[Pkg-e-devel] pkg-e, enlightenment (e16) future.

Niv Sardi xaiki at debian.org
Mon Nov 12 01:14:27 UTC 2007


as we discussed it a few month ago, I am quite concerned about the
fact that debian doesn't ship e16.8, and that I'd really like to see
e16 integrated in pkg-e.

E16.8 adds a lot of improvement to the version in debian, maybe most
noticable is the composite manager, but speed has been enhanced, as
well as lot of bug fixes.

Your last upload of enlightenment was more than a year ago, and there
are heaps of bugs in the BTS (30ish) are you still interested in it's
packaging ?

Upstream also changed e's name to e16 (replacing enlightenment) and we
would like to push that change to debian too, witch will avoid
confusions with e17 when it kicks in (RSN).

I would love to move maintainance to pkg-e (where you are most
welcomed), and have prepared packages for e16.8 that you can get at:

If you have any coments on those packages please reply to the list,
and unless you express strong oposition, I'll upload them to unstable
in a week time.

Niv Sardi

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