Bug#752726: stumpwm: FTBFS - SIGSEGV cannot be cured.

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Mon Jul 28 23:46:47 UTC 2014

> It looks like a CLISP bug to me, so I've reassigned it to clisp.
> FWIW, it doesn't crash on my system when built using cowbuilder.

So the segmentation fault remains fully reproducible on my systems, and the
following command suffices to cause the problem:

~/stumpwm-0.9.8# /usr/bin/clisp -on-error exit -x \
"(load \"/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-asdf/asdf.lisp\") (load (compile-file \"load-stumpwm.lisp\"))"

Also, running gdb /usr/bin/clisp (without any further arguments) immediately
raises a segmentation fault. Looks pretty fishy to me. Clisp maintainers, please
let me know if I happen to remain the only one who can reproduce this.


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