[Pkg-db-devel] Upgrade to db4.5 and #421954

Nicolas Duboc nduboc at debian.org
Fri Jul 27 11:54:28 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jul 27, 2007 at 07:08:33AM -0400, Clint Adams wrote:
> >  I wondered if spamprobe itself could implement this automatic upgrade
> > on the next access to each database. My knowlegde of libdb is very
> > limited.
> I took a very brief glance at spamprobe, and it looks as though it is
> using a simple BTREE environment without making use of the transaction
> or logging subsystems.  Therefore you won't need to do anything.

  Indeed no transaction or logging but a spamprobe linked against db4.5
can't write on a database created with spamprobe linked against db4.2 :

    ~% spamprobe -d test-spamprobe-db4.2 receive < email
    error: unable to open environment test-spamprobe-db4.2-filled: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch
    caught runtime exception: unable to open words database

  Read-only access works. But a large portion of spamprobe users use
spamprobe commands that update the database when an email is scanned
(spamprobe "receive" command for instance).

> For future reference, though, if you do need to upgrade the database,
> the open will return DB_OLD_VERSION.  You can follow that up with a
> DB->upgrade or equivalent.  In the past, it's not been a good idea to
> do the upgrade unconditionally due to what is probably a memory leak.

  OK so that confirms my first thought that a debconf or NEWS.Debian
notice when upgrading the package is the only solution.


Nicolas Duboc <nduboc at debian.org>
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