Package: cupsys<br>Version: 1.3.2<br><br>My printer used to work before an upgrade from debian sarge to debian etch.<br><br>After the upgrade, The cups web interface kept on telling "Printer not connected, retry in 30 seconds"<br><br>Here are the infos from my printer (which I got from printconf that was unable to install the printer)<br><br><autodetect><br> <usb><br> <description>Hewlett-Packard DesignJet 500+HPGL2 (42'' sized)</description><br> <manufacturer>Hewlett-Packard</manufacturer><br> <model>DesignJet 500+HPGL2 (C7770B)</model><br> </usb><br></autodetect><br><br>printers.conf is<br><br># Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.3.2<br># Written by cupsd on 2007-11-07 13:06<br><Printer Traceur><br>Info Traceur HP DesignJet 500<br>Location Cave<br>DeviceURI usb://HP/DesignJet%20500+HPGL2%20(C7770B)<br>State Idle<br>StateTime
1194437176<br>Accepting Yes<br>Shared Yes<br>JobSheets none none<br>QuotaPeriod 0<br>PageLimit 0<br>KLimit 0<br>OpPolicy default<br>ErrorPolicy abort-job<br></Printer><br><br><br><p> 
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