle) m = 
-        if m = rangeStartup || m = rangeCmdArgs then 
-            { Range = m; TextRepresentation = ""; IsEmpty = true; File = "" }
+(* used by fsc.exe and fsi.exe, but not by VS *)
+let rec OutputErrorOrWarning (implicitIncludeDir,showFullPaths,flattenErrors,errorStyle,warn) os (err:PhasedError) = 
+    let outputWhere (showFullPaths,errorStyle) os m = 
+        if m = rangeStartup || m = rangeCmdArgs then () 
             let file = m.FileName
             let file = if showFullPaths then 
                             Filename.fullpath implicitIncludeDir file
                             SanitizeFileName file implicitIncludeDir
-            let text, m, file = 
-                match errorStyle with
-                  | ErrorStyle.EmacsErrors   -> 
-                    let file = file.Replace("\\","/")
-                    (sprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d: " file m.StartLine m.StartColumn m.EndColumn), m, file
-                  // We're adjusting the columns here to be 1-based - both for parity with C# and for MSBuild, which assumes 1-based columns for error output
-                  | ErrorStyle.DefaultErrors -> 
-                    let file = file.Replace('/',System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
-                    let m = mkRange m.FileName (mkPos m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1)) m.End
-                    (sprintf "%s(%d,%d): " file m.StartLine m.StartColumn), m, file
-                  // We may also want to change TestErrors to be 1-based
-                  | ErrorStyle.TestErrors    -> 
-                    let file = file.Replace("/","\\")
-                    let m = mkRange m.FileName (mkPos m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1)) (mkPos m.EndLine (m.EndColumn + 1) )
-                    sprintf "%s(%d,%d-%d,%d): " file m.StartLine m.StartColumn m.EndLine m.EndColumn, m, file
-                  | ErrorStyle.GccErrors     -> 
-                    let file = file.Replace('/',System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
-                    sprintf "%s:%d:%d: " file m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1), m, file
-                  // Here, we want the complete range information so Project Systems can generate proper squiggles
-                  | ErrorStyle.VSErrors      -> 
-                        // Show prefix only for real files. Otherise, we just want a truncated error like:
-                        //      parse error FS0031 : blah blah
-                        if m<>range0 && m<>rangeStartup && m<>rangeCmdArgs then 
-                            let file = file.Replace("/","\\")
-                            let m = mkRange m.FileName (mkPos m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1)) (mkPos m.EndLine (m.EndColumn + 1) )
-                            sprintf "%s(%d,%d,%d,%d): " file m.StartLine m.StartColumn m.EndLine m.EndColumn, m, file
-                        else
-                            "", m, file
-            { Range = m; TextRepresentation = text; IsEmpty = false; File = file }
+            match errorStyle with
+              | ErrorStyle.EmacsErrors   -> Printf.bprintf os "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d: " (file.Replace("\\","/")) m.StartLine m.StartColumn m.EndColumn
+              // We're adjusting the columns here to be 1-based - both for parity with C# and for MSBuild, which assumes 1-based columns for error output
+              | ErrorStyle.DefaultErrors -> Printf.bprintf os "%s(%d,%d): " (file.Replace('/',System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1)
+              // We may also want to change TestErrors to be 1-based
+              | ErrorStyle.TestErrors    -> Printf.bprintf os "%s(%d,%d-%d,%d): " (file.Replace("/","\\")) m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1) m.EndLine (m.EndColumn + 1) 
+              | ErrorStyle.GccErrors     -> Printf.bprintf os "%s:%d:%d: " (file.Replace('/',System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1)
+              // Here, we want the complete range information so Project Systems can generate proper squiggles
+              | ErrorStyle.VSErrors      -> 
+                    // Show prefix only for real files. Otherise, we just want a truncated error like:
+                    //      parse error FS0031 : blah blah
+                    if m<>range0 && m<>rangeStartup && m<>rangeCmdArgs then 
+                        Printf.bprintf os "%s(%d,%d,%d,%d): " (file.Replace("/","\\")) m.StartLine (m.StartColumn + 1) m.EndLine (m.EndColumn + 1)
     match err.Exception with 
     | ReportedError _ -> 
         dprintf "Unexpected ReportedError"  (* this should actually never happen *)
-        Seq.empty
     | StopProcessing -> 
         dprintf "Unexpected StopProcessing"  (* this should actually never happen *)
-        Seq.empty
     | _ -> 
-        let errors = ResizeArray()
         let report err =
             let OutputWhere(err) = 
+                Printf.bprintf os "\n";
                 match RangeOfError err with 
-                | Some m -> Some(outputWhere (showFullPaths,errorStyle) m)
-                | None -> None
+                | Some m -> outputWhere (showFullPaths,errorStyle) os m 
+                | None -> ()
             let OutputCanonicalInformation(err:PhasedError,subcategory, errorNumber) = 
-                let text = 
-                    match errorStyle with
-                    // Show the subcategory for --vserrors so that we can fish it out in Visual Studio and use it to determine error stickiness.
-                    | ErrorStyle.VSErrors -> sprintf "%s %s FS%04d: " subcategory (if warn then "warning" else "error") errorNumber;
-                    | _ -> sprintf "%s FS%04d: " (if warn then "warning" else "error") (GetErrorNumber err);
-                {  ErrorNumber = errorNumber; Subcategory = subcategory; TextRepresentation = text}
+                match errorStyle with
+                // Show the subcategory for --vserrors so that we can fish it out in Visual Studio and use it to determine error stickiness.
+                | ErrorStyle.VSErrors -> Printf.bprintf os "%s %s FS%04d: " subcategory (if warn then "warning" else "error") errorNumber;
+                | _ -> Printf.bprintf os "%s FS%04d: " (if warn then "warning" else "error") (GetErrorNumber err);
             let mainError,relatedErrors = SplitRelatedErrors err
-            let where = OutputWhere(mainError)
-            let canonical = OutputCanonicalInformation(mainError,err.Subcategory(),GetErrorNumber mainError)
-            let message = 
-                let os = System.Text.StringBuilder()
-                OutputPhasedError os mainError flattenErrors;
-                os.ToString()
-            let entry = { Location = where; Canonical = canonical; Message = message }
-            errors.Add ( ErrorOrWarning.Long( not warn, entry ) )
+            OutputWhere(mainError)
+            OutputCanonicalInformation(mainError,err.Subcategory(),GetErrorNumber mainError)
+            OutputPhasedError os mainError flattenErrors;
             let OutputRelatedError(err) =
                 match errorStyle with
                 // Give a canonical string when --vserror.
                 | ErrorStyle.VSErrors -> 
-                    let relWhere = OutputWhere(mainError) // mainError?
-                    let relCanonical = OutputCanonicalInformation(err, err.Subcategory(),GetErrorNumber mainError) // Use main error for code
-                    let relMessage = 
-                        let os = System.Text.StringBuilder()
-                        OutputPhasedError os err flattenErrors
-                        os.ToString()
-                    let entry = { Location = relWhere; Canonical = relCanonical; Message = relMessage}
-                    errors.Add( ErrorOrWarning.Long (not warn, entry) )
-                | _ -> 
-                    let os = System.Text.StringBuilder()
+                    OutputWhere(mainError) // mainError?
+                    OutputCanonicalInformation(err, err.Subcategory(),GetErrorNumber mainError) // Use main error for code
                     OutputPhasedError os err flattenErrors
-                    errors.Add( ErrorOrWarning.Short((not warn), os.ToString()) )
+                | _ -> Printf.bprintf os "\n"; OutputPhasedError os err flattenErrors
             relatedErrors |> List.iter OutputRelatedError
@@ -1517,26 +1451,6 @@ let CollectErrorOrWarning (implicitIncludeDir,showFullPaths,flattenErrors,errorS
         | x -> report x
-        errors :> seq<_>
-/// used by fsc.exe and fsi.exe, but not by VS
-/// prints error and related errors to the specified StringBuilder
-let rec OutputErrorOrWarning (implicitIncludeDir,showFullPaths,flattenErrors,errorStyle,warn) os (err:PhasedError) = 
-    let errors = CollectErrorOrWarning (implicitIncludeDir,showFullPaths,flattenErrors,errorStyle,warn, err)
-    for e in errors do
-        Printf.bprintf os "\n"
-        match e with
-        | Short(_, txt) -> 
-            os.Append txt |> ignore
-        | Long(_, details) ->
-            match details.Location with
-            | Some l when not l.IsEmpty -> os.Append(l.TextRepresentation) |> ignore
-            | _ -> ()
-            os.Append( details.Canonical.TextRepresentation ) |> ignore
-            os.Append( details.Message ) |> ignore
 let OutputErrorOrWarningContext prefix fileLineFn os err =
     match RangeOfError err with
     | None   -> ()      
@@ -1559,17 +1473,21 @@ let OutputErrorOrWarningContext prefix fileLineFn os err =
 let GetFSharpCoreLibraryName () = "FSharp.Core"
-let GetFSharpCoreReferenceUsedByCompiler() = typeof<int list>.Assembly.FullName
+let GetFSharpCoreReferenceUsedByCompiler() = GetFSharpCoreLibraryName()
 let GetFsiLibraryName () = "FSharp.Compiler.Silverlight"  
 type internal TypeInThisAssembly = class end
-let GetFSharpCoreReferenceUsedByCompiler() = 
+let GetFSharpCoreReferenceUsedByCompiler(useMonoResolution) = 
+  // On Mono, there is no good reference resolution
+  if useMonoResolution then 
+    GetFSharpCoreLibraryName()+".dll"
+  else
     let fsCoreName = GetFSharpCoreLibraryName()
     |> Array.pick (fun name ->
         if name.Name = fsCoreName then Some(name.ToString())
         else None
-    )
+    )     
 let GetFsiLibraryName () = "FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings"  
@@ -2431,7 +2349,7 @@ type TcConfig private (data : TcConfigBuilder,validate:bool) =
         match fileNameOpt with
         | None -> 
             // if FSharp.Core was not provided explicitly - use version that was referenced by compiler
-            AssemblyReference(range0, GetFSharpCoreReferenceUsedByCompiler()), None
+            AssemblyReference(range0, GetFSharpCoreReferenceUsedByCompiler(data.useMonoResolution)), None
         | _ -> res
     let primaryAssemblyCcuInitializer = data.primaryAssembly.GetSystemRuntimeInitializer(computeKnownDllReference >> fst)
@@ -3038,8 +2956,7 @@ type ErrorLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas (checkFile,scopedPragmas,errorLogger:Er
                         Range.posGeq m.Start pragmaRange.Start))  
             | None -> true
         if report then errorLogger.WarnSink(err);
-    override x.ErrorNumbers = errorLogger.ErrorNumbers
-    override x.WarningNumbers = errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+    override x.ErrorOrWarningNumbers = errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
 let GetErrorLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas(checkFile,scopedPragmas,errorLogger) = 
     (ErrorLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas(checkFile,scopedPragmas,errorLogger) :> ErrorLogger)
diff --git a/src/fsharp/build.fsi b/src/fsharp/build.fsi
index 370602f..f93cd92 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/build.fsi
+++ b/src/fsharp/build.fsi
@@ -94,34 +94,6 @@ val SanitizeFileName : filename:string -> implicitIncludeDir:string -> string
 val OutputErrorOrWarning : implicitIncludeDir:string * showFullPaths: bool * flattenErrors: bool * errorStyle: ErrorStyle *  warning:bool -> StringBuilder -> PhasedError -> unit
 val OutputErrorOrWarningContext : prefix:string -> fileLineFunction:(string -> int -> string) -> StringBuilder -> PhasedError -> unit
-type ErrorLocation =
-    {
-        Range : range
-        File : string
-        TextRepresentation : string
-        IsEmpty : bool
-    }
-type CanonicalInformation = 
-    {
-        ErrorNumber : int
-        Subcategory : string
-        TextRepresentation : string
-    }
-type DetailedIssueInfo = 
-    {
-        Location : ErrorLocation option
-        Canonical : CanonicalInformation
-        Message : string
-    }
-type ErrorOrWarning = 
-    | Short of bool * string
-    | Long of bool * DetailedIssueInfo
-val CollectErrorOrWarning : implicitIncludeDir:string * showFullPaths: bool * flattenErrors: bool * errorStyle: ErrorStyle *  warning:bool * PhasedError -> seq<ErrorOrWarning>
 // Options and configuration
diff --git a/src/fsharp/fsc.fs b/src/fsharp/fsc.fs
index 316cac8..1a8b9bd 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/fsc.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/fsc.fs
@@ -76,95 +76,26 @@ open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.ExtensionTyping
 // Reporting - warnings, errors
-type ErrorLoggerThatAccumulatesErrors private (implicitIncludeDir, showFullPaths, flatErrors, errorStyle, globalWarnLevel, specificWarnOn, specificWarnOff, specificWarnAsError, specificWarnAsWarn, globalWarnAsError) = 
-    inherit ErrorLogger("ErrorLoggerThatAccumulatesErrors")
-    let messages = ResizeArray()
-    let mutable errorsCount = 0
-    new(tcConfigB : TcConfigBuilder) = 
-        ErrorLoggerThatAccumulatesErrors(
-            tcConfigB.implicitIncludeDir, 
-            tcConfigB.showFullPaths, 
-            tcConfigB.flatErrors, 
-            tcConfigB.errorStyle, 
-            tcConfigB.globalWarnLevel, 
-            tcConfigB.specificWarnOn, 
-            tcConfigB.specificWarnOff,
-            tcConfigB.specificWarnAsError,
-            tcConfigB.specificWarnAsWarn,
-            tcConfigB.globalWarnAsError
-            )
-    new(tcConfig : TcConfig) = 
-        ErrorLoggerThatAccumulatesErrors(
-            tcConfig.implicitIncludeDir, 
-            tcConfig.showFullPaths, 
-            tcConfig.flatErrors, 
-            tcConfig.errorStyle, 
-            tcConfig.globalWarnLevel, 
-            tcConfig.specificWarnOn, 
-            tcConfig.specificWarnOff,
-            tcConfig.specificWarnAsError,
-            tcConfig.specificWarnAsWarn,
-            tcConfig.globalWarnAsError
-            )
-    member this.ProcessMessage(err, isError) = 
-        let writer = new System.IO.StringWriter()
-        let writeError err = 
-            writeViaBufferWithEnvironmentNewLines writer (OutputErrorOrWarning (implicitIncludeDir, showFullPaths, flatErrors, errorStyle, false)) err
-        let isError = 
-            if isError then
-                writeError err
-                true
-            else
-                if (ReportWarningAsError globalWarnLevel specificWarnOff specificWarnOn specificWarnAsError specificWarnAsWarn globalWarnAsError err) then 
-                    writeError err
-                    true
-                elif ReportWarning globalWarnLevel specificWarnOff specificWarnOn err then 
-                    writeViaBufferWithEnvironmentNewLines writer (OutputErrorOrWarning (implicitIncludeDir, showFullPaths, flatErrors, errorStyle, true)) err
-                    false
-                else 
-                    false // will not be used        
-        let text = writer.ToString()
-        if text.Length <> 0 then Some (isError, text) else None
-    member this.GetMessages() = List.ofSeq messages
-    override this.ErrorSinkImpl(err) = 
-        errorsCount <- errorsCount + 1
-        messages.Add(this.ProcessMessage(err, true).Value)
-    override this.WarnSinkImpl(warn) = 
-        match this.ProcessMessage (warn, false) with
-        | Some ((isError, _) as res) -> 
-            if isError then errorsCount <- errorsCount + 1
-            messages.Add(res)
-        | _ -> ()
-    override this.ErrorCount = errorsCount
-type ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder, exiter : Exiter, caption) = 
-    inherit ErrorLogger(caption)
+/// Create an error logger that counts and prints errors
+let ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors (tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder, exiter : Exiter) = 
     let errors = ref 0
-    let errorNumbers = ref []
-    let warningNumbers = ref []
-    abstract HandleIssue : tcConfigB : TcConfigBuilder * error : PhasedError * isWarning : bool -> unit
-    abstract HandleTooManyErrors : text : string -> unit
+    let errorOrWarnings = ref []
-    override x.ErrorCount = !errors
-    override x.ErrorSinkImpl(err) = 
+    { new ErrorLogger("ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors") with 
+            member x.ErrorSinkImpl(err) = 
                 if !errors >= tcConfigB.maxErrors then 
-                    x.HandleTooManyErrors(FSComp.SR.fscTooManyErrors())
+                    DoWithErrorColor true (fun () -> Printf.eprintfn "%s" (FSComp.SR.fscTooManyErrors()))
-                    SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB !errorNumbers !warningNumbers
+                    SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB !errorOrWarnings
                     exiter.Exit 1
-                x.HandleIssue(tcConfigB, err, false)
+                DoWithErrorColor false (fun () -> 
+                    (writeViaBufferWithEnvironmentNewLines stderr (OutputErrorOrWarning (tcConfigB.implicitIncludeDir,tcConfigB.showFullPaths,tcConfigB.flatErrors,tcConfigB.errorStyle,false)) err;  stderr.WriteLine()));
                 incr errors
-                errorNumbers := (GetErrorNumber err) :: !errorNumbers
+                errorOrWarnings := (GetErrorNumber err) :: !errorOrWarnings
                 match err.Exception with 
                 | InternalError _ 
@@ -175,31 +106,18 @@ type ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder, exiter : Exit
                     | None -> System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false,sprintf "Bug seen in compiler: %s" (err.ToString()))
                 | _ -> 
-    override x.WarnSinkImpl(err) =  
-        if (ReportWarningAsError tcConfigB.globalWarnLevel tcConfigB.specificWarnOff tcConfigB.specificWarnOn tcConfigB.specificWarnAsError tcConfigB.specificWarnAsWarn tcConfigB.globalWarnAsError err) then
-            x.ErrorSink(err)
-        elif ReportWarning tcConfigB.globalWarnLevel tcConfigB.specificWarnOff tcConfigB.specificWarnOn err then
-            x.HandleIssue(tcConfigB, err, true)
-            warningNumbers :=  (GetErrorNumber err) :: !warningNumbers
-    override x.WarningNumbers = !warningNumbers
-    override x.ErrorNumbers = !errorNumbers
-/// Create an error logger that counts and prints errors 
-let ConsoleErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors (tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder, exiter : Exiter) : ErrorLogger = 
-    upcast {
-        new ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigB, exiter, "ConsoleErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors") with
-            member this.HandleTooManyErrors(text : string) = 
-                DoWithErrorColor true (fun () -> Printf.eprintfn "%s" text)
-            member this.HandleIssue(tcConfigB, err, isWarning) =
-                DoWithErrorColor isWarning (fun () -> 
-                    (writeViaBufferWithEnvironmentNewLines stderr (OutputErrorOrWarning (tcConfigB.implicitIncludeDir,tcConfigB.showFullPaths,tcConfigB.flatErrors,tcConfigB.errorStyle,isWarning)) err;
-                    stderr.WriteLine())
-                    );
-    }
+            member x.WarnSinkImpl(err) =  
+                DoWithErrorColor true (fun () -> 
+                    if (ReportWarningAsError tcConfigB.globalWarnLevel tcConfigB.specificWarnOff tcConfigB.specificWarnOn tcConfigB.specificWarnAsError tcConfigB.specificWarnAsWarn tcConfigB.globalWarnAsError err) then 
+                        x.ErrorSink(err)
+                    elif ReportWarning tcConfigB.globalWarnLevel tcConfigB.specificWarnOff tcConfigB.specificWarnOn err then 
+                        writeViaBufferWithEnvironmentNewLines stderr (OutputErrorOrWarning (tcConfigB.implicitIncludeDir,tcConfigB.showFullPaths,tcConfigB.flatErrors,tcConfigB.errorStyle,true)) err;  
+                        errorOrWarnings := (GetErrorNumber err) :: !errorOrWarnings
+                        stderr.WriteLine())
+            override x.ErrorOrWarningNumbers = !errorOrWarnings
+            member x.ErrorCount = !errors  }
+let ErrorLoggerInitial (tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder, exiter : Exiter) = ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigB, exiter)
 //    val TypeCheck : TcConfig * TcImports * TcGlobals * ErrorLogger * string * NiceNameGenerator * TypeChecker.TcEnv * Input list * Exiter -> 
 //              TcState * TypeChecker.TopAttribs * Tast.TypedAssembly * TypeChecker.TcEnv
@@ -212,13 +130,13 @@ let TypeCheck (tcConfig,tcImports,tcGlobals,errorLogger:ErrorLogger,assemblyName
     with e -> 
         errorRecovery e rangeStartup
-        SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorNumbers errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+        SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
         exiter.Exit 1
 /// This error logger delays the messages it recieves. At the end, call ForwardDelayedErrorsAndWarnings
 /// to send the held messages.     
-type DelayAndForwardErrorLogger(exiter : Exiter, errorLoggerProvider : ErrorLoggerProvider) =
+type DelayAndForwardErrorLogger(exiter : Exiter) =
     inherit ErrorLogger("DelayAndForwardErrorLogger")
     let mapToErrorNumber items = 
         items |> Seq.map (fun (err,_) -> GetErrorNumber err) |> Seq.toList
@@ -238,16 +156,10 @@ type DelayAndForwardErrorLogger(exiter : Exiter, errorLoggerProvider : ErrorLogg
         // Clear errors just reported. Keep errors count.
     member x.ForwardDelayedErrorsAndWarnings(tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder) = 
-        let errorLogger =  errorLoggerProvider.CreateErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigB, exiter)
+        let errorLogger = ErrorLoggerInitial(tcConfigB, exiter)
     member x.FullErrorCount = !errors
-    override x.WarningNumbers = delayed |> Seq.filter(fun (_, flag) -> flag = false) |> mapToErrorNumber
-    override x.ErrorNumbers = delayed |> Seq.filter(fun (_, flag) -> flag = true) |> mapToErrorNumber
-and [<AbstractClass>]
-    ErrorLoggerProvider() =
-    member this.CreateDelayAndForwardLogger(exiter) = DelayAndForwardErrorLogger(exiter, this)
-    abstract CreateErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors : tcConfigBuilder : TcConfigBuilder * exiter : Exiter -> ErrorLogger
+    override x.ErrorOrWarningNumbers = delayed |> Seq.map (fun (err,_) -> GetErrorNumber err) |> Seq.toList
 /// Check for .fsx and, if present, compute the load closure for of #loaded files.
 let AdjustForScriptCompile(tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder,commandLineSourceFiles,lexResourceManager) =
@@ -291,23 +203,9 @@ let AdjustForScriptCompile(tcConfigB:TcConfigBuilder,commandLineSourceFiles,lexR
 let abortOnError (errorLogger:ErrorLogger, _tcConfig:TcConfig, exiter : Exiter) = 
     if errorLogger.ErrorCount > 0 then
-        SqmLoggerWithConfig _tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorNumbers errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+        SqmLoggerWithConfig _tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
-        exiter.Exit 1
-type DelayedDisposables() = 
-    let items = Stack<System.IDisposable>()
-    member this.Register(i) = items.Push i
-    interface System.IDisposable with
-        member this.Dispose() = 
-            let l = List.ofSeq items
-            items.Clear()
-            for i in l do 
-                try i.Dispose() with _ -> ()
-type DefaultLoggerProvider() = 
-    inherit ErrorLoggerProvider()
-    override this.CreateErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigBuilder, exiter) = ConsoleErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigBuilder, exiter)
+        exiter.Exit 1 
 // The project system needs to be able to somehow crack open assemblies to look for type providers in order to pop up the security dialog when necessary when a user does 'Build'.
 // Rather than have the PS re-code that logic, it re-uses the existing code in the very front end of the compiler that parses the command-line and imports the referenced assemblies.
@@ -321,9 +219,7 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
                                 setProcessThreadLocals : TcConfigBuilder -> unit, 
                                 displayBannerIfNeeded : TcConfigBuilder -> unit, 
                                 optimizeForMemory : bool,
-                                exiter : Exiter,
-                                errorLoggerProvider : ErrorLoggerProvider,
-                                disposables : DelayedDisposables) 
+                                exiter : Exiter) 
                                     : TcGlobals * TcImports * TcImports * Tast.CcuThunk * Tast.TypedAssembly * TypeChecker.TopAttribs * TcConfig * string * string option * string * ErrorLogger
@@ -335,7 +231,7 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
     SetTailcallSwitch tcConfigB On    
     // Now install a delayed logger to hold all errors from flags until after all flags have been parsed (for example, --vserrors)
-    let delayForFlagsLogger =  errorLoggerProvider.CreateDelayAndForwardLogger(exiter)// DelayAndForwardErrorLogger(exiter)
+    let delayForFlagsLogger = DelayAndForwardErrorLogger(exiter)
     let _unwindEL_1 = PushErrorLoggerPhaseUntilUnwind (fun _ -> delayForFlagsLogger)          
     // Share intern'd strings across all lexing/parsing
@@ -386,7 +282,7 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
             e -> 
             errorRecovery e rangeStartup
-            SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorNumbers delayForFlagsLogger.WarningNumbers
+            SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
             exiter.Exit 1 
@@ -402,7 +298,7 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
         with e ->
             errorRecovery e rangeStartup
-            SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorNumbers delayForFlagsLogger.WarningNumbers
+            SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
             exiter.Exit 1 
@@ -410,7 +306,7 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
     // DecideNames may give "no inputs" error. Abort on error at this point. bug://3911
     if not tcConfigB.continueAfterParseFailure && delayForFlagsLogger.FullErrorCount > 0 then
-        SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorNumbers delayForFlagsLogger.WarningNumbers
+        SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
         exiter.Exit 1
@@ -421,12 +317,12 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
         with e ->
-            SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorNumbers delayForFlagsLogger.WarningNumbers
+            SqmLoggerWithConfigBuilder tcConfigB delayForFlagsLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
             exiter.Exit 1
-    let errorLogger =  errorLoggerProvider.CreateErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigB, exiter)
+    let errorLogger = ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigB, exiter)
     // Install the global error logger and never remove it. This logger does have all command-line flags considered.
     let _unwindEL_2 = PushErrorLoggerPhaseUntilUnwind (fun _ -> errorLogger)
@@ -449,7 +345,7 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
-            let tcState,topAttribs,typedAssembly,_tcEnv,tcImports,tcGlobals,tcConfig = builder.TypeCheck()
+            let tcState,topAttribs,typedAssembly,_tcEnv,tcImports,tcGlobals,tcConfig = builder.TypeCheck() 
@@ -459,9 +355,6 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
             let sysRes,otherRes,knownUnresolved = TcAssemblyResolutions.SplitNonFoundationalResolutions(tcConfig)
             let tcGlobals,frameworkTcImports = TcImports.BuildFrameworkTcImports (foundationalTcConfigP, sysRes, otherRes)
-            // register framework tcImports to be disposed in future
-            disposables.Register frameworkTcImports
             // step - parse sourceFiles 
             ReportTime tcConfig "Parse inputs"
             use unwindParsePhase = PushThreadBuildPhaseUntilUnwind (BuildPhase.Parse)            
@@ -480,7 +373,7 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
                 with e -> 
                     errorRecoveryNoRange e
-                    SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorNumbers errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+                    SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
                     exiter.Exit 1
@@ -499,9 +392,6 @@ let getTcImportsFromCommandLine(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI :
                 let tcImports = TcImports.BuildNonFrameworkTcImports(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI,tcConfigP,tcGlobals,frameworkTcImports,otherRes,knownUnresolved)
-            // register tcImports to be disposed in future
-            disposables.Register tcImports
             if not tcConfig.continueAfterParseFailure then 
                 abortOnError(errorLogger, tcConfig, exiter)
@@ -531,8 +421,6 @@ let runFromCommandLineToImportingAssemblies(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogB
                                             directoryBuildingFrom : string, 
                                             exiter : Exiter) =
-    use d = new DelayedDisposables() // ensure that any resources that can be allocated in getTcImportsFromCommandLine will be correctly disposed
     let tcGlobals,tcImports,frameworkTcImports,generatedCcu,typedAssembly,topAttrs,tcConfig,outfile,pdbfile,assemblyName,errorLogger = 
             getTcImportsFromCommandLine(Some displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogBlockingUI, argv, defaultFSharpBinariesDir, directoryBuildingFrom, None, (fun _ -> ()), 
                     (fun tcConfigB -> 
@@ -546,9 +434,7 @@ let runFromCommandLineToImportingAssemblies(displayPSTypeProviderSecurityDialogB
                     true, // optimizeForMemory - want small memory footprint in VS
-                    exiter, 
-                    DefaultLoggerProvider(), // this function always use default set of loggers
-                    d)
+                    exiter)
     // we don't care about the result, we just called 'getTcImportsFromCommandLine' to have the effect of popping up the dialog if the TP is unknown
@@ -753,7 +639,7 @@ let EncodeInterfaceData(tcConfig:TcConfig,tcGlobals,exportRemapping,_errorLogger
     with e -> 
         errorRecoveryNoRange e
-        SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig _errorLogger.ErrorNumbers _errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+        SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig _errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
         exiter.Exit 1
@@ -1829,7 +1715,7 @@ module FileWriter =
         with e -> 
             errorRecoveryNoRange e
-            SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig _errorLogger.ErrorNumbers _errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+            SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig _errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
             exiter.Exit 1 
@@ -1888,13 +1774,7 @@ let ValidateKeySigningAttributes (tcConfig : TcConfig) tcGlobals topAttrs =
         | None -> tcConfig.container
     SigningInfo (delaysign,signer,container)
-/// Checks if specified file name is absolute path. If yes - returns the name as is, otherwise makes full path using tcConfig.implicitIncludeDir as base.
-let expandFileNameIfNeeded (tcConfig : TcConfig) name = 
-    if FileSystem.IsPathRootedShim name then name 
-    else 
-    System.IO.Path.Combine(tcConfig.implicitIncludeDir, name)
 // main - split up to make sure that we can GC the
 // dead data at the end of each phase.  We explicitly communicate arguments
@@ -1904,7 +1784,7 @@ let expandFileNameIfNeeded (tcConfig : TcConfig) name =
 [<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
 type Args<'a> = Args  of 'a
-let main0(argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter:Exiter, errorLoggerProvider : ErrorLoggerProvider, disposables : DelayedDisposables) = 
+let main1(argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter:Exiter) =
     // See Bug 735819 
     let lcidFromCodePage = 
@@ -1945,18 +1825,9 @@ let main0(argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter:Exiter, errorLoggerProvider : ErrorLo
                             Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Fscopts.DisplayBannerText tcConfigB
                         false, // optimizeForMemory - fsc.exe can use as much memory as it likes to try to compile as fast as possible
-                        exiter,
-                        errorLoggerProvider,
-                        disposables
+                        exiter
-    tcGlobals,tcImports,frameworkTcImports,generatedCcu,typedAssembly,topAttrs,tcConfig,outfile,pdbfile,assemblyName,errorLogger, exiter
-// TcGlobals * TcImports * TcImports * CcuThunk * TypedAssembly * TopAttribs * TcConfig * string * string * string* ErrorLogger* Exiter
-let main1(tcGlobals,tcImports : TcImports,frameworkTcImports,generatedCcu,typedAssembly,topAttrs,tcConfig : TcConfig, outfile,pdbfile,assemblyName,errorLogger, exiter : Exiter) =
     if tcConfig.typeCheckOnly then exiter.Exit 0
     use unwindPhase = PushThreadBuildPhaseUntilUnwind (BuildPhase.CodeGen)
@@ -1993,10 +1864,7 @@ let main1(tcGlobals,tcImports : TcImports,frameworkTcImports,generatedCcu,typedA
       if tcConfig.xmlDocOutputFile.IsSome then 
           XmlDocWriter.computeXmlDocSigs (tcGlobals,generatedCcu) 
       ReportTime tcConfig ("Write XML docs");
-      tcConfig.xmlDocOutputFile |> Option.iter ( fun xmlFile -> 
-          let xmlFile = expandFileNameIfNeeded tcConfig xmlFile
-          XmlDocWriter.writeXmlDoc (assemblyName,generatedCcu,xmlFile)
-        )
+      tcConfig.xmlDocOutputFile |> Option.iter (fun xmlFile -> XmlDocWriter.writeXmlDoc (assemblyName,generatedCcu,xmlFile))
       ReportTime tcConfig ("Write HTML docs");
@@ -2132,7 +2000,7 @@ let main3(Args(tcConfig,errorLogger:ErrorLogger,staticLinker,ilGlobals,ilxMainMo
         with e -> 
             errorRecoveryNoRange e
-            SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorNumbers errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+            SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
             exiter.Exit 1
@@ -2143,9 +2011,7 @@ let main3(Args(tcConfig,errorLogger:ErrorLogger,staticLinker,ilGlobals,ilxMainMo
 let main4(Args(tcConfig,errorLogger:ErrorLogger,ilGlobals,ilxMainModule,outfile,pdbfile,signingInfo,exiter)) = 
     ReportTime tcConfig "Write .NET Binary"
     use unwindBuildPhase = PushThreadBuildPhaseUntilUnwind (BuildPhase.Output)    
-    let outfile = expandFileNameIfNeeded tcConfig outfile
-    let pdbfile = pdbfile |> Option.map ((expandFileNameIfNeeded tcConfig) >> FileSystem.GetFullPathShim)
+    let pdbfile = pdbfile |> Option.map Path.GetFullPath
     match dynamicAssemblyCreator with 
     | None -> FileWriter.EmitIL (tcConfig,ilGlobals,errorLogger,outfile,pdbfile,ilxMainModule,signingInfo,exiter)
     | Some da -> da (tcConfig,ilGlobals,errorLogger,outfile,pdbfile,ilxMainModule,signingInfo); 
@@ -2161,355 +2027,20 @@ let main4(Args(tcConfig,errorLogger:ErrorLogger,ilGlobals,ilxMainModule,outfile,
             dprintfn "%s" a.FullName
-    SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorNumbers errorLogger.WarningNumbers
+    SqmLoggerWithConfig tcConfig errorLogger.ErrorOrWarningNumbers
     ReportTime tcConfig "Exiting"
-let compile arg = 
-    main1 arg
+let mainCompile (argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter:Exiter) = 
+    // Don's note: "GC of intermediate data is really, really important here"
+    main1 (argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter) 
     |> main2
     |> main2b
     |> main2c
     |> main3 
     |> main4
-let typecheckAndCompile(argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter:Exiter, errorLoggerProvider) =
-    // Don's note: "GC of intermediate data is really, really important here"
-    use d = new DelayedDisposables()
-    main0(argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter, errorLoggerProvider, d)
-    |> compile
-let mainCompile (argv,bannerAlreadyPrinted,exiter:Exiter) = 
-    typecheckAndCompile(argv, bannerAlreadyPrinted, exiter, DefaultLoggerProvider())
-type CompilationOutput = 
-    {
-        Errors : seq<ErrorOrWarning>
-        Warnings : seq<ErrorOrWarning>
-    }
-type InProcCompiler() = 
-    member this.Compile(argv) = 
-        let errors = ResizeArray()
-        let warnings = ResizeArray()
-        let loggerProvider = {
-            new ErrorLoggerProvider() with
-                member log.CreateErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigBuilder, exiter) = 
-                    upcast {
-                        new ErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors(tcConfigBuilder, exiter, "InProcCompilerErrorLoggerThatQuitsAfterMaxErrors") with
-                            member this.HandleTooManyErrors(text) = warnings.Add(ErrorOrWarning.Short(false, text))
-                            member this.HandleIssue(tcConfigBuilder, err, isWarning) = 
-                                let errs = CollectErrorOrWarning(tcConfigBuilder.implicitIncludeDir, tcConfigBuilder.showFullPaths, tcConfigBuilder.flatErrors, tcConfigBuilder.errorStyle, isWarning, err)
-                                let container = if isWarning then warnings else errors
-                                container.AddRange(errs)
-                    }
-        }
-        let exitCode = ref 0
-        let exiter = {
-            new Exiter with
-                member this.Exit n = exitCode := n; raise StopProcessing
-            }
-        try 
-            typecheckAndCompile(argv, false, exiter, loggerProvider)
-        with 
-            | StopProcessing -> ()
-            | ReportedError _  | WrappedError(ReportedError _,_)  ->
-                exitCode := 1
-                ()
-        let output = { Warnings = warnings; Errors = errors}
-        !exitCode = 0, output
-/// Collect the output from the stdout and stderr streams, character by character,
-/// recording the console color used along the way.
-type OutputCollector() = 
-    let output = ResizeArray()
-    let outWriter isOut = 
-        { new TextWriter() with 
-              member x.Write(c:char) = 
-                  lock output (fun () -> 
-                  output.Add (isOut, None ,c)) 
-                  output.Add (isOut, (try Some System.Console.ForegroundColor with _ -> None) ,c)) 
-              member x.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }
-    do ignore outWriter
-    do System.Console.SetOut (outWriter true)
-    do System.Console.SetError (outWriter false)
-    member x.GetTextAndClear() = lock output (fun () -> let res = output.ToArray() in output.Clear(); res)
-/// Implement the optional resident compilation service
-module FSharpResidentCompiler = 
-    open System
-    open System.Diagnostics
-    open System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
-    open System.Runtime.Remoting
-    open System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
-    /// The compilation server, which runs in the server process. Accessed by clients using .NET remoting.
-    type FSharpCompilationServer(exiter:Exiter)  =
-        inherit MarshalByRefObject()  
-        static let onWindows = 
-            match System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform with 
-            | PlatformID.Win32NT | PlatformID.Win32S | PlatformID.Win32Windows | PlatformID.WinCE -> true
-            | _  -> false
-        // The channel/socket name is qualified by the user name (and domain on windows)
-        static let domainName = if onWindows then Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "USERDOMAIN" else ""
-        static let userName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable (if onWindows then "USERNAME" else "USER") 
-        // Use different base channel names on mono and CLR as a CLR remoting process can't talk
-        // to a mono server
-        static let baseChannelName = if runningOnMono then "FSCChannelMono" else "FSCChannel"
-        static let channelName = baseChannelName + "_" +  domainName + "_" + userName
-        static let serverName = if runningOnMono then "FSCServerMono" else "FSCSever"
-        static let mutable serverExists = true
-        let outputCollector = new OutputCollector()
-        // This background agent ensures all compilation requests sent to the server are serialized
-        let agent = MailboxProcessor<_>.Start(fun inbox -> 
-                       async { 
-                          while true do 
-                              let! (pwd,argv, reply: AsyncReplyChannel<_>) = inbox.Receive()
-                              if !progress then printfn "server agent: got compilation request, argv = %A" argv
-                              let exitCode = 
-                                  try 
-                                      Environment.CurrentDirectory <- pwd
-                                      mainCompile (argv, true, exiter); 
-                                      if !progress then printfn "server: finished compilation request, argv = %A" argv
-                                      0
-                                  with e -> 
-                                      if !progress then printfn "server: finished compilation request with errors, argv = %A, e = %s" argv (e.ToString())
-                                      stopProcessingRecovery e range0
-                                      1
-                              let output = outputCollector.GetTextAndClear()
-                              if !progress then printfn "ouput: %A" output
-                              if !progress then printfn "sending reply..." 
-                              reply.Reply(output, exitCode)
-                              if !progress then printfn "collecting..." 
-                              GC.Collect(3)
-                              if !progress then printfn "considering exit..." 
-                              // Exit the server if there are no outstanding requests and the 
-                              // current memory usage after collection is over 200MB
-                              if inbox.CurrentQueueLength = 0 && GC.GetTotalMemory(true) > 200L * 1024L * 1024L then 
-                                  Environment.Exit 0
-                       })
-        member x.Run() = 
-            while serverExists do 
-               if !progress then printfn "server: startup thread sleeping..." 
-               System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
-        abstract Ping : unit -> string
-        abstract Compile : string * string[] -> (bool * System.ConsoleColor option * char) [] * int
-        default x.Ping() = "ping"
-        default x.Compile (pwd,argv) = 
-            if !progress then printfn "server: got compilation request, (pwd, argv) = %A" (pwd, argv)
-            let res = agent.PostAndReply(fun reply -> (pwd,argv,reply))
-            if !progress then printfn "server: got response, response = %A" res
-            res 
-        override x.Finalize() =
-            serverExists <- false
-        // This is called on the server object by .NET remoting to initialize the lifetime characteristics
-        // of the server object.
-        override x.InitializeLifetimeService() =
-            let lease = (base.InitializeLifetimeService() :?> ILease)
-            if (lease.CurrentState = LeaseState.Initial)  then
-                lease.InitialLeaseTime <- TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
-                lease.SponsorshipTimeout <- TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2.0);
-                lease.RenewOnCallTime <- TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
-            box lease
-        static member RunServer(exiter:Exiter) =
-            progress := !progress ||  condition "FSHARP_SERVER_PROGRESS"
-            if !progress then printfn "server: initializing server object" 
-            let server = new FSharpCompilationServer(exiter)
-            let chan = new Ipc.IpcChannel(channelName) 
-            ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(chan,false);
-            RemotingServices.Marshal(server,serverName)  |> ignore
-            // On Unix, the file permissions of the implicit socket need to be set correctly to make this
-            // private to the user.
-            if runningOnMono then 
-              try 
-                  let monoPosix = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("Mono.Posix, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756")
-                  let monoUnixFileInfo = monoPosix.GetType("Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo") 
-                  let socketName = Path.Combine(FileSystem.GetTempPathShim(), channelName)
-                  let fileEntry = monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("GetFileSystemEntry", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, null, [| box socketName |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
-                  // Add 0x00000180 (UserReadWriteExecute) to the access permissions on Unix
-                  monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("set_FileAccessPermissions", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, fileEntry, [| box 0x00000180 |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) |> ignore
-#if DEBUG
-                  if !progress then printfn "server: good, set permissions on socket name '%s'"  socketName
-                  let fileEntry = monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("GetFileSystemEntry", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, null, [| box socketName |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
-                  let currPermissions = monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("get_FileAccessPermissions", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, fileEntry, [| |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) |> unbox<int>
-                  if !progress then printfn "server: currPermissions = '%o' (octal)"  currPermissions
-              with e -> 
-#if DEBUG
-                  printfn "server: failed to set permissions on socket, perhaps on windows? Is is not needed there."  
-                  ()
-                  // Fail silently
-            server.Run()
-        static member private ConnectToServer() =
-            Activator.GetObject(typeof<FSharpCompilationServer>,"ipc://" + channelName + "/" + serverName) 
-            :?> FSharpCompilationServer 
-        static member TryCompileUsingServer(fscServerExe,argv) =
-            // Enable these lines to write a log file, e.g. when running under xbuild
-            //let os = System.IO.File.CreateText "/tmp/fsc-client-log"
-            //let printfn fmt = Printf.kfprintf (fun () -> fprintfn os ""; os.Flush()) os fmt
-            progress := !progress ||  condition "FSHARP_SERVER_PROGRESS"
-            let pwd = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory
-            let clientOpt = 
-                if !progress then printfn "client: creating client"
-                // Detect the absence of the channel via the exception. Probably not the best way.
-                // Different exceptions get thrown here on Mono and Windows.
-                let client = FSharpCompilationServer.ConnectToServer()
-                try 
-                    if !progress then printfn "client: attempting to connect to existing service (1)"
-                    client.Ping() |> ignore
-                    if !progress then printfn "client: connected to existing service"
-                    Some client
-                with _ ->
-                    if !progress then printfn "client: error while creating client, starting client instead"
-                    let procInfo = 
-                        if runningOnMono then
-                            let shellName, useShellExecute = 
-                                match System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FSC_MONO") with 
-                                | null -> 
-                                    if onWindows then 
-                                        // e.g. "C:\Program Files\Mono-2.6.1\lib\mono\2.0\mscorlib.dll" --> "C:\Program Files\Mono-2.6.1\bin\mono.exe"
-                                        Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName (typeof<Object>.Assembly.Location), @"..\..\..\bin\mono.exe"), false
-                                    else
-                                        "mono-sgen", true
-                                | path -> path, true
-                            ProcessStartInfo(FileName = shellName,
-                                             Arguments = fscServerExe + " /server",
-                                             CreateNoWindow = true,
-                                             UseShellExecute = useShellExecute)
-                         else
-                            ProcessStartInfo(FileName=fscServerExe,
-                                             Arguments = "/server",
-                                             CreateNoWindow = true,
-                                             UseShellExecute = false)
-                    let cmdProcess = new Process(StartInfo=procInfo)
-                    //let exitE = cmdProcess.Exited |> Observable.map (fun x -> x)
-                    cmdProcess.Start() |> ignore
-                    //exitE.Add(fun _ -> if !progress then eprintfn "client: the server has exited")
-                    cmdProcess.EnableRaisingEvents <- true;
-                    // Create the client proxy and attempt to connect to the server
-                    let rec tryAcccesServer nRemaining =
-                        if !progress then printfn "client: trying to access server, nRemaining = '%d'" nRemaining
-                        if nRemaining = 0 then 
-                            // Failed to connect to server, give up 
-                            None
-                        else
-                            try 
-                                if !progress then printfn "client: attempting to connect to existing service (2)"
-                                client.Ping() |> ignore
-                                if !progress then printfn "client: connected to existing service"
-                                Some client
-                            // Detect the absence of the channel via the exception. Probably not the best way.
-                            // Different exceptions get thrown here on Mono and Windows.
-                            with _ (* System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException *) ->
-                                // Sleep a bit
-                                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 50
-                                tryAcccesServer (nRemaining - 1)
-                    tryAcccesServer 20
-            match clientOpt with
-            | Some client -> 
-                if !progress then printfn "client: calling client.Compile(%A)" argv
-                // Install the global error logger and never remove it. This logger does have all command-line flags considered.
-                try 
-                    let (output, exitCode) = 
-                        try client.Compile (pwd, argv) 
-                        with e -> 
-                           printfn "server error: %s" (e.ToString())
-                           raise (Error (FSComp.SR.fscRemotingError(), rangeStartup))
-                    if !progress then printfn "client: returned from client.Compile(%A), res = %d" argv exitCode
-                    use holder = 
-                        try let originalConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor 
-                            { new System.IDisposable with member x.Dispose() = Console.ForegroundColor <- originalConsoleColor }
-                        with _ -> null
-                    let mutable prevConsoleColor = try Console.ForegroundColor with _ -> ConsoleColor.Black
-                    for (isOut, consoleColorOpt, c:char) in output do 
-                        try match consoleColorOpt with 
-                             | Some consoleColor -> 
-                                 if prevConsoleColor <> consoleColor then 
-                                     Console.ForegroundColor <- consoleColor; 
-                             | None -> ()
-                        with _ -> ()
-                        c |> (if isOut then System.Console.Out.Write else System.Console.Error.Write)
-                    Some exitCode
-                with err -> 
-                   let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder()
-                   OutputErrorOrWarning (pwd,true,false,ErrorStyle.DefaultErrors,true) sb (PhasedError.Create(err,BuildPhase.Compile))
-                   eprintfn "%s" (sb.ToString())
-                   // We continue on and compile in-process - the server appears to have died half way through.
-                   None
-            | None -> 
-                None
-let main (fscServerExe, argv) = 
-    let inline hasArgument name args = 
-        args |> Array.exists (fun x -> x = ("--" + name) || x = ("/" + name))
-    let inline stripArgument name args = 
-        args |> Array.filter (fun x -> x <> ("--" + name) && x <> ("/" + name))
-    // Check for --pause as the very first step so that a compiler can be attached here.
-    if hasArgument "pause" argv then 
-        System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...")
-        System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
-    if runningOnMono && hasArgument "resident" argv then 
-        let argv = stripArgument "resident" argv
-        if not (hasArgument "nologo" argv) then 
-            printfn "%s" (FSComp.SR.buildProductName(FSharpEnvironment.FSharpTeamVersionNumber))
-            printfn "%s" (FSComp.SR.optsCopyright())
-        let exitCodeOpt = FSharpResidentCompiler.FSharpCompilationServer.TryCompileUsingServer (fscServerExe, argv)
-        match exitCodeOpt with 
-        | Some exitCode -> exitCode
-        | None -> 
-            mainCompile (argv, true, QuitProcessExiter)
-            0
-    elif runningOnMono && hasArgument "server" argv then 
-        // Install the right exiter so we can catch "StopProcessing" without exiting the server
-        let exiter = { new Exiter with member x.Exit n = raise StopProcessing }
-        FSharpResidentCompiler.FSharpCompilationServer.RunServer(exiter)        
-        0
-    else
-        mainCompile (argv, false, QuitProcessExiter)
-        0
-#endif // SILVERLIGHT
diff --git a/src/fsharp/fsc.fsi b/src/fsharp/fsc.fsi
index 4a3b017..ed04f12 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/fsc.fsi
+++ b/src/fsharp/fsc.fsi
@@ -2,37 +2,13 @@ module internal Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Driver
 open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.ErrorLogger
 open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Build
-open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Env
-open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Tast
-open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.TypeChecker
 /// the F# project system calls this to pop up type provider security dialog if needed
 val internal runFromCommandLineToImportingAssemblies : (string -> unit) * string[] * string * string * Exiter -> unit
-type ErrorLoggerThatAccumulatesErrors = 
-    inherit ErrorLogger
-    new : TcConfigBuilder -> ErrorLoggerThatAccumulatesErrors
-    new : TcConfig -> ErrorLoggerThatAccumulatesErrors
-    member GetMessages : unit -> (bool * string) list
-    member ProcessMessage : PhasedError * bool -> (bool * string) option
 /// fsc.exe calls this
-val compile : TcGlobals * TcImports * TcImports * CcuThunk * TypedAssembly * TopAttribs * TcConfig * string * string option * string* ErrorLogger* Exiter -> unit
 val mainCompile : argv : string[] * bannerAlreadyPrinted : bool * exiter : Exiter -> unit
-type CompilationOutput = 
-    {
-        Errors : seq<ErrorOrWarning>
-        Warnings : seq<ErrorOrWarning>
-    }
-type InProcCompiler = 
-    new : unit -> InProcCompiler
-    member Compile : args : string[] -> bool * CompilationOutput
diff --git a/src/fsharp/fscmain.fs b/src/fsharp/fscmain.fs
index 8753b61..b542174 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/fscmain.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/fscmain.fs
@@ -32,6 +32,282 @@ type TypeInThisAssembly() = member x.Dummy = 1
 do ()
+/// Collect the output from the stdout and stderr streams, character by character,
+/// recording the console color used along the way.
+type OutputCollector() = 
+    let output = ResizeArray()
+    let outWriter isOut = 
+        { new TextWriter() with 
+              member x.Write(c:char) = 
+                  lock output (fun () -> 
+                  output.Add (isOut, (try Some System.Console.ForegroundColor with _ -> None) ,c)) 
+              member x.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }
+    member x.GetTextAndClear() = lock output (fun () -> let res = output.ToArray() in output.Clear(); res)
+/// Implement the optional resident compilation service
+module FSharpResidentCompiler = 
+    open System
+    open System.Diagnostics
+    open System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
+    open System.Runtime.Remoting
+    open System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
+    /// The compilation server, which runs in the server process. Accessed by clients using .NET remoting.
+    type FSharpCompilationServer(exiter:Exiter)  =
+        inherit MarshalByRefObject()  
+        static let onWindows = 
+            match System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform with 
+            | PlatformID.Win32NT | PlatformID.Win32S | PlatformID.Win32Windows | PlatformID.WinCE -> true
+            | _  -> false
+        // The channel/socket name is qualified by the user name (and domain on windows)
+        static let domainName = if onWindows then Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "USERDOMAIN" else ""
+        static let userName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable (if onWindows then "USERNAME" else "USER") 
+        // Use different base channel names on mono and CLR as a CLR remoting process can't talk
+        // to a mono server
+        static let baseChannelName = if runningOnMono then "FSCChannelMono" else "FSCChannel"
+        static let channelName = baseChannelName + "_" +  domainName + "_" + userName
+        static let serverName = if runningOnMono then "FSCServerMono" else "FSCSever"
+        static let mutable serverExists = true
+        let outputCollector = new OutputCollector()
+        // This background agent ensures all compilation requests sent to the server are serialized
+        let agent = MailboxProcessor<_>.Start(fun inbox -> 
+                       async { 
+                          while true do 
+                              let! (pwd,argv, reply: AsyncReplyChannel<_>) = inbox.Receive()
+                              if !progress then printfn "server agent: got compilation request, argv = %A" argv
+                              let exitCode = 
+                                  try 
+                                      Environment.CurrentDirectory <- pwd
+                                      mainCompile (argv, true, exiter); 
+                                      if !progress then printfn "server: finished compilation request, argv = %A" argv
+                                      0
+                                  with e -> 
+                                      if !progress then printfn "server: finished compilation request with errors, argv = %A, e = %s" argv (e.ToString())
+                                      stopProcessingRecovery e range0
+                                      1
+                              let output = outputCollector.GetTextAndClear()
+                              if !progress then printfn "ouput: %A" output
+                              if !progress then printfn "sending reply..." 
+                              reply.Reply(output, exitCode)
+                              if !progress then printfn "collecting..." 
+                              GC.Collect(3)
+                              if !progress then printfn "considering exit..." 
+                              // Exit the server if there are no outstanding requests and the 
+                              // current memory usage after collection is over 200MB
+                              if inbox.CurrentQueueLength = 0 && GC.GetTotalMemory(true) > 200L * 1024L * 1024L then 
+                                  Environment.Exit 0
+                       })
+        member x.Run() = 
+            while serverExists do 
+               if !progress then printfn "server: startup thread sleeping..." 
+               System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
+        abstract Ping : unit -> string
+        abstract Compile : string * string[] -> (bool * System.ConsoleColor option * char) [] * int
+        default x.Ping() = "ping"
+        default x.Compile (pwd,argv) = 
+            if !progress then printfn "server: got compilation request, (pwd, argv) = %A" (pwd, argv)
+            let res = agent.PostAndReply(fun reply -> (pwd,argv,reply))
+            if !progress then printfn "server: got response, response = %A" res
+            res 
+        override x.Finalize() =
+            serverExists <- false
+        // This is called on the server object by .NET remoting to initialize the lifetime characteristics
+        // of the server object.
+        override x.InitializeLifetimeService() =
+            let lease = (base.InitializeLifetimeService() :?> ILease)
+            if (lease.CurrentState = LeaseState.Initial)  then
+                lease.InitialLeaseTime <- TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
+                lease.SponsorshipTimeout <- TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2.0);
+                lease.RenewOnCallTime <- TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
+            box lease
+        static member RunServer(exiter:Exiter) =
+            progress := !progress ||  condition "FSHARP_SERVER_PROGRESS"
+            if !progress then printfn "server: initializing server object" 
+            let server = new FSharpCompilationServer(exiter)
+            let chan = new Ipc.IpcChannel(channelName) 
+            ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(chan,false);
+            RemotingServices.Marshal(server,serverName)  |> ignore
+            // On Unix, the file permissions of the implicit socket need to be set correctly to make this
+            // private to the user.
+            if runningOnMono then 
+              try 
+                  let monoPosix = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("Mono.Posix, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756")
+                  let monoUnixFileInfo = monoPosix.GetType("Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo") 
+                  let socketName = Path.Combine(FileSystem.GetTempPathShim(), channelName)
+                  let fileEntry = monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("GetFileSystemEntry", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, null, [| box socketName |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
+                  // Add 0x00000180 (UserReadWriteExecute) to the access permissions on Unix
+                  monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("set_FileAccessPermissions", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, fileEntry, [| box 0x00000180 |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) |> ignore
+#if DEBUG
+                  if !progress then printfn "server: good, set permissions on socket name '%s'"  socketName
+                  let fileEntry = monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("GetFileSystemEntry", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, null, [| box socketName |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
+                  let currPermissions = monoUnixFileInfo.InvokeMember("get_FileAccessPermissions", (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ||| BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Public), null, fileEntry, [| |],System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) |> unbox<int>
+                  if !progress then printfn "server: currPermissions = '%o' (octal)"  currPermissions
+              with e -> 
+#if DEBUG
+                  printfn "server: failed to set permissions on socket, perhaps on windows? Is is not needed there."  
+                  ()
+                  // Fail silently
+            server.Run()
+        static member private ConnectToServer() =
+            Activator.GetObject(typeof<FSharpCompilationServer>,"ipc://" + channelName + "/" + serverName) 
+            :?> FSharpCompilationServer 
+        static member TryCompileUsingServer(fscServerExe,argv) =
+            // Enable these lines to write a log file, e.g. when running under xbuild
+            //let os = System.IO.File.CreateText "/tmp/fsc-client-log"
+            //let printfn fmt = Printf.kfprintf (fun () -> fprintfn os ""; os.Flush()) os fmt
+            progress := !progress ||  condition "FSHARP_SERVER_PROGRESS"
+            let pwd = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory
+            let clientOpt = 
+                if !progress then printfn "client: creating client"
+                // Detect the absence of the channel via the exception. Probably not the best way.
+                // Different exceptions get thrown here on Mono and Windows.
+                let client = FSharpCompilationServer.ConnectToServer()
+                try 
+                    if !progress then printfn "client: attempting to connect to existing service (1)"
+                    client.Ping() |> ignore
+                    if !progress then printfn "client: connected to existing service"
+                    Some client
+                with _ ->
+                    if !progress then printfn "client: error while creating client, starting client instead"
+                    let procInfo = 
+                        if runningOnMono then
+                            let shellName, useShellExecute = 
+                                match System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FSC_MONO") with 
+                                | null -> 
+                                    if onWindows then 
+                                        // e.g. "C:\Program Files\Mono-2.6.1\lib\mono\2.0\mscorlib.dll" --> "C:\Program Files\Mono-2.6.1\bin\mono.exe"
+                                        Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName (typeof<Object>.Assembly.Location), @"..\..\..\bin\mono.exe"), false
+                                    else
+                                        "mono-sgen", true
+                                | path -> path, true
+                            ProcessStartInfo(FileName = shellName,
+                                             Arguments = fscServerExe + " /server",
+                                             CreateNoWindow = true,
+                                             UseShellExecute = useShellExecute)
+                         else
+                            ProcessStartInfo(FileName=fscServerExe,
+                                             Arguments = "/server",
+                                             CreateNoWindow = true,
+                                             UseShellExecute = false)
+                    let cmdProcess = new Process(StartInfo=procInfo)
+                    //let exitE = cmdProcess.Exited |> Observable.map (fun x -> x)
+                    cmdProcess.Start() |> ignore
+                    //exitE.Add(fun _ -> if !progress then eprintfn "client: the server has exited")
+                    cmdProcess.EnableRaisingEvents <- true;
+                    // Create the client proxy and attempt to connect to the server
+                    let rec tryAcccesServer nRemaining =
+                        if !progress then printfn "client: trying to access server, nRemaining = '%d'" nRemaining
+                        if nRemaining = 0 then 
+                            // Failed to connect to server, give up 
+                            None
+                        else
+                            try 
+                                if !progress then printfn "client: attempting to connect to existing service (2)"
+                                client.Ping() |> ignore
+                                if !progress then printfn "client: connected to existing service"
+                                Some client
+                            // Detect the absence of the channel via the exception. Probably not the best way.
+                            // Different exceptions get thrown here on Mono and Windows.
+                            with _ (* System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException *) ->
+                                // Sleep a bit
+                                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 50
+                                tryAcccesServer (nRemaining - 1)
+                    tryAcccesServer 20
+            match clientOpt with
+            | Some client -> 
+                if !progress then printfn "client: calling client.Compile(%A)" argv
+                // Install the global error logger and never remove it. This logger does have all command-line flags considered.
+                try 
+                    let (output, exitCode) = 
+                        try client.Compile (pwd, argv) 
+                        with e -> 
+                           printfn "server error: %s" (e.ToString())
+                           raise (Error (FSComp.SR.fscRemotingError(), rangeStartup))
+                    if !progress then printfn "client: returned from client.Compile(%A), res = %d" argv exitCode
+                    use holder = 
+                        try let originalConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor 
+                            { new System.IDisposable with member x.Dispose() = Console.ForegroundColor <- originalConsoleColor }
+                        with _ -> null
+                    let mutable prevConsoleColor = try Console.ForegroundColor with _ -> ConsoleColor.Black
+                    for (isOut, consoleColorOpt, c:char) in output do 
+                        try match consoleColorOpt with 
+                             | Some consoleColor -> 
+                                 if prevConsoleColor <> consoleColor then 
+                                     Console.ForegroundColor <- consoleColor; 
+                             | None -> ()
+                        with _ -> ()
+                        c |> (if isOut then System.Console.Out.Write else System.Console.Error.Write)
+                    Some exitCode
+                with err -> 
+                   let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder()
+                   OutputErrorOrWarning (pwd,true,false,ErrorStyle.DefaultErrors,true) sb (PhasedError.Create(err,BuildPhase.Compile))
+                   eprintfn "%s" (sb.ToString())
+                   // We continue on and compile in-process - the server appears to have died half way through.
+                   None
+            | None -> 
+                None
+let runMain argv = 
+    let inline hasArgument name args = 
+        args |> Array.exists (fun x -> x = ("--" + name) || x = ("/" + name))
+    let inline stripArgument name args = 
+        args |> Array.filter (fun x -> x <> ("--" + name) && x <> ("/" + name))
+    // Check for --pause as the very first step so that a compiler can be attached here.
+    if hasArgument "pause" argv then 
+        System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...")
+        System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
+    if runningOnMono && hasArgument "resident" argv then 
+        let argv = stripArgument "resident" argv
+        if not (hasArgument "nologo" argv) then 
+            printfn "%s" (FSComp.SR.buildProductName(FSharpEnvironment.FSharpTeamVersionNumber))
+            printfn "%s" (FSComp.SR.optsCopyright())
+        let fscServerExe = typeof<TypeInThisAssembly>.Assembly.Location
+        let exitCodeOpt = FSharpResidentCompiler.FSharpCompilationServer.TryCompileUsingServer (fscServerExe, argv)
+        match exitCodeOpt with 
+        | Some exitCode -> exitCode
+        | None -> 
+            mainCompile (argv, true, QuitProcessExiter)
+            0
+    elif runningOnMono && hasArgument "server" argv then 
+        // Install the right exiter so we can catch "StopProcessing" without exiting the server
+        let exiter = { new Exiter with member x.Exit n = raise StopProcessing }
+        FSharpResidentCompiler.FSharpCompilationServer.RunServer(exiter)        
+        0
+    else
+        mainCompile (argv, false, QuitProcessExiter)
+        0
 let main(argv) =
     System.Runtime.GCSettings.LatencyMode <- System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode.Batch
@@ -39,8 +315,7 @@ let main(argv) =
     if not runningOnMono then Lib.UnmanagedProcessExecutionOptions.EnableHeapTerminationOnCorruption() (* SDL recommendation *)
-        let fscServerExe = typeof<TypeInThisAssembly>.Assembly.Location
-        Driver.main(fscServerExe, Array.append [| "fsc.exe" |] argv); 
+        runMain(Array.append [| "fsc.exe" |] argv); 
     with e -> 
         errorRecovery e Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Range.range0; 
diff --git a/src/utils/CompilerLocationUtils.fs b/src/utils/CompilerLocationUtils.fs
index c118fb0..e6b4213 100755
--- a/src/utils/CompilerLocationUtils.fs
+++ b/src/utils/CompilerLocationUtils.fs
@@ -319,10 +319,12 @@ module internal FSharpEnvironment =
     // Check if the framework version 4.5 or above is installed at the given key entry 
     let IsNetFx45OrAboveInstalledAt subkey =
+       try 
         useKey subkey (fun regkey ->
             match regkey with
             | null -> false
             | _ -> regkey.GetValue("Release", 0) :?> int |> (fun s -> s >= 0x50000)) // 0x50000 implies 4.5.0
+       with _ -> false
     // Check if the framework version 4.5 or above is installed
     let IsNetFx45OrAboveInstalled =

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-apps/packages/fsharp.git

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