Upgrading cyrus

Sven Mueller sven at incase.de
Wed Sep 22 09:56:50 UTC 2010

Patrick Goetz schrieb:
> On 09/12/2010 02:28 AM, Benjamin Seidenberg wrote:
>> That may be true for large organizations, but misses TONS of use cases,
>> from individuals with personal servers to non-profits to schools to
>> places where admins can choose to spend their time more easily than they
>> can requisition new hardware to.... Additionally, it fails to take in to
>> account a variety of reasons for upgrading - tracking security updates,
>> wanting new features, etc. Also, I think that doing a message sync via
>> imap is significantly more complex for a user than using a pre-written
>> script to update their database.
> Seems reasonable.  The redhat script Jeroen van Meeuwen alluded to seems
> like a good starting point for a way to update cyrus databases for an
> upgrade, but I'm currently not sure this will work for people (like me)
> upgrading from 2.1.X, as it seems the db files have changed.

Indeed, upgrading from 2.1.X is probably something we won't support
automatically. I remember this upgrade (to 2.2) being a process that
took quite a bit of hard to automate work. Upgrading from 2.2 to 2.3 on
the other hand actually seems to be mostly a thing of just installing
2.3 (at least that worked fine on a simple (non-murder) test
installation I did.


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