cyrus-imapd 1.5.19-20 bug #339073

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh hmh at
Sun Jan 15 14:24:21 UTC 2006

severity 339073 grave
clone 339073 -1
reassign -1 cyrus21-imapd
found -1 2.1.18-1
notfound -1 1.5.19-20
owner -1 hmh at
retitle -1 UPGRADE.Debian: suggested purge of cyrus-imapd causes data loss

#339073 is a bug that causes old cyrus-imapd to silently WIPE OUT the
entirely of /var/lib/cyrus and /var/spool/cyrus on package purge.

This makes it impossible for the user to upgrade the package to a new cyrus
packages without moving the directories away beforehand.  I don't care that
the package is only in stable, this is a grave bug on the package upgrade
path for cyrus 2.1 or 2.2, so I am bumping up the severity.

Maybe we won't be able to fix it through stable-updates (in that case, a
wontfix tag should be added), but I think we should ask the release manager
anyway.  Matthew, I assume you don't mind we getting our noses on the old
cyrus package as this deals with the upgrade path to the new ones?

The bug is present in stable (sarge), and it is not present in oldstable
(woody).  Somehow, a part of the cyrus-imapd tree is missing from the
changelog, and that includes all the 1.5.19-9.2 (oldstable) to 1.5.19-9.9
series of packages, so I have no idea how and why someone would have removed
the question about purging the data files.  But that matters little.  We now
have to deal with the issue.

The cyrus21-imapd packages in sarge, etch and sid all assume the behaviour
in the *woody* packages, and thus UPGRADE.Debian instructs people to purge
cyrus-imapd.  We have to get this fixed somehow in stable, IMHO.  If we
can't fix the bad behaviour of cyrus-common 1.5.19-20's postinst, we have to
fix the documentation on cyrus21-imapd in stable.

What do you guys think we should do?

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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