[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#999731: cryptsetup-suspend: fails to wake up screen after suspend

Guilhem Moulin guilhem at debian.org
Wed Aug 17 12:50:36 BST 2022

Control: tag -1 moreinfo

Hi Jonas!

On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 at 17:22:54 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (2021-11-15 18:06:57)
>> cryptsetup-suspend looks promising, but unfortunately failed for me so 
>> far on my ARM-based laptop - TERES-I - running an up-to-date bookwork 
>> sytem with with the Wayland-based window-manager Sway: Without 
>> cryptsetup-suspend, waking up leads to screen being backlit-black 
>> where I can either hit ESC and get visual feedback from sway-lock, or 
>> CTRL+ALT+F2 and get a text console; with cryptsetup-suspend installed, 
>> waking up also leads to screen being backlit-black but not responding 
>> to keyboard entry - system is however enough restored that I can power 
>> it down and then examine the journal.
> Still unresponsive after wakeup without swaylock.
> That laptop has an odd builtin keyboard that requires a 2 second delay 
> in u-boot or it fails to initialize.  But that should not be an issue 
> here: I can enter LUKS password succesfully - only afterwards the screen 
> switches to a deadlocked state.

Do I understand correctly that:

  1/ the system suspends properly (presumably after suspending the LUKS
  2/ waking the system ups yields a cryptsetup prompt and the disk(s) can
     be unlocked properly; but
  3/ you don't get your window manager as you left it?


Does `sudo openvt -ws -c8 -- sh -c 'echo hello; sleep 3'` switch to VT8,
print there, and switch back to the window manager some seconds later?

If not, then the issue is the hardcoded VT-switching logic and we'll
need to find another workaround.  If yes, then perhaps adding `set -x`
at the top of /lib/cryptsetup/scripts/suspend/cryptsetup-suspend-wrapper
might shed some light on the execution flow?  You'll find the trace at
`journalctl -u systemd-suspend.service`.

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