[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#542928: Bug#542928: cryptsetup fail with kernel 2.6.30-6

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Sun Aug 23 21:57:16 UTC 2009


On 22/08/2009 Guillaume JAOUEN wrote:
> Since upgrade of the kernel to 2.6.30-6, my laptop fail to start and
> doesn't ask for the lucks passphrase so my LVM setup can't start and
> the system lost debian-root and debian-swap filesystem...
> Rebooting with 2.6.29 old kernel start properly.

thanks for your bugreport. in order to detect the problem it would be
very useful if you could provide further information:

- do you use a selfcompiled kernel, or did you install the default
  debian kernel (in package linux-image-2.6.30-1-amd64)?

- if you use a selfcompiled kernel, could you attach the .config of both
  the working 2.6.29 kernel and the broken 2.6.30 kernel?

- when you boot the broken 2.6.30 kernel, what exactly happens? do you
  get some message like 'root filesystem not found'? do you see an
  emergency shell of the initramfs?

- from the initramfs shell, please give the output of 'cat /proc/crypto'
  and 'cat /proc/modules'.
  you can do that by saving the output into a logfile on the boot fs.
  i.e. if your boot partition is /dev/sda1, do the following:
  mount /dev/sda1 /boot
  cat /proc/crypto > /boot/proc_crypto_log
  cat /proc/modules > /boot/proc_modules_log

  afterwards reboot with the working 2.6.29 kernel and attach both
  logfiles from /boot to your reply mail.

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